How to Search in IRIS and COS

IRIS (Illinois Research Information Services) and COS (Community of Science) are searchable databases that can help you in your search for funding. You can access both databases on the GSAF website ( ).


IRIS (Illinois Research Information Services) is a database that is free of charge for students on all on-campus GWU computers (you must be using an on-campus computer to access IRIS for free). This database is highly varied and contains over 9,000 active federal and private funding opportunities in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

By clicking our link to IRIS, you will be taken to the database’s homepage (

Click on “IRIS Database.” This will take you to the main search page.

You can search IRIS by sponsor, deadline date, keyword, and other criteria. Most IRIS records contain live links to sponsor Web sites, electronic forms, or Electronic Research Administration (ERA) portals. The IRIS Database is updated daily.

It is best to start broad when you first begin searching on IRIS. This is best executed by clicking on “Choose Keywords.”

Click on the keyword that is related to your search. We’ll use “International Affairs,” as an example.

As you can see, IRIS has included a list of keywords that fall in the “International Studies,” category. This is where you can be more specific, or stay more general. Let’s go for the latter and just select “Developing and Underdeveloped Countries.”

You can either add more keywords by repeating the steps above, or return to the main search screen by hitting “Load into Search Statement.”

Note that “Developing and Underdeveloped Countries” is now in the “Keyword” field.

Make sure that your results are sorted by “Deadline,” not “Sponsor.” Also fill in whatever other fields are applicable.

Select your “Academic Qualifications.” For Master’s students, it will be “Graduate Students.”

Hit “Search.”

As you can see, IRIS will place rolling deadlines before set deadlines. Scroll down to see if any of the subject lines appeal to you. Clicking on the blue link will take you to an information screen that will give you more information about the link.

IRIS will not only provide pertinent information such as “Citizenship” and “Applicant Information,” but also a brief outline of the funding opportunity and a link to the opportunity’s website.


COS (Community of Science) is a database that is free of charge for students on all on-campus GWU computers (you must be using an on-campus computer to access COS for free). This database has more than 25,000 records representing over $33 billion in funding. COS has funding for research, collaborations, travel, curriculum development, conferences, fellowships, and postdoctoral positions as well as equipment acquisitions, capital and/or operating expenses.

By clicking our link to COS, you will be taken to the database’s search page (

Again, as with IRIS, start with a general search.

After you have entered your search words, hit “COS Search.”

From this screen you can sort your search by “Grant Title,” “Sponsor,” “Deadline,” and/or “Amount,” just by clicking on the arrow buttons next to each field.COS also gives you brief descriptions of funding when you roll your mouse over an opportunity.

You can also click on the item for even more detail.

The main search screen of COS also has more specific options for searching.

For instance, clicking “Advanced Search” will take you to a new screen that will ask for more detailed information.

This screen is for a more specific search

Another very useful way to look for dissertation funding is to go back to the main search screen and hit “Search Wizard.” This will prompt a specific, yet wide-reaching search.

Click on what describes you, then hit “Next Step.”

Click on what applies to you on this screen, then hit “Next Step.” You will be prompted through a few other screens, which will lead you to the results of this search.

COS also gives an option of limiting your search even further.

As you can see, both IRIS and COS can certainly aid you in your search for funding. Good luck!

Office of Graduate Student Assistantships and Fellowships
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