Marriage Policy at St. Lawrence Martyr
Catholic weddings take place in the parish church of the bride or groom. We are happy to meet couples when at least one of the parties is a registered member of our parish and attends Sunday Mass on a regular basis.
Booking Dates for Weddings
A couple must complete the Marriage Request Form available in the parish office. The form must be completed at least one year in advance of the proposed date of marriage. This is a policy of the Archdiocese to ensure adequate time for marriage preparation. In the case of ANY PREVIOUS MARRIAGE no date may be set unless freedom to marry can be documented, in accordance with the Bishop’s Office.
Marriage time schedule
Weddings are celebrated on Saturdays at 12:00pm and 2:00pm. Weekday weddings are permitted according to the availability of the church. The CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops) does not permit weddings on the Lord’s Day; the Lord’s Day begins Saturday evening at 4:30 pm with the celebration of the Sunday Vigil. No weddings are permitted during Holy Week.
Marriage Preparation Course
A couple cannot be married in the Archdiocese of Toronto without first attending a Marriage Preparation Course. Please contact parish office at 416 759- 9369 to register. You may attend the Marriage Preparation Course or attend an Engaged Encounter Weekend at a retreat centre. Weekend Encounters are held at the Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga, (905) 278-5229, or Catholic Family Services at 416 921-1163. Engaged Encounter Weekends are very popular and must be booked months in advance.
Documents Required
Every Catholic being married must present:
An updated certificate of Baptism, issued not more than six months before the marriage date (the certificate cannot be the original certificate).Non-catholic parties who have been baptized, should provide a record of Baptism (a photocopy is permissible for the non-catholic party).All couples must obtain a marriage license at City Hall and bring it to the office at least one month before the wedding.

The Presider at the Marriage ceremony is usually the priest who begins preparation with the couple will be the Presider at the marriage. However, it may sometimes be necessary for another priest to take over after preparation has already begun. Please understand if a change should occur.
Interfaith Marriages

In accordance with Diocesan policy, marriage between a Catholic and a baptized Christian is usually celebrated without the Eucharist. A marriage between a Catholic and an unbaptized person will be celebrated with no Eucharist. Also, the non-Catholic party is NOT required to become a Catholic in order to be married in the Church. A Minister from the church of the non-Catholic party is welcome to take an active part in the wedding at the Catholic Church.