Emergency Activation Plan (EAP)
Clinton Community College
Responsible Department: Health Services
Contact Person: Nicole Powers Allen, RN
Effective Date: December 18, 2002, revised March 2004
Contributing Departments: Buildings and Grounds, Human Resources, Student Affairs
Contributing Policies: Chemical Hygiene Plan
Outside Contributors: Dan Collins, South Plattsburgh Fire Department
Jim King, Emergency Medical Services
Sgt. Chad Niles, New York State Police
Approved by: Health and Safety Committee—December 6, 2002
South Plattsburgh Fire Department—December 9, 2002
EMS—November 18, 2002
New York State Police—November 19, 2002
Clinton Community College Board of Trustees-12/17/02, revision 4/27/04
Replace: Policies and Procedures Manual
Supersedes (specifically): 0901 Evacuation
0904 Emergency Medical Assistance
Dated: First Edition, Spring 1990
Second Edition, Fall 1992
The following plan will be implemented in the event of fire, smoke or the smell of smoke, and other emergencies. Faculty, staff, students, contractors, temporary employees, volunteers and visitors are expected to comply with the procedures contained herein. Normal operating hours are posted on each building's entrance.
Special considerations for the evacuation are noted in the following:
Appendix A—Safe Fire and Evacuation Practices
Appendix B—Chemical and Hazardous Material Spill Exposure
Appendix C—Bomb Threat, Explosion and Natural Disaster Management
Appendix D—Special Considerations for the Individuals with Disabilities
Appendix E— Emergency Medical Response Team Protocol/Procedure
Appendix F— Bioterrorism
Appendix G—Mental Health Plan / Crisis Intervention
Implementation/Activation (mnemonic R A C E):
Rescue Remove all occupants in immediate danger, away from the hazard. Individuals with disabilities may be asked to wait to be rescued in a designated fire rated stairwell landing.
Alarm Pull manual alarm. Call 911 to report to County Dispatcher (ask them to also notify NYSEG) and Notify the Campus Security (direct cell phone # is 593-0777).
When reporting a fire by telephone you will need to provide the following information:
1. Name of person making call
2. Location and nature of the emergency: building #, floor, room number
3. People injured, trapped or disabled (if applicable)
Do not hang-up until the information has been confirmed.
Confine Close all doors and windows to prevent the fire from spreading. Do not lock doors or windows. Do not attempt to extinguish fires.
Evacuate Evacuate the building in an orderly manner. Close all windows and doors upon exiting each room, unless instructed otherwise (See Appendix C). Do not lock windows or doors. Direct occupants to the nearest unobstructed fire exit. Assist the disabled to the nearest fire exit or stairwell; instruct a volunteer to notify the fire department of their location. A volunteer should stay with the disabled person until emergency assistance arrives. Exit the building using the closest unobstructed emergency exit; maps are located next to classroom doors. Move to a place at least 300 feet from the building being evacuated.
1. Activate the 911 system, if the switchboard receives the call.
2. Announce the location of the drill and all information given to them by the caller over the in-house radios. (i.e. “Fire Drill, 5th floor, Room 222, evacuation procedure in effect.”)
3. Maintain the Switchboard until asked to evacuate by the fire department or other staff member.
1. Are responsible for evacuating the floor in which they are located at the time of the drill. Close all windows and doors (leave unlocked) upon leaving each room, unless instructed otherwise (see Appendix C).
2. Solicit the assistance of a volunteer to assist with the evacuation. It is recommended that employees work in pairs.
3. Notify Switchboard Operator, Campus Security, Buildings and Grounds Department, and Clinton County Dispatch of the need for additional assistance using the emergency phones located on each floor.
4. Assist disabled individual(s) to evacuate the area or assist them to the nearest fire rated stairwell landing, request a volunteer to stay with the individual and notify the fire department that assistance is needed. It is required that individuals (students) with physical disabilities identify themselves to the Health Office upon their initial visit to the campus (prior to an emergency). The individual will inform the Health Office/Employer of any special considerations that may be required in the event of an evacuation or other emergency. It is also recommended that individuals with disabilities identify at least two buddies (in each class/office/area they frequent each day) that would be able to assist them with the evacuation process.
5. Notify the fire department about the status of their area. (i.e. “The 4th floor is believed to be evacuated, no visible signs of fire or smoke.”)
