Kindergarten RLA 90 min. block Day1 Date
Materials: Trade Book Animal Babies in the Grassland Decodable Reader, Student Readers, Leveled Readers, Talk With Me, Sing With Me Chart, Phonics Songs and Rhyme Chart, Phonics CardsCSO’s: RLA.O.K.1.1, RLA.O.K.1.4, RLA.O.K.1.6, RLA.O.K.1.10, RLA. O. K.2.2
Technology: Document Camera, Laptop Computer, (Waltke’s Web)
Activating Strategy: Oral language/Morning Warm-Up Background Building Ask question of the day “Who lives in grasslands?”
Amazing Voc.: calf, grassland, cub, pup, joey, foal
Phonemic Awareness: Introduce /p/ Display phonics cards sets. Name pictures and initial sound. Students will discriminate /p/ cards. Progress monitor sound fluency.
WVDE Phonemic Awareness Day Lessons:______, ______,______.
Phonics: Introduce and connect /p/ to Pp. Review letter names and sounds of the letters Mm, Aa, Tt, and Ss
Lesson Essential Question: How does connecting sounds to letters help me blend words when I read?
Jennifer Ashlock Model: Teach/ model blending strategy, practice blending sounds to read words.
Fluency: Echo read the decodable readerVocabulary: Introduce words: we, my, like. Review previously taught words that are on the word wall.( have, the, is, I)
Comprehension: Main Idea
Lesson Essential Question: How do I identify the main idea of a story?
Assessment Prompt/Summarizing Strategy: Review that a main idea is the most important thing the author wants to talk about. Teacher will model filling in a word web graphic organizer to demonstrate the main idea. Prompt students by asking what the names of animal babies are. Students will relate main idea to everyday life. Ask students what the main reason they go to school. Teacher will model writing the student responses on a graphic organizer. Students will illustrate their responses.
Small Group Instruction: Based on Assessment
Listen to me reader:
”Pat the Penguin”
Identify Pp /p/
Reread several times
Rev. high frequency
Intro. Rebus words –
P. DI 25 / Strategic:
Decodable Rdr. #8
“Sam & Tam”
Model fluent reading
Read chorally- Read
individually – re-read
and monitor progress / Benchmark:
Decodable Rdr. #8
“Sam & Tam”
Model fluent reading
Read chorally- Read
individually – re-read
and monitor progress
Process Writing Block (30 to 45 minutes according to schedule):
Daily Fix-Its T.E. pg. 143 Lincoln Co. Process Writing Model
Journal: Dictate the name and draw a picture of a grassland baby.