Clerk: Carolyn Wilkinson

Minutes of the NovemberMeeting of South Hykeham Parish Council held on Wednesday 11thNovember 2015 at 7.00 pm. in South Hykeham Village Hall. PRESENT: Councillors: Mrs P Whittaker (Chairman), D Rowson, P Driffill, M Main, Mrs L Graham. Carolyn Wilkinson Clerk. IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr Mrs Howe NKDC and PCSO Lingard. There were no members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Action notes Public Forum There was no Public Forum as there were no members of the public present. 1. Apologies for absence and reasons given. Apologies were received from Cllr Roewho is attending a meeting at North Hykeham Town Council and Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE (NKDC) who is attending another Parish Council meeting this evening. 2. To receive any declaration of Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011. There were no declarations of interest at this point. 3. Police Report. In the absence ofany member of the Police Beat Team the Chairman read the police report for South Hykeham. Council agreed that it would like to invite Sgt Whyte to attend the next meeting in January 2016. Clerk to write 4. Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14th October 2015 to be approved as the minutes of that meeting. CllrMrs Graham proposed, seconded by Cllr Rowson that the clerk’s notes should be adopted as the minutes of the meeting held on 14th October 2015. Unanimously approved on a show of hands. Cllr Mrs Whittaker signed the minutes. 5. District and County Councillors’ reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. Cllr Mrs Howe NKDC gave the report. Changes to waste collection over the winter months are published on the annual calendar with arrangements for side waste collections over the Christmas period. Garden waste collection between Dec and Jan will reduce to once a month. NK Leisure Centre refurbishment is ongoing with increased numbers of visitors ahead of NKDC targets. NKDC has been recognised by BBC as one of the best performing councils in the country. PCSO Lingard arrived at this point and apologised for her late arrival. She gave additional information on the police report that had already had been read by the Chairman. Report of children on Poppyfields playing chicken on the road at school leaving times 4pm. Police will patrol. PCSO Lingard left the meeting at this point. Witham Herald article so parents are aware 6. Financial matters - to approve the payment of accounts for November 2015. PAYMENTS LALC LALC AGM 4 Councillors and Clerk attended £35.00 (cheque no. 100433) Recognition Express Name badges £71.90 (cheque no. 100434) North Hykeham Town Council Grasscutting at Beechcroft & litterpicking in £90.00 South Hykeham (cheque no. 100435) Post Office Ltd (Inland Revenue) Wilkinson Deducted Tax and N.I £51.40 £51.40 Employers NI £0 (cheque no. 100436)

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C WilkinsonReimbursement of expenses (petty cash) £14.04 £237.59 Travelling Expenses £17.55 Salary (cheque no. 100437) £206.00 Total expenditure £485.89 Income LCC Big Society Fund grant towards noticeboards £300.00 NKDC Litterpicking grant £109.64Maven (Broadspire) Insurance settlement for bus shelter at Long Lane £4,675.00 Total income £5,084.64

Proposed CllrDriffill seconded by Cllr Main and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the payment of accounts should be approved.

7. To approve the arrangements for internal audit. Proposed that the Clerk should approach M Pues to see if he would be prepared to carry out the internal audit for the Parish Council.

Clerk to write/agenda item for next meeting

8. To consider the appointment of the Clerk as Responsible Finance Officer. Proposed Cllr Main, seconded by Cllr Graham and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Clerk Mrs Carolyn Wilkinson should be appointed as the Responsible Finance Officer. 9. Budget report/preliminary discussions onthe Precept for 2016/17. Bids to be put forward for next year’s precept once the letters inviting requests for the precept have been received from NKDC.

Agenda item for next meeting Clerk sent letter sent to the builders/landowners of green space at Beechcroft several weeks ago and there has been no reply. Clerk to contact Phil Roberts NKDC re: ownership/maintenance

Suggested bids put forward for consideration were for Neighbourhood Plan contribution, installation of clock at church, replacement/new dog waste/litterbins. Clerk to contact LALC to ascertain whether or not Council has the power to provide a public clock on Church property. Members to bring other precept bids to January meeting for consideration/Agenda item. 10. Planning a) Planning Applications considered by the Parish Council 15/1169/FUL South Hykeham Village Hall Erection of extension & alterations to existing Boundary Lane, S Hykeham Village Hall No objection

Proposed Cllr Mrs Graham seconded by Cllr Rowson and unanimously approvedon a show of hands.

