Evansville Area Human Resource Association
EHRA Board Meeting
Old National Bank – Room 307
May 14, 2014
Present (P) / Absent (A):
Tela Erdell / P / Vickie Warren / P / Abby Keeping / PJake Fulcher / A / Emilee Hille / P / Rick Jones / P
George Lance / A / BethAnn Langlois / P / Steve Arvin / P
Joyce Leone / P / Mary Thompson / A / Debbie Tucker / A
Angela Noble / P / Suzanne Fant / A / Stephanie Pier / P
Jeff Devine / P / Jason Fertig / P
Tela Erdell, Joyce Leone, and Stephanie Pier recorded minutes
PresidentTela Erdell called the meeting to order.
Minutes: The April Board Minutes were reviewed. Jake Fulcher motioned and Rick Jones seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The board subsequently approved the April minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: The April Treasurer’s report was presented by Joyce Leone. As of the end of April, EHRA’s total balance was $82,203.Steve Arvin motioned and Jake Fulcher seconded to approve the report as presented. The board approved the treasurer’s report as presented. Additionally, Joyce Leone mentioned that she completed filing of EHRA’s 2013 taxes.
Workforce Readiness: Abby Keeping met with Junior Achievement and is continuing to explore ways that EHRA might partner with the local JA program. Additionally, Abby is continuing to recruit for volunteers to develop and present workforce readiness programs to present to employers.
Comp Survey/Non-Profits:Vickie Warren plans to meet with the local chamber of commerce to provide a discount for chamber members who purchase the 2015 EHRA compensation survey. Additionally, she is exploring ways to align the survey to model Bureau Labor Statistics (BLS) data.
Legislative Affairs: Emilee Hille is currently working on a minimum wage law update and looking for volunteers to assist in providing an Affordable Care Ac t (ACA) update. The group had discussion about other potential topics including AA plans. Jake volunteered to write an article.
Membership: Rick Jones presented nine new candidates to the board for membership including Marilyn Allen, Kimberly Hill, Jaclyn Karaff, Lori Counts, Karen Russell, Abby Tranchita, Jill King, and Sara Garrett.Jake Fulcher motioned and Joyce Leone seconded the members to be approved as presented. The board approved as presented.
Finance: Tela Erdell provided an update for Mary. ADP is the sponsor for May and Aflac is the June sponsor.
Past President: Angela Noble asked the board members to provide her an update on their SHAPE initiatives in advance of the next meeting.
Vice President: Jake Fulcher mentioned that attendance for the May meeting had increased significantly following an e-mail blast to members with a tagline of “You asked, we delivered”.The May meeting will have Chris Shrader as the speaker covering legislative updates.
Professional Development:Jeff Devine provided an update regarding the recent Spring Seminar. He mentioned the event went well and feedback was good.
HR Certification: Tela provided an update from Debbie Tucker. Janet Hirsch recently received her SPHR and was recognized by EHRA.
College Relations: Jason Fertig provided the group an update on the Assurance of Learning exam for student members. The group also discussed other potential offerings/initiatives for students including allowing local companies to post HR internships at no cost and creating a repository of student resumes for local employers to access.
President: Tela Erdell provided the group with an update on the status of EHRA’s accounts. She indicated that our checking account is with Old National Bank and has three authorized signers – herself, Jake Fulcher as President-elect, and Joyce Leone as Treasurer. Account documents were made available to the group for review. No concerns or issues were raised with maintaining the current status of accounts.
Tela presented a proposal concerning meal reimbursement for board related travel. The proposal provided a maximum reimbursement by meal - $7 for breakfast, $11 for lunch, and $23 for dinner. The group discussed and indicated that we should look to bundle a reimbursement rate into one daily rate and that we should consider raising the amount of reimbursement to a daily level between $50 and $60 so that individuals would not be out of pocket for meals, especially in larger cities where meal costs may be more expensive. Finally, the group offered that the daily rate should exclude alcohol and that only actual expenses submitted via receipt be reimbursed.
Additionally, Tela mentioned that Tri-State Business Group on Health (TSBGH) will be dissolving as of a yet to be determined date. The group discussed a desire to take over the benefit educational programs conducted by TSBGH as of the 3rd quarter.
Finally, Tela discussed the recent announcement by SHRM regarding a competency based certification. The group discussed a desire to provide our membership with up to date information as soon as it is available regarding the new program and how that will coordinate with the current HRCI professional certifications.
The meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting:June 11, 8 AM in Room 209 at Old National Bank