Present: Lori Heminger,Neal Ausema, Mindy Conley, Lori Osborn, Darren Rogers, Mike GeslerAmy Arrends, Will Simons and Patricia Moyer.
Absent:Dawn AusemaMelain Fryling,Renee Platt,and Keith Moyer
Call to Order Neal Ausema - RC
Meeting officially commenced at6:30 PM.
Approval of Agenda Neal Ausema - RC
Agenda was approved as amended adding Soccer complex, area tournament and field tear down.
Approval of MinutesPatricia Moyer
Minutes were approved.
New Business:
- End of season recap
- Even out game schedule
- Awards are to be given to coaches for disbursement no longer have awards night.
- Soccer Camp July 10 - 14
- Only two players are currently registered
- Rap
- Not yet completed will be to Mike by end of month.
- Soccer Complex
- Design of a Soccer/Cross country complex.
- Location will be between the school and bus garage
- Superintendent wants a quote for project
- 2-3 years before project will be financially feasible.
- Tear down
- Scheduled for June 17th at noon.
- $20 budget to boost registration event.
- Resignations.
- Keith Moyer resigned from Adult league coordinator.
- Patricia Moyer resigned from Secretary.
Old Business:
Treasurer (Lori Osborn):
- $5437.26balance $2,180 Income $1,063.89 expenses.
- Waiting to see how new player registrations from blue sombrero will transfer to nap.
Referee Administrator (Darren Rogers – RRA):
- 20 active referees 13 of which are youth refs
- Center refs are needed
- Need more referees upgraded
Coach Administrator (Dawn Ausema – RCA):
- Currently looking good for fall.
Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (Lori Heminger-CVPA):
- Board approved the following volunteers
- Jesue Deloz Macias
- Justin Courson
- Whitney Telkamp
- Margarett Ibarra
- Adan Ochoa
- Sydney Higgins
- Susan Rau
Safety Director (Amy Arrends– RSD):
- None
VIP Coordinator: (Mike Gesler):
- Flyers to be given to NC resa
Registrar (Renee Platt – RR):
- None
Equipment Manager (Melain Fryling):
- None
Field Director (Will Simons):
- See notes above concerning tear down
Web Master: (Mindy Conley):
- Photo rotator has been updated along with Board minutes.
- Blue Sombrero registration.
- The general feeling is that there are too many pages that need to be filled out per position.
- Coaches need to fill out their own page on top of any other positions.
Volunteer Coordinator: (open)
- None
Adult League: (Keith Moyer)
- See above
Fundraising Coordinator: (Open):
- Spirit wear profit of $178.71.
The June 5, 2017Regional Board Meeting was adjourned at 8:57 pm
The next board meeting will be held on July 17th 2017at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia Moyer
Grant AYSO 1472