SOLOM Assignment and Rubric
Florida Standards for ESOL Endorsement:ESOL1.1. a. Understand apply knowledge about cultural values/beliefs in the context of teaching/learning of ELLs, from diverse backgrounds
& at varying English proficiency levels.
ESOL 1.1.c. Use a range of resources in learning about cultural experiences of ELLs & their families to guide curriculum developmentinstruction.
ESOL 1.1.f. Understand apply knowledge about concepts related to the interrelationship between languageculture for students from diverse
backgrounds at varying English proficiency levels.
ESOL 2.1.a. Demonstrate knowledge of the components of language understanding of language as an integrative & communicative system.
ESOL 2.1.e. Identify similarities & differences between English & other languages reflected in the ELL student population.
Instructions: Administer the SOLOM toan ELL. Analyze the sub scores by including the following:
(a)EL’s background (age, grade, place of birth, years in U.S., native language, learning style, culture,etc.)
(b)academic status, strengths/weaknesses in content areas, proficiency level in English
(c)SOLOM score & scores in each skill area with justification for arriving at each score
(d)learning disabilities or language impairments (if appropriate)
(e)description of two instructional strategies/activities to promote the development of EL’s speaking & listening
(f)description of strategies that may be used to accommodate potential language/learning disabled ELs
(g)inclusion of three culturally linguistically sensitive resources to develop EL’s listening speaking skills
(h)explanation of how these strategies resources promote a safe learning environment for ELs
(i)at least five resources addressing the benefits of teaching all students.
Exceptional =Analysisis outstanding; significantly above expectation;Proficient =Analysis is at level of expectation;
Novice = Analysis is weak; skills/standards are not sufficiently demonstrated.
Elements / Criteria
0 / Novice / Proficient / Exceptional
Assessment &
Proficiency Level
30% / Describes EL’s cultural background, learning style, and language skills(e.g., values, attitudes, English proficiency level, similarities/differences in U.S. culture EL’s culture)(ESOL1.1. a)
Provides a descriptive rationale for each score to demonstrate knowledge of ways to promote EL’s culture language skills (ESOL 1.1.f.)
Describes similarities differences between English EL’s native language(s) (ESOL 2.1.e.)
Issues & Strategies
30% / Proposes strategies to enhance instruction based on EL’s culture languages (e.g., select describe a minimum of three (3) culturally linguistically sensitive resources –textbooks, manipulatives, technologies, etc.) (ESOL 1.1.c.)
Analyzes EL’s linguistic level based on second language acquisition theories explains ways to support EL’s language skills to foster effective oral communication (e.g., describe a minimum of two (2) strategies for speaking/listening)(ESOL 2.1.a.)
Environmental Factors 20% / Describes an environment to foster language skills cultural experiences for all students (e.g., describe a classroom setting that promotes respect a community of learners based on EL’s culture language)(ESOL 1.1.f.)
Defines general attitudes regarding ESOL that may lead to misinterpretation by others (e.g., describe your own culture how it relates to that of your EL’s)
10% / Assessment includes knowledge of exceptionality issues (e.g., describe two (2) strategies to accommodate potential learning/language disabled ELs)
Resources, Conventions
10% / Identifies describes five (5) resources appropriate for EL’s academic development based on cultural background learning experiences (ESOL 1.1.c.)
Report is organized with appropriate syntax, usage, and spelling
Comments:Grade: ______
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