IESBVI Mentoring Program

August Calendar

(Mentors checkoff item once discussed, Mentees checkoff when discussed and completed)

Mentor Checked / Mentee Checked
Sign up for and take:
  • IEP Training

  • IFSP Training

  • Transition Training

  • Special Education Procedures Manual

  • IESBVI website

  • Beginning of School Year Checklist

  • Process for ordering from American Printing House for the BlindAPH ordering

  • Process for ordering from the Assistive Device Center ADC ordering

  • Areas of the Expanded Core CurriculumECC

  • ECC Screening Tool Process

  • Student folders for school, IEP hours for VI/O&M recommendations for staff if needed

  • IMS for students having re-evaluations this fall and put dates on calendar

  • IMS for students moving to a transition IEP, complete Page B if Vision only student

  • Requirements for Time on an IEP and IFSP

  • Vision Consultation Template

  • Student Action Log

  • Publicity Release Form

  • Liability Waiver

  • How to Order Textbooks

  • Braille on Demand

  • Your IESBVI calendar
  • Cover all days districts are in session
  • Determine winter and spring breaks (if any)

  • Parent letters of introduction, you may include IESBVI and AEA training dates. Content may be conveyed face to face or over the phone

  • Prepare student information packets for classroom teacher. (Service page from IEP (TVI & OMS) description of Role and Responsibility of TVIandRole and Responsibility of OMSfor each teacher. Iowa Education Services for Blind and VI

  • Prepare an individual student notebook-hard copy or on computer/ iPad/tablet. In case of medical leave, this information must be available to your Regional Director.
  1. Student Folder Contents
  2. Passwords to Bookshare and other programs
  3. TVI/O&M IEP/IFSP Goals and Outcomes
  4. Rubrics (from IEPs/IFSPs)
  5. Vision Consultation Template
  6. Permission to Transport(OMS)

All staff should:
  • Verify and update caseloads on CRM. Identify priority students, new students.

  • Add dates to your Outlook calendar of student evaluation (FVA/LMA, O&M screenings and evaluations), Low-vision evaluation, IEP/IFSP, Re-evaluation, etc. for the fall.

  • Obtain copies of student schedules

  • Prepare a preliminary schedule on your Outlook Calendar Itinerant Scheduling Tips, Scheduling for the Itinerant Caseload and OMS Itinerant Scheduling Tips

  • CompleteBloodborne Pathogens (ASAP), Child Abuse (within six months) and Chapter 103B as directed by your AEA Mandatory Training/reporting

  • Complete ECC Screening Tool for IEPs due this month

  • UpdatedECC IEP results on CRM for last year’s IEPs completed this month

  • Update grade, school and service time on CRM for each student

  • Get parent signatures on the Permission to Transport Student form.

  • Familiarize students to new schools and classes as well as meeting the teachers (as indicated in the IEP)

  • Procedure for ordering a low-vision device and a device protocol and canes.

  • Make appointments to meet with students’ teachers and visit schools.

  • Provide an enlarged/braille copy of course schedule to middle/high school students who need this.

  • Get a list from teachers of ancillary materials that need to be brailled.

  • Review testing dates, environmental handout, and ensureIowa Assessmentshave been ordered for this year, Iowa Assessments, ordering process for large print, braille and accommodations.
  • Review testing dates, environmental handout, and ensure (if needed)Braille format of Iowa Alternate Assessments are ordered.Dynamic Learning Maps and the process for ordering the test in Braille.,
  • Review testing dates, environmental handout, and ensure Early Literacy Implementation Assessments are ordered in Braille(if needed). n Assessments Dynamic Learning Maps Aligned K-3 Literacy Alternate Assessment process with the school
  • Review testing dates, environmental handout, ordering information for District wide assessments Dynamic Learning Maps Aligned K-3 Literacy Alternate Assessment process with the school

  • Determine para professional training needs and schedule training

  • Review APH material in office and school for use by student

  • Confirm receipt of correct texts/materials, accessibility/location of materials, and determine order of usage (same for electronic texts)

  • Deliver/demonstrate necessary assistive technology, APH materials, recorded books, and/or optical devices to teachers. Keep Equipment and Material Inventorykept in student’s file.

  • Ask Sue Shanahan at for an APH catalog to have to share with teachers. You may have as many catalogs as you need for yourself. Catalogs should be shared judiciously with general education teachers to ensure that we are being wise with the resources we have from the APH census.

Material adopted from a combination ofTexas of the School for the Blind webpages and QPVI.

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