Sixth European Forum on Social Entrepreneurship

30 March – 2 April 2017

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

30 March 2017, 11.00 – 17.30

11:00 / Opening:
- Mr. Ivan Sokolov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Fair Plovdiv;
- Mr. Ivan Totev, the Mayor of Plovdiv
- Mr. Giuseppe Guerini, CECOP-CICOPA EUROPE President(tbc)
- Representative of the European Parliament
- Representative of theEuropean Economic and Social Committee
- Representative of the MinisterofLabourandSocialPolicy in Bulgaria
- Mrs.Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility (tbc)
Pavillion 6 of the International Fair
11:30-12:30 / Visiting the exhibition and fashion show
13:00-14:00 / Reception
14:00-15:30 / Conference: “Social Entrepreneurship – contribution to sustainable social economy and labor marketdevelopment in Europe”
Bulgaria Hall, Congress Centre of the International Fair Plovdiv
Working languages: Bulgarian, English and French
Panel One
Moderator: Mr. StilianBalasopulov, President of the National Union of Worker Producers’ Cooperatives
- Social Entrepreneurship development in the national policy – Presentation of Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
- Social economy and social entrepreneurship in the context of the European Social Policy – (Mr. Georgi Pirinski, Member of the European Parliament)
- Presentation of theEuropean Commission Representation in Bulgaria.
- Promoting social entrepreneurship in the Single European Market- (European Commission representative DG GROWTH)
- External Aspects of Social Economy – Mrs. DilyanaSlavova (President of the External Relations Section – REX, EESC)(tbc)
- Social economy subjects – financing instruments for investing (Mr. Giuseppe Guerini, CECOP-CICOPA Europe President) (tbc)
- Socialentrepreneurshipinthe developmentprocess of socialeconomyinBulgaria(representative of the Economic and Social Council in Bulgaria)
15:30-16:00 / Coffee break
16:00-17:30 / Discussion:Social entrepreneurship: new standard to measure social impact
Panel Two
Moderator: Mr. Mincho Koralski, Executive Director of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD)
- Social entrepreneurship: New standard to measure social impact – (European Commission representative DG EMPL)
- EuropeanSocialEntrepreneurshipFunds – (Mrs. Ariane Rodert, member of EESC)(tbc)
- Social entrepreneurship - a factor for employment of persons with disabilities(Mr. Mincho Koralski, Executive Director of APD)
- Social entrepreneurship– new opportunities in the European Market (European NGO)
- Cooperation between the subjects of the social economy and other economic sectors– (European NGO)
- Questions and answers
19:00 / Official dinner, hosted by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy

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31 March 2017 г.

09:30 - 13:00 / ROUND TABLE
Social entrepreneurship - creation of new services, products and business models
-Presentation of EESC – Mrs. Marie Zvolska
11:00 – 11:30 / Coffee break
13:00 – 14:00 / Lunch
14:00 – 17:00 / SCIENCE CONFERENCE
Social entrepreneurship and leadership
15:00 – 15:30 / Coffee break