UOW College Hong Kong/Community College of City University

Summer Study Tour Programme to Australia 2018

Application Form

Part I:Personal Particulars

Name : (in English) / (in Chinese)
(As shown on your HKID card)
Programme Name : / Cohort :
Student ID no. : / EID : / @my.cityu.edu.hk
HKID no. : / Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) :
Passport no. : / Passport Expiry Date :
Home Phone no. : / Mobile Phone no. :
Home Address :

Part II:Financial Conditions

Local students who are in receipt of means-tested student financial assistance from the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) or whose families are in receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), may apply for the Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE).Students who will graduate from UOWCHK/CCCU in July 2018 will notbe eligible to apply for the SSE Scheme.

Yes / No
Means-tested grant / loan from WFSFAA /  / 
Recipients of CSSA /  / 
Other Scholarships / Sponsorships / Subsidies (Please specify: ) /  / 

Part III:Personal Statement

Briefly describe why you wish to participate in the study tour and the expected outcomes, both personal and academic, that you hope to gain from participation.

Part IV:Expected Student Behaviour and Tour Conditions

Study tour participants are expected to:

  • Abide by the instructions given by their teachers and behave in a safe and courteous manner
  • Take part in activities only which they are able to do
  • Participate in activities on time
  • Tell their teacher if they have problems during the study tour
  • Show respect for the host country’s culture and customs and those of fellow study tour participants

By participating in this study tour, students agree to the following conditions:

  1. Each study tour participant must takeout and maintain travel and medical insurances for the entire duration of the programme.
  2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, UOWCHK/CCCU/UOW and its related bodies corporateexclude all liability, whether in tort, contract or under statute, for any loss, injury or other harm to any participant in the study tour or inflicted upon any person by a participant in the studytour.
  3. Each participant may undertake volunteer activities with Third Parties during theirstudy tour. Whilst UOWCHK/CCCU/UOW and its related bodies corporate will assist in thearrangements of these volunteer activities UOWCHK/CCCU/UOWand its related bodies corporate will notbe liable for any damages (for example, personal injury or property damage) that may occurduring the carrying out of these activities.
  4. UOWCHK/CCCU/UOWwill not be responsible for any costs associated with missed transportconnections, errors in transport details and/or failure to attend scheduled activities.Costs associated with these events will be borne by the participants.
  5. All activities are subject to availability.Due to inclement weather, heavy traffic and other forces beyond our control activitiesmay have to be cancelled or rescheduled to an alternate activity.

Part V:Declaration and Consent

  1. I declare that the information provided in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
  2. I hereby understand and accept the expected student behaviour and tour conditions.

Signature of Applicant / Date

Checklist on document copies to be submitted with the completed form:

Applicant’s Student I.D. card

Applicant’s academic transcripts/ supporting documents