Universityof Oslo

Application for admission to the Ph.D.-programme at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo

Closing dates for applications: 15 March or 15 September

Surname / First name
Private address / E-mail address / Date of birth / national id. 11 digits
Telephone / Nationality
Research project
Project information
Project start
Planned completion of project (year/semester)
Planned periods as visiting research scholar
Special resourceneeds
Particular challenges with regard to research ethical questions
Plans for the publicising of the project
Suggested supervisor / co-supervisor (if any)
Place ofwork/employment
Funding plan
Source offunding / Type of funding (self financing, stipend, employment etc. ) /

Fundingperiod (from-to)

/ When will you receive the result of your funding application?*

* If funding has been granted, enclose a copy of the funding letter.

Lowerdegree(pleasetick) / Bachelor / Other:
Obtained (semester, year): / At:
Higherdegree (pleasetick) / Cand. Theol. / Master / Other:
Obtained (semester, year): / At:
Marks awarded, higherdegree
Title of main subject thesis
Previous posts held (if relevant) / Position / Employer / Period
I hereby declare that the information provided in this application is correct and that I am familiar with the conditions for admission and, as the case may be, appointment.


The closing date for applications is 15 March and 15 September. Any applications that have been submitted or postmarked later than this date will not be taken into consideration during the current semester.
An application shall consist of
  • completed and signed application form
  • project description
  • list of published and unpublished works
  • curriculum vitae
  • copy of certified examination certificates and certificates of service
  • documentation of own funding
stapled together in the specified order, in 4 copies. Certificates will not be returned to the applicant. Testimonials will not be taken into account when applications are being considered.
Applications that not comply with these demands will not be processed.
When applying for admission to the doctoral degree programme with one's own funding (staff in academic institutions with time for their own research, private means, research fellowships etc.) the applicant must submit satisfactory documentation of own funding of the research education.
Normal time for a ph.d.degree is 3 years of full time study. An applicant with external financing must be able to document that they will be able to work at least 50% of their normal working time on their doctoral work.
The project description shall be no more than 10 pages in length, including footnotes and bibliography. The project description must include a progress plan.
A supervisor shall be a person holding an appointment in the Faculty. Normally no financial support is provided for an assistant supervisor or any supervisor external to the Faculty. The supervisor shall be a professor or hold a doctoral degree or be in possession of equivalent qualifications. Admission of a candidate implies that the programme has the necessary supervisory expertise and capacity in the field in which the candidate wishes to write his or her dissertation. A supervisor will be appionted on admission.
General information about Ph.D. at the Faculty

Send your application to:Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo,
P.O.Box 1023 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo