Rc. No. 1671/D1-3/2009Dt. 04-07-2009
Sub:- School Education – Transfers – Head Masters Gr. II and Teachers – certain Guidelines – orders – Reg.
Read:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.15.Edn. Department, Dt:26-01-2009.
2. Govt. Memo. No. 8450/Ser.V/209 dt. 24-06-2009.
3. Progs.Rc.No.1671/D1-3/2009, Dt:24-06-2009.
4. Progs.Rc.No.1671/D1-3/2009, Dt:29-06-2009.
All the District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education are hereby informed that already certain guidelines were issued in this office in the references read above, on transfers of teachers. In addition to those guidelines, certain clarifications / guidelines are issued as follows:
S. No. / Issues / Clarifications/guidelines1 / 2 / 3
1 / The School Assistants and Language Pandits shifted from UP Schools to SUCCESS Schools, whether they may be considered taking the service of previous station for entitlement points / Yes. The School Assistants and Language Pandits shifted from UP Schools to SUCCESS Schools shall claim entitlement points taking the service of previous station/School.
2 / Teachers who are transferred under G.O. 610 and continuing with Court Orders and who have completed 8 years of stay in a particular School, whether they have to be considered for transfer or not / These cases have to be examined case by case. If any District Educational Officer asks specifically with all details of the court case, clarification will be issued.
3 / When wife and Husband are teachers, entitlement points shall be given to both who completed 8 years of service / No, only once spouse shall claim for entitlement points.
4 / Whether blind teachers fall under Physically Handicapped category / Yes, Physically handicapped includes visually handicapped i.e. Blind teachers also.
5 / Whether the teachers who have already availed Special Category entitlement points i.e., 10 points, under spouse in previous counseling, can claim now also / No. As per G.O. Ms. No. 15 dt. 26-01-2009 the teachers who have availed the spouse points during the last 8 years period, shall not claim. Further the teachers, who are claiming spouse points for the present counseling, should submit an undertaking stating that only one spouse is claiming for the spouse points, if wife and husband are teachers/HMs.
6 / At Point “54” of the Guidelines it is stated that transfers shall be effected management wise only. This may be clarified in detail. / Transfers will be permitted within a particular management - ZP / Govt. only. If a teacher is working in GovernmentSchool presently, he has to be transferred to GovernmentSchool only. Similarly if a teacher is working in ZP School presently, he has to be transferred to ZP School only.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State are requested to take action accordingly.
Poonam Malakondaiah, I.A.S.
Commissioner & Director of School Education
All District Educational Officers in the State
All Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the State
Copy submitted to Secretary to Government, Education (SE) Department, Government of AP, Hyderabad
for Commissioner & Director of School Education