1. Maintenance personnel will report to the location of the emergency and assess the situation. They will take immediate corrective action if able to do so safely. In the absence of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds the senior maintenance person will assign respective department members until the responding emergency agency arrives and establishes command. If there is available staff on duty, one person will be sent to the fire alarm panel to identify the point of activation. A second individual will go to the building entrance to escort the responding agency to the specific location within the building and inform them of the problem that has been identified.
2. Notify the fire department of any distress signal from individuals unable to evacuate the building.
3. When available, contact the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds by paging 574-1183. Key in your return phone number and stand by the phone for further direction.
1. Evacuate your area and assist in moving any person with disabilities to a safe zone and immediately notify the responding emergency agency of the location of the person who is disabled.
2. Custodial personnel including those working at other buildings will report to the building that is in alarm and assist Campus Security in directing vehicles and pedestrian traffic at least 300 feet away from the building in preparation for emergency response vehicles.
3. If there are no maintenance or Campus Security personnel on duty when the situation arises, contact the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds by paging 574-1183. Key in your return phone number and stand by the phone for further direction.
Health Office (or designee):
(8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., M-F, after 4:00 p.m. call 911 for emergency first aid)
1. Assist with the evacuation process.
2. Provide emergency first aid as needed.
3. Notify 911 if additional medical assistance is needed.
4. Notify the location of persons with disabilities requiring evacuation from stairwell to the Incident Commander for South Plattsburgh Fire Department.
1. Assist with the orderly evacuation of occupants and direct all vehicle and pedestrian traffic at least 300 feet away from the building in preparation for emergency response vehicles. Establish a secure perimeter until the incident commander clears the building.
2. If the incident escalates and requires establishing an Incident Command Center report to the Command Center for direction from the Officer in charge.
William H. Forrence (HPER) Center:
East entrance evacuates to the far side of the oval.
Parking lot entrance evacuates to the east side of the parking lot away from the parking lot entrance.
Main Building:
Evacuates to the western most side of the oval.
Technology Annex and Carpenter Shop:
Evacuates to the western most side of the oval.
Ronald B. Stafford Center for Arts, Science and Technology:
Evacuates to the parking lot on the west side of the building (near the HPER Center).
McKinley Cottage Child Care Center:
Evacuates to the Science and Technology Center.
Annual Evaluation
The Health and Safety Committee will evaluate the effectiveness of the plan annually, during the month of January, and make necessary changes. All fire alarm activation will be reviewed and appropriate documentation completed.
The Health and Safety Committee and the South Plattsburgh Fire Chief (or designee) will approve all changes to the plan. All changes will be communicated in writing to all employees.
A Table Top Exercise of the College Fire Evacuation Plan will be conducted with the South Plattsburgh Fire Department at least annually. A designee of the Health and Safety Committee will coordinate said exercise.
Appendix A
Fire Safety and Evacuation Practices
2. DO NOT panic.
3. Do not re-enter the building until directed by the fire department.
4. Stay in single file in the stairway; fire department personnel may be coming up the same stairway.
5. Before opening any door, feel the door with the back of your hand first to see if it is hot.
a. If the door is not hot, open it slowly. Then exit according to the evacuation plan.
b. If you are in a classroom/office and are attempting to exit and find that the door is hot, do not open it.
i. Call 911 and let them know of your exact location.
ii. Keep door closed; place a towel or article of clothing along the bottom edge of the door. Hand something out the window to let rescue personnel know you are still in there. RE-CLOSE WINDOW so that fire and/or smoke will not be drawn into room. Do not lock doors or windows.
6. If smoke is too heavy in any passageway, do not enter the passageway.
a. Call 911 and let them know of your location.
b. Keep door closed; place a towel or article of clothing along the bottom edge of the door. Hang something out the window to let rescue personnel know you are still in there. RE-CLOSE WINDOW so that fire and/or smoke will not be drawn into room. Do not lock doors or windows.
7. Stay low—smoke and toxic gases that can choke or kill you rises and your exposure to them can be minimized if you crawl.
8. Smoke only in designated areas.
9. Keep all corridors free of combustibles. This includes placing notices only on designated bulletin boards in hall corridors.
