Stacey Mitchell, Ph.D.

Assistant professor

GeorgiaStateUniversity, PerimeterCollege

Dept. of History and Political Science, Dunwoody campus

2101 Womack Road, ND2000


Office phone: 678-274-5506

Areas of Academic Interest

International Relations

Ethnic conflict

International criminal law

Human rights

Nonviolent conflict

National security issues

Comparative Politics

Comparative political development

African political systems


Transitional justice

Social Science Methodology

Comparative methodology


Doctor of Philosophy, Political Science, May 2007: University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, Athens, Georgia

Master of Arts, August 2000: GeorgiaStateUniversity, Department of Political Science, Atlanta, Georgia

Bachelor of Arts, March 1993: GeorgiaStateUniversity, Department of Political Science, Atlanta, Georgia


Carey, Henry F. and Stacey M. Mitchell, Understanding International Law through Moot Courts: Genocide, Torture, Habeas Corpus, Chemical Weapons, and the Responsibility to Protect(Lanham, MD: Lexington Publishers, Mar. 2014)

Carey, Henry F. and Stacey M. Mitchell eds., Trials and Tribulations of International Prosecution (Lanham, MD: Lexington Publishers, Feb. 2013)

Mitchell, Stacey M., “Ignorance and Miscalculation in American Foreign Policy towards Rwanda,” Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development,21 (under revision)

Mitchell, Stacey M., “A Useful Toolbox for Genocide Research,” International Studies Review, 13, no. 1 (Mar. 2011)

Gibson, Stacey M., “The Role of Structure and Institutions in the Genocide of the Rwandan Tutsi and the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire,” Journal of Genocide Research, 5, no. 4, (2003): 503-522


Mitchell, Stacey M., Historical Institutionalism, Prospect Theory, and an Alternative Theory of Collective Violence: The Cases of Rwanda and Burundi. Ph.D. dissertation, (Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, 2007), (Christopher S. Allen chair)

Teaching and Academic Experience

2015-present: Assistant professor, GeorgiaStateUniversity, PerimeterCollege, Dunwoody campus

2014-2015: Full-time temporary instructor, Southern Polytechnic State University, Marietta, Georgia

2008-2014: Lecturer, Department of International Affairs, University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, Athens, Georgia

2007- 2008: Adjunct professor, PiedmontCollege, Demorest/Athens campuses

2006-2007: Graduate instructor, University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, Athens, Georgia

Spring 2006: Graduate instructor, Center for the Study of Global Issues, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia; Study Abroad Program in Verona, Italy

2002-2005: Graduate teaching and research assistant to Dr. Loch K. Johnson, University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, Athens, Georgia

2000-2001: Research associate, Southern Center for International Studies, Atlanta, Georgia

Classes Taught

GeorgiaStateUniversity, PerimeterCollege: POLS 2410: Global Issues

POLS 1101: American Government

Southern Polytechnic State University/KSU: POLS 2401: Global Issues

POLS 1101: American Government

POLS 3001: Comparative Politics

POLS 4301: Int’l Political Economy

University of Georgia:INTL 4780: Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Societies

INTL 4780: Genocides of the Modern Era

INTL 4620: Human Rights

INTL 4355: African Political Systems

INTL 4330: Post-Industrial Democracies

INTL 4280: Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict

INTL 3300: Introduction to Comparative Politics

INTL 1101: Introduction to American Government

PiedmontCollege: PS 430.1: Homeland Security and Terrorism

PS 350.1: Governmental Institutions

PS 220.1: American Government

Presentations and Conferences

  • Southwestern Social Sciences Association Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 23-26.
  • International Studies Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, March 2014
  • Perfect Presidential Platform Conference, Roosevelt Policy Institute, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, February 2012
  • Amnesty International Georgia Conference, Athens, Georgia, March 2011
  • International Conference on Non-Violent Conflict, Atlanta, Georgia, May 2009
  • International Studies Association Conference, New York, New York, February 2009
  • King-Mandela Symposium, University of Georgia, AthensGeorgia, November 2008
  • International Studies Association Conference, Montreal, Quebec, April 2004
  • American Society of Criminology Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, November 2004
  • Southern Political Science Association Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2004
  • Fifth Biennial Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, Irish Human Rights Centre, Galway, Ireland, June 2003
  • A Century of Killing: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the 20th Century, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota, October 2000

Consulting Experience

2007-present: Consultant on a number of political asylum cases for the Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network and King and Spalding LLP, Atlanta, Georgia

Other Academic Activities

Editorial Board, War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, senior editor Dr. L. Edward Day, University of Pennsylvania-Altoona

2009-2012: Faculty Advisor, Roosevelt Policy Institute, CURO Symposium, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

2010-2011: Academic Advisor, Amnesty International, University of Georgia Chapter, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Honor’s Committee for Lindsay Ross, “The Comparative Effects of British and French Colonial Rule on Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa,” University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, Athens, Georgia, 2010

2003-2005: Assistant Editor, Intelligence and National Security, co-editors Drs. Loch K. Johnson and Peter Jackson

1999: Intern, Amnesty International, Atlanta, Georgia

Honors and Professional Organizations

  • November 2012: Recognized for outstanding service to the University of Georgia Community by the Inter-fraternity Council of the University of Georgia
  • International Studies Association
  • International Association of Genocide Scholars
  • University of Georgia Alumni Association
  • Women at UGA
  • Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society
  • Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society