Cambium License to deliver Outdoor Learning Training at Levels 1 & 2 Course
This Level 4 standard course has been developed by Cambium from experience of running Level 4 Training the Forest School Trainer courses over the last 5 years and is designed to meet the needs of the growing demand for Outdoor Learning Training amongst young people and the educational profession.
The initial part of the course is two days in duration and is based at Cambiums office in Herefordshire and is designed to enable the experienced Outdoor Learning Leader to deliver Outdoor Learning Training at Levels 1 & 2 with reference to the Agored Cymru (Open Awards Wales) suite of Outdoor Learning Qualifications that are nationally recognized and QCF registered.
It is estimated that this Licensing course requires a student ‘input’ time of around 80 hours of study / mentoring / course attendance & assessment.
Please note that this course forms the first two days of the longer Accredited Level 4 – Certificate in Leading Outdoor Learning and Forest School Training . Completion of the Cambium License to deliver OL Training will enable you to access the above training course at reduced rates and time commitment in future if you would like to extend your training qualifications.
Course Content – on completing the whole course you will be able to:
· Understand the background and principles of Outdoor Learning (OL) Training including creating a business plan for your training courses
· Management of the adult classroom
· Introduction to the OL Units and Awards at Level 1 and 2
· Understand the role of the outdoors in curriculum / outcome based learning including risk / benefits management
· Understand the role of practical skills in development / management of local natural environment including horticultural skills and outdoor games / activities.
· Be able to plan and prepare for the delivery of OL Training
· Be able to deliver and manage learning during OL training
· Be able to assess students work
· Use the range of web based Cambium resources for running your courses
Courses you will be licensed for:
The courses you will be able to run having completed this training course are listed below:
Level 1 Award in Outdoor Learning, which comprises 3 Units of study:
· Learning, Play and Development in the Outdoors
· Health and Safety for Working Outdoors
· Outdoor Practical Skills
Level 2 Award in Outdoor Learning Practice, which comprises 2 Units of study:
· Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
· Outdoor Learning Practitioner
Level 2 Award in Outdoor Play Practice, which comprises 2 Units of study:
· Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
· Outdoor Play Practitioner
Individual Units may be delivered rather than whole Awards as listed above. Level 1 is available to students 14 years + , Level 2 is available to students 16 years +.
These courses or some of the Units that comprise these courses are delivered to a range of students from young people still at school or in alternative educational provision to educational professionals who would like to gain confidence and experience in using the outdoors for curriculum / outcome based learning.
Who is this Cambium Licensing course for?
Experienced Outdoor Learning Leaders who work for an organization or freelance who would like to develop OL training provision in their own area. We have trained individuals from Wildlife Trusts, County Councils, Children’s Centres, Schools and Academies, Nurseries, Youth & Community services, as well as Community Interest Companies and private training organisations
Each training provider undertakes to work with Cambium (as a registration / Qualifications Centre) for a minimum delivery of 4 OL training courses. Following that pilot period you are under no obligation to continue working with Cambium but we hope that during that period you will discover the benefits of working with a network of other trainers and enjoy the professional development and support services that we can provide and therefore choose to continue as one of our Associate Trainers.
What Cambium can provide for you / your organisation
· Tried and tested course materials, resources and tutorial support enabling you to set up and run training swiftly in your own area
· Feedback and experience from running FS and OL training for 12 years
· Benefits of working as part of a larger organisation – networking with other trainers through our annual Cambium Moot meeting
· Annual programme of CPD offered at cost to all Associate Trainers
· Annual standardisation meetings for all OL & FS courses
· Ongoing support and advice once you are qualified
· Advertising, marketing help and listings on our websites
The process of becoming an OL Trainer with Cambium
· Expression of interest made to Cambium
· Informal interview / phone call with Anney or Carol at Cambium
· Application form sent to Cambium
· Student starts to plan venue and course dates for L1 or L2 course in their own area in association with Cambium
· Attend two days of training as part of Level 4 cohort at the end of which an action plan will be made to complete the course
· Student and Cambium sign agreement that sets out the students Individual Learning Plan and ties both parties in to working together for the minimum number of training courses as set out below
· Cambium and you / your organization set up and run a Level 1 or L2 course in your own area (this course will be invoiced by Cambium)
· You lead on the majority of this course
· Your tutor / mentor assesses you during this course and gives feedback (student must gain a pass for this element of the course – if referral is made, re-assessment will be necessary at additional cost)
· Attend a marking workshop with Cambium tutor /mentor
· Subsequent courses are Quality Reviewed by Cambium and feedback is given
Our Licensing course enables you to be assessed in your own setting and aims to get training running in your own areas as soon as possible.
Cost of Cambium Licensed OL Trainer course
£ 750 + VAT (included in L4 cost if student on Accredited L4 training pathway)
Frequently Asked Questions
What help is there in setting up my training?