15/1251/FUL19 Boundary LaneProvision of off street parking and access South Hykeham No objection

Proposed Cllr Main seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands.

b) To note Planning Decisions by NKDC Approval 15/0881/OUT Land adj. to Boundary Lane Outline application with all matters reserved for South Hykeham light industrial/commercial units Noted

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Refusal 15/0979/OUT Land at 19 Thorpe Lane Outline application for 2 dwellings with access for South Hykeham consideration Noted

11.To approve the response to the Local Plan. Cllrs had agreed the response to be submitted to NKDC at a working party meeting held earlier this evening. Cllr Rowson proposed, seconded by Cllr Main and unanimously approved that the suggested response should be approved and sent by deadline. Clerk to send response by deadline

12. Neighbourhood Plan update. Email from NHTC re: meeting on 19th November 2015 with Aecom.Cllr Driffill had attended the last meeting and updated the council on the progress of the plan. 13. To consider the discussions that took place at North/South Hykeham Joint Council meeting of 3rd November 2015. a) To consider further investigation into the proposal for a Joint Planning Committee. Cllr Mrs Graham proposed further investigation should be pursued. Cllr Driffill seconded the motion which was unanimously approved on a show of hands. b) To consider further investigation into the proposal for a North and South Hykeham Joint Council. Cllr Mrs Graham proposed that further investigation should be pursued. Cllr Rowson seconded the motion that was unanimously approved on a show of hands. i) Email from Cllr Phillips LCC in relation to this proposal. Noted

14. To consider the purchase of a poppy wreath for South Hykeham War Memorial in November 2016. Cllr Rowson to speak to Miss Mumby to investigate the possibility of a commemoration plaque as there is no South Hykeham War Memorial. Agenda item for next meeting

15. Bus shelter a) To consider the replacement of recently demolished bus shelter at Long Lane. Proposed Cllr Main, seconded by Cllr Rowson that the bus shelter should not be replaced at this point in time. Clerk to contact LCC Transportation to request a bus stop at the former bus shelter site.

b) To consider the Insurance claim settlement offer. Noted that the offer of cash settlement has been made and should be in the bank account by now. Clerk to check payment received

16. To consider possible solutions to the inconsiderate parking at South Hykeham CP School. Meeting at the school did not come up with any solution. No suitable land is available at the school site to build a car park. The school should be resolving the issue themselves. Parish Council has no power to resolve this issue.

17. To consider projects to be brought forward by council under s106 planning gains. Open space contribution provision is made in the development at Thorpe Lane. To be monitored once the development commences

18. To review Parish Council Emergency Plan and nominate members for safeguarding your community training 2015/16 hosted by LALC, LCC and Lincolnshire Police Emergency Plan deferred to the next meeting for further consideration/ Agenda item. Cllrs Mrs Whittaker, Mrs Graham and Clerk to attend the seminar at Fire Brigade HQ on 17th March 2016. Proposed Cllr Driffill and seconded by Cllr Main and unanimously approved on a show of hands that anyone from the council wishing to attend should. Members to express interest to the clerk who will reserve places.

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Action notes

19. Correspondence a) Email from LCC re: Fraud Awareness Campaign Noted b) Consultation on Lincolnshire School Admissions arrangements for September 2017 Noted c) Email from NKDC regarding Council Tax Support Consultation Completed online 20. Chairman’s report. The list of bank signatories has finally been updated by the bank although post has still been sent to the Chairman for the former clerk. Albert Medley paperwork from the bank regarding the account that is held in trust to be checked by Clerk and a covering letter will be sent to the bank with the completed form advising that there is no business operation on this account. Signatories on the account have to be confirmed with the bank and if necessary a new form of mandate completed to remove any former councillors and to add a current councillor as second signatory. Chairman to sign and return documents to the bank/check on signatories. 21. Clerk’s report. NHTC has confirmed that the litterpicking and one off grass cut at Beechcroft has been carried out. No response to the letter sent to the builder several weeks ago. No South Hykeham mobile library service – nearest stop is Aubourn and Haddington on Thursdays. The next visit is 12th November 12.30 - 13.00 and the stop is near the OAP cottages. Notification has been received from NKDC re: Christmas Collections and request for parishes to contact NKDC Waste and Street Scene in advance of installing new dog/litter bins for advice on suitability of type and location. Online link to new Waste Policy is now available on the Council’s website. The Clerk gave an update on Springfield Garage planning matters and pothole repairs as raised by the proprietor at the last Parishioners Question Time at October meeting. 22. Parish Councillor’s reports – for information only/items raised for decision will appear on the agenda for the next meeting. No reports. 23. To resolve whether the Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Proposed Cllr Graham seconded by Cllr Driffill and unanimously approved on a show of hands that Council will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. Members of council were reminded that matters dealt with in closed session are confidential and should not be discussed with anyone outside of this meeting. 24. To consider increasing the contracted hours of the Clerk to Parish Council post to 30 per month. Proposed Cllr Main, seconded by Cllr Graham and unanimously approved on a show of hands that the Clerks employed hours should be increased with immediate effect to 30 hours per month. 25. To consider the revised contract of employment for the Clerk to the Parish Council. Hard copy to be circulated to all/Agenda item next meeting. 26. Date and Time of Next meeting – Wednesday 13th January 2016 7.00pm. 27. To consider the management of the Parish Council Bank Accounts. Unity Bank account provision is being investigated and will be brought to the Annual Parish Council meeting for consideration by the Parish Council. Agenda item for Annual Parish Council meeting

There being no further competent business the meeting closed at 8.45pm

Chairman...... Date......