ulf coast chapter

texas association forpupil transportation

Proudly Serving Regions IV and VI since 1972

Brian Weisinger
Spring ISD / Samuel X. Davila
Vice President
Conroe ISD / Keith A. Kaup
Sheldon ISD / William Conaway
College Station ISD / Marisa Weisinger
Columbia-Brazoria ISD

February 2007 Chapter Newsletter

In preparation for the March Chapter Meeting, there are a few information items that need to be passed along to the membership. Please review the following information and we will open the information for discussion at the March Chapter Meeting.

Amended By-Laws PROPOSAL

Please review the attached PROPOSED amendments to the GCAPT By-Laws. The following is a brief outline of the proposed changes:

  1. various grammatical and punctuation corrections
  2. changing the offices of the Executive Committee from President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian to President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Ex-Officio. This change provides one more officer and allows for better distribution of the officer duties. With this change, the Vice President will assume the role and responsibility of historian for the GCAPT.
  3. adding the requirement for Road-e-o contestants to score at least 50% of the total possible score in their category at Regional Road-e-o in order to receive the monetary sponsorship of the GCAPT to attend the State Road-e-o.

These amendments will be scheduled for a vote at the April Chapter Meeting in Deer Park.

Officer Nominations

With the proposed changes to the offices of the Executive Committee,we will be accepting nominations for the offices of TREASURER and SECRETARY for the 2007-2008 school year.

Nominations must be submitted to Keith Kaup by March 30, 2007. The Executive Committee will present a slate of two names for each office to the membership for a vote at the April Chapter Meeting in Deer Park.

School Bus Safety Poster Contest

Please bring all poster entries with you to April Chapter Meeting in Deer Park. We will vote on the posters that will be submitted from both Region IV and Region VI to the State contest in June.

GCAPT Scholarship

The application and guidelines for the GCAPT scholarship are attached to this newsletter and are also available on the GCAPT website at . All scholarship applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2007 and sent to Keith Kaup either by US Mail or by email to by April 1, 2007.

We have a lot coming up as we approach the final stretch of the school year. If you have any questions about any of the information presented in this newsletter, feel free to contact one of the officers on the Executive Committee for more information.

Thank you!