“Every Millionaire Counts” Tour Background and Talking Points
Thiswill be Romney's first multi-state campaign swing since he became the presumptive nominee in late April.
In a statement announcing his "Every Town Counts" tour, Romney said: "President Obama has offered no hope for the future, and he has left American families to bear the burden of his failed policies."
Obama won all six states in 2008, but Republicans think Romney has a shot at taking them back this year.
The “Every Millionaire Counts” tour is part of a national effort from MoveOn.org Political Action to hold Mitt Romney accountable on the campaign trail.
Romney would be great for the 1% but a disaster for the economy and the middle class.
We need a President of the United States, Not a President of the 1%.
Romney would lay off teachers and firefighters and gut Medicare in order to fund more tax privileges for the ultra rich. (Romney alone stands to gain $5 million in tax advantages from if his proposals are implemented.)
Romney was a corporate raider at Bain Capital, which laid off workers and devastated small town communities like the ones he is visiting on his tour.
Now Romney wants to raid our economy and the middle class to pay for billions in subsidies for Big Oil and other giant corporations, as well as tax privileges for the wealthiest few.
He'd roll back regulations on Wall Street that were put in place to prevent yet another economic collapse.
We need to level the playing field but Romney would rig the system even further in favor of the 1%.
Romney is out of touch and doesn’t seem to understand that the middle class are already taking it on the chin.
It’s easy to see why the 1% are planning to funnel more than $1 billion into shady Super PACs in an effort to buy the election.
But they don’t have our people power – more than 7 million MoveOn members across the country are organizing to fight for the middle class and make clear that Romney is the candidate of and for the 1%.
MoveOn’s “Every Millionaire Counts” entourage will follow Mitt Romney and MoveOn members will show up to meet him throughout his 6-state road trip – stopping in small towns in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa and ending in Michigan.