Advanced Special Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialtist Set

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Specialty Set: Advanced Special Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialtist

CEC Advanced Preparation Standard 1 Assessment

Revised / Present
ACSI1 K1 / ACSI4 K1 / Evaluation process and determination of eligibility.
ACSI1 K2 / ACSI4 K2 / Variety of methods for assessing and evaluating the performance of individuals with exceptionalities.
ACSI1 K3 / ACSI4 K3 / Strategies for identifying individuals with exceptionalities
ACSI1 K4 / ACSI4 K4 / Evaluate anindividual’s success in the general education curriculum.
SEDHS1K1 / DHH4K1 / Policy and research implications that promote recommended practices in assessment and evaluation.
ACSI1 S1 / ACSI4 S1 / Design and use methods for assessing and evaluating programs.
ACSI1 S2 / ACSI4 S2 / Design and implement research activities to examine the effectiveness of instructional practices.
ACSI1 S3 / ACSI4 S3 / Advocate for evidence based practices in assessment.
ACSI1 S4 / ACSI4 S4 / Report the assessment of individuals’ performance and evaluation of instructional programs.

CEC Advanced Preparation Standard 2 Curricular Content Knowledge


CEC Advanced Preparation Standard 3 Programs, Services, and Outcomes

ACSI3 K1 / ACSI2 K1 / Effects of the cultural and environmental milieu of the child and the family on behavior and learning.
ACSI3 K2 / ACSI2 K2 / Theories and methodologies of teaching and learning, including adaptation and modification of curriculum.
ACSI3 K3 / ACSI2 K3 / Continuum of program options and services available to individuals with exceptionalities.
ACSI3 K4 / ACSI2 K4 / Prereferral intervention processes and strategies.
ACSI3 K5 / ACSI2 K5 / Process of developing Individual Educational Programs (IEP).
ACSI3 K6 / ACSI2 K6 / Developmentally appropriate strategies for modifying instructional methods and the learning environment.
SEDHS3K1 / DHH2K1 / Multiple service options for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing including mental health services.
SEDHS3K2 / DHH2K2 / Means for assisting pre-incarcerated and incarcerated youth who are deaf or hard of hearing.
ACSI3 S1 / ACSI2 S1 / Develop programs, including the integration of related services, for individuals with exceptionalities based upon a thorough understanding of individual differences
ACSI3 S2 / ACSI2 S2 / Connect educational standards to specialized instructional services.
ACSI3 S3 / ACSI2 S3 / Improve instructional programs using principles of curriculum development and modification, and learning theory.
ACSI3 S4 / ACSI2 S4 / Incorporate essential components into individualized education plans
SEDHS3S1 / DHH2S1 / Address all aspects of the communication environment that lead to inadequate learning.
SEDHS3S2 / DHH2S2 / Structure the learning environment to encourage self-advocacy.

CEC Advanced Preparation Standard 4 Research & Inquiry

ACSI4 K1 / ACSI3 K1 / Evidence-based practices validated for specific characteristics of learners and settings.
ACSI4 S1 / ACSI3 S1 / Identify and use the research literature to resolve issues of professional practice.
ACSI4 S2 / ACSI3 S2 / Evaluate and modify instructional practices in response to ongoing
ACSI4 S3 / ACSI3 S3 / Use educational research to improve instruction intervention strategies, and curricular materials.
SEDHS4S1 / DHH3S1 / Disseminate new advances and evidence-based practices.
SEDHS4S2 / DHH3S2 / Actively engage in research.
SEDHS4S3 / DHH3S3 / Design and implement literacy development programs and transition programs.

CEC Advanced Preparation Standard 5 Leadership and Policy

ACSI5 K1 / ACSI1 K1 / Needs of different groups in a pluralistic society.
ACSI5 K2 / ACSI1 K2 / Evidence-based theories of organizational and educational leadership.
ACSI5 K3 / ACSI1 K3 / Emerging issues and trends that potentially affect the school community and the mission of the school.
ACSI5 K4 / ACSI1 K4 / Federal and State education laws and regulations.
ACSI5 K5 / ACSI1 K5 / Current legal, regulatory, and ethical issues affecting education.
ACSI5 K6 / ACSI1 K6 / Responsibilities and functions of school committees and boards
SEDHS5K1 / DHH1K1 / Sociocultural, historical, and political forces that influence diverse delivery systems
SEDHS5K2 / DHH1K2 / Standards for universal newborn hearing screening and early intervention.
SEDHS5K3 / DHH1K3 / Standards for interpreters.
SEDHS5K4 / DHH1K4 / Standards for teachers of individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing who have additional disabilities.
ACSI5 S1 / ACSI1 S1 / Promote a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive
ACSI5 S2 / ACSI1 S2 / Promote high expectations for self, staff, and individuals with exceptionalities
ACSI5 S3 / ACSI1 S3 / Advocate for educational policy within the context of evidence-based practices.
ACSI5 S4 / ACSI1 S4 / Mentor teacher candidates, newly certified teachers and other colleagues.
SEDHS5S1 / DHH1S1 / Provide guidance on policy and recommended practices for individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing.
SEDHS5S2 / DHH1S2 / Advocate to improve educational policy related to students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
SEDHS5S3 / DHH1S3 / Advocate for the provision of advanced language and communication skills for teachers, families, and individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing.
SEDHS5S4 / DHH1S4 / Provide leadership for transition among programs and communication options.
SEDHS5S5 / DHH1S5 / Coordinate activities of related service providers including interpreters and paraeducators

CEC Advanced Preparation Standard 6 Professional and Ethical Practice

ACSI6 K1 / ACSI5 K1 / Legal rights and responsibilities of individuals, staff, and parents/guardians.
ACSI6 K2 / ACSI5 K2 / Moral and ethical responsibilities of educators.
ACSI6 K3 / ACSI5 K3 / Human rights of individuals with exceptionalities and their families.
SEDHS6K1 / DHH5K1 / Ethical practices that acknowledge diversity among the Deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing communities.
ACSI6 S1 / ACSI5 S1 / Model ethical behavior and promote professional standards
ACSI6 S2 / ACSI5 S2 / Implement practices that promote success for individuals with exceptionalities
ACSI6 S3 / ACSI5 S3 / Use ethical and legal discipline strategies.
ACSI6 S4 / ACSI5 S4 / Disseminate information on effective school and classroom practices.
ACSI6 S5 / ACSI5 S5 / Create an environment which supports continuous instructional improvement.
ACSI6 S6 / ACSI5 S6 / Develop and implement a personalized professional development plan.
SEDHS6S1 / DHH5S1 / Ethically implement current assistive and instructional technologies.
SEDHS6S2 / DHH5S2 / Acquire advanced qualifications and skills.

CEC Advanced Preparation Standard 7 Collaboration

ACSI7 K1 / ACSI6 K1 / Methods for communicating goals and plans to stakeholders.
ACSI7 K2 / ACSI6 K2 / Roles of educators in integrated settings.
ACSI7 S1 / ACSI6 S1 / Collaborate to enhance opportunities for learners with exceptionalities.
ACSI7 S2 / ACSI6 S2 / Apply strategies to resolve conflict and build consensus.
SEDHS7S1 / DHH6S1 / Collaborate with stakeholders in developing and implementing equal access to programs in urban, urban-fringe, or rural settings.