Cambium will support you through this process and be involved with all aspects for the initial course, although your local knowledge and contacts will be vital in establishing your organizations name as a training provider in your own area. The first course you run in your area will be a Cambium course. Cambium will be responsible for all bookings, price structure and invoicing however, there are some things we will need your help with:
Organising a venue
This is an important consideration. A good venue will have a classroom area with heating and electricity for the more theoretical parts of the course, ample parking, an outdoor area (preferably close to the classroom) where the more practical elements of the course can take place. For the OLP and OPP courses, it would be great if we had some horticultural areas available to look at / work on. You will work with your tutor to create a risk assessment and policies & procedures for the site and training provision.
Publicising the course in your area
See below for ideas on how to publicise your course. We usually need to get at least 8 people booked onto the course to make it viable
Assisting with the delivery
You will work with you tutor to establish which parts of the course you feel confident to deliver, Cambiums tried and tested training materials are available to you from this point onwards.
Once the course is fully planned and we have enough participants to run it, you will work with the Cambium trainer responsible for your course to plan and deliver elements of the training.
Assessment of your training
This takes place during this first training course at Level 1 / L2 or alternatively, when you are ready for this to take place. (on a subsequent course). You will not receive your License statement from Cambium until you have achieved a pass when being assessed training.
What happens when I’ve completed the course?
We request that you register the first four courses at Level 2 and 1 using Cambium as a registering Centre. Following this we hope that you will want to continue to work with us as an Associate Trainer and thereby enjoy the benefits that that brings - updated resources, listing on our websites, discount on purchases from Outdoor Learning Resources made by you and your students, , quality review and standardisation of students and tutors work, networking with other trainers and free/at cost CPD events for trainers.
Where can I find the resources I need for my training courses?
Once you enrol with Cambium, you will be made aware of the online resources we provide for all of our Associate Trainers. We have recently updated all handouts, PowerPoint presentations and workbooks for all of our courses to reflect the new units which have came into effect since September 2015.
We will provide all of these resources, including printing for the initial (Cambium) course. Once you are running your own courses you are welcome to adapt and personalise our resources with your own branding, we respectfully ask that you acknowledge the authorship of these resources and show our logo throughout the documentation eg. On a footer. You will be responsible for any printing from this point but you can give students access to our online resources too.
How can I publicise my courses?
This is a very important part of running Outdoor Learning training and something that some new trainers can sometimes struggle with. There are several avenues to explore when it comes to publicising your own courses:
· Cambium Website - The Cambium website has pages where we publicise all of our upcoming courses. These are open to all Associate Trainers, please send us details of you courses including venue, dates and costs for us to upload. We have found that courses advertised less than six months in advance often struggle to get viable numbers.
· Social Media - Use your own Facebook, Twitter and other social media to publicise courses. You can pay for advertising on most social media platforms.
· Local Forest School and Outdoor Learning Groups - Most areas have local OL or FS groups. These may be under the FSA or CLOtC banner in England or the FEI in Wales and Scotland. They also include groups affiliated to the Forest School Association or Outdoor Learning Wales/Scotland. It’s well worth going along to meetings and producing flyers etc to circulate through these groups.
· Existing Contacts - Use any existing contacts you have in your area, for example schools, local organizations and contacts with the local authority
· CPD online - Many areas have online CPD resources which education professionals use when looking for training. Have a look in your area to see if there is a page.
· National Groups - Groups like the Forest School Association, CLOtC and Outdoor Learning Wales will sometimes publicise courses for free or a small fee.
· Local Head teacher/Senior Leadership events - Get in touch with your local authority to see if you can get a stand or speak at local senior leadership events. This is a great way to reach a wide audience of potential new schools and other settings. You could also produce flyers for circulation at such events.
· Trade Stands at conferences – There may be local conferences in associated disciplines / areas that you could get a trade stand at to raise the profile of your organization / training provisions.
· Free taster sessions – A very important part of raising awareness of your new training provision is to run free OL taster sessions open to all to give potential participants a chance to try out some fun activities and get a flavour of what Outdoor Learning is all about. You can then distribute details of upcoming training to those who attend
Who marks students work?
The initial course will be Cambiums responsibility to mark but as part of your training you will need to mark at least 4 students booklets. These will then be cross marked by Cambium and you will be given feedback on your marking. Once this process has been satisfactorily completed, you will be responsible for all marking of your own students. As an ongoing Internal Verification process, you will need to send the square root of the total participants work from each course you run for IV. This will be verified by Cambium before certificates are awarded. As a registering Centre, Cambium periodically is required to enable access by the External Verifier from Agored to students work. The EV often wants to see work from students of new Associate Trainers. After your training course is completed and assuming that you continue to register your students with Cambium, we will visit you once every 2 / 3 years to carry out an on site IV, this visit also serves to provide support and help in continuing to deliver best practice training.