The thesis entitled “Thesis Title is Typed by Capital” and submitted by Name SURNAME has been examined and accepted by the jury as a Master of Science/Doctor of Philosophy thesis in Department of ………….., Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Bülent Ecevit University. …./.…/20….

Advisor: Title Name SURNAME......

Bülent Ecevit University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology

Co-advisor: Title Name SURNAME(if existing)......

Bülent Ecevit University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology

Member: Title Name SURNAME......

Bülent Ecevit University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology

Member: Title Name SURNAME (if existing)......

Bülent Ecevit University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology

Member: Title Name SURNAME (if existing)......

Bülent Ecevit University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Biology

Approved by the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. ..../..../20....

Assoc.Prof. Ahmet ÖZARSLAN



“With this thesis it is declared that all the information in this thesis is obtained and presented according to academic rules and ethical principles. Also as required by academic rules and ethical principles all works that are not result of this study are cited properly.”



Master of Science/Doctor of Philosophy Thesis



Bülent Ecevit University

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

Department of ……………..

Thesis Advisor: Title Name SURNAME

(if existing) Co-Advisor: Title Name SURNAME

Month Year, …..pages

A summary must briefly mention the subject of the thesis, the method(s) used and the conclusions derived. References, figures and tables must not be given in Summary. Turkish abstract must be given before the English version in the case of Turkish thesis. If the thesis was written in English, the English version must be given at first. The British English must be preferred.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea


ABSTRACT (continued)

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

Keywords: At least two keywords must be provided. The first letter of the first keyword must be capital, and the others must be lowercase if it is not a proper noun. Each of them must be separated comma.

Science Code: Visit to reach the science codes.






Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi

Fen BilimleriEnstitüsü

…………….. Anabilim Dalı

TezDanışmanı: UnvanAdı SOYAD

(varsa) İkinciDanışman: UnvanAdı SOYAD

AyYıl, …..sayfa

Özetlerdetezdeelealınankonukısacatanıtılarak, kullanılanyöntemlerveulaşılansonuçlarbelirtilir.Özetlerdekaynak, şekil, çizelgeverilmez.TürkçetezlerdeönceTürkçe, sonraİngilizce; İngilizcetezlerdeiseönceİngilizcesonraTürkçeözetverilir.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et doloremagna.Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem


ÖZET (devamediyor)

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

AnahtarKelimeler: Enazikiadetanahtarkelimeyazılır. İlk anahtarkelimeninbaşharfibüyük, diğerleriözelisimdeğilseküçükharflerleyazılır.Her anahtarkelimevirgülileayrılır.

Bilim Kodu: Bilimkodları



Text of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS will be written with 1.5 line spacing. Supporting organisations and persons will be mentioned in this part. The limit for acknowledgement is two pages.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.



Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

















1.1.1 Sub Section











Figure 1.1 If caption of the figüre consists of single line it should be centered


LIST OF FIGURES (continued)





Table 1.1 Table with single row and centered columns.

Table A.1 Table sample at Appendices section...... 7


LIST OF TABLES (continued)





Appendix AMaps...... ………………………………………………………………………...7

Appendix B Title..……………………………………………………………………………...8







a: Lorem

∆: Delta

ψ: Roll


AIC: Akaike Information Criteria

ANN: Artificial Neural Network

App: Appendix

BEÜ:Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi

FBE: Fen BilimleriEnstitüsü

BP: Backpropagation

CGI: Common Gateway Interface

ESS: Error sum-of-squares

GARCH: Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity

GIS: Geographic Information Systems

HCA: HierarchicalCluster Analysis

Mbps: Megabits per second

St: Station

SWAT: Soil and Water Assessment Tool

UMN: University of Minnesota







Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

1.1.1 Sub Section

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magnaaliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo.

1 Sub Section 2

Sub sections lower than 2 will not be numbered.Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.

Table 1.1Table with single row and centered columns.

Column A / Column B / Column C / Column D
Row A / Row A / Row A / Row A
Row B / Row B / Row B / Row B
Row C / Row C / Row C / Row C
Figure 1