10. Do not prop open fire and smoke doors.
11. Report any unsafe conditions to Campus Security or to the Buildings and Grounds Department immediately. Examples include:
a. Blocked or locked exit doors
b. Blocked corridors
c. Combustible storage in corridors
d. Burned out exit lights
e. Emergency lighting not working
12. Do not use the phone or call the campus switchboard during a fire drill unless you are reporting an emergency. In the event of a fire your call could prevent or delay a call from someone in need of assistance.
Incident Command Center
In the event of a catastrophic event, or a potentially catastrophic situation arises (i.e. fire, bioterrorism threat, bomb threat, etc.) that would require an Incident Command Center, said center will be under the control of the governing agency (i.e. South Plattsburgh Fire Dept. Chief, Director of Clinton County Emergency Management, New York State Police) respective to the nature of the incident. Two possible locations for an Incident Command Center are the Board Room of the Main Academic Building and the Athletic Director's Office in the William H. Forrence HPER Center. The President of the College, or appointed College Official(s) may also access said Incident Command Center.
Appendix B
Chemical and Hazardous Material Spill/Exposure
In the event of a serious chemical or hazardous material exposure the following procedure will be activated:
Person that identified the spill/exposure will:
1. Evacuate the immediate area by pulling fire alarm.
2. Confine the spill area if safe to do so.
3. Evacuate self from immediate area and notify the Chemical Hygiene Officer, Mike Lawliss, at extension 377 or by cell phone at 570-7585. (If unavailable notify the Operator who will notify the Building and Grounds Department.)
Chemical Hygiene Officer (or designee) will:
1. Determine the risk of exposure:
a. Provide MSDS
i. Type of material involved
ii. Quantities involved
iii. Possible exposures
iv. Immediate dangers
v. Need to evacuate
2. Coordinate with local EMS and Fire Personnel at Command Post
3. Status of evacuation
4. Provide preliminary assessment of scene
5. Notify the College Health Office
6. Notify Building and Grounds Personnel
Health Office will establish the need for additional EMS and provide emergency first aid following established protocol.
Mandatory Reporting:
1. The Chemical Hygiene Officer and/or Building and Grounds Personnel will notify State and Federal Governments immediately after the spill occurs.
State Hotline (518) 457-7362
Federal National Response Center (800) 424-8802
2. Routine questions concerning the environmental aspects of spills may be addressed to the NYSDEC, Ray Brook, New York 12977 or by calling (518) 891-1370.
Appendix C
Bomb Threat, Explosion and Natural Disaster Management
In the event of a disaster (declared or undeclared) every effort will be taken to ensure the health and safety of all individuals on campus. If time and conditions permit, the campus will be evacuated. If conditions are such that it would be unsafe to evacuate the campus, all individuals will take the following precautions. The Main Academic Building will be used as the primary evacuation site. The Technology Center will be utilized, if additional space is needed (these buildings have generator backup in the event of power loss).
Bomb Threats
Any bomb threat should be taken seriously. Recipient of call will complete "Threatening Call Log-Bomb Threat" (see Appendix C-1 attached hereto) to the best of his/her ability and call 911 to report details to County Dispatcher. Also, notify Campus Security and the President's Office. Evacuation of the involved premises will occur with any bomb threat. DO NOT MENTION "BOMB SCARE" during evacuation. The order to evacuate will be given verbally, along with instructions to leave doors and windows open. Do NOT pull fire alarm. A secondary bomb may be placed in an area where bomber suspects people will gather. Therefore, before anyone gathers in a "safe evacuation site," Buildings and Grounds personnel (including Campus Security) who are very familiar with the buildings/grounds will quickly scan the "safe area" and evacuation routes for anything that looks out of place (i.e. book bag in middle of floor). Do not re-enter building for any reason. Upon arrival of police or fire department, advise of situation and relinquish control of situation to police/fire department authorities. Law enforcement may ask for "employee volunteers" to assist them with the building search. Staff volunteers, who are very familiar with the campus buildings/grounds, may spot something out of the ordinary much quicker than someone from the "outside." The College President, or designee, will be updated and kept abreast of the situation. The affected building/area may be re-occupied only after the local/state authorities and (in conjunction with) the College President, or designee, deem it is safe to re-enter.
If a suspicious package or potential threat is outside, people will be directed to remain indoors, as far away from threat as possible. People outside will be directed indoors, again as far away from threat as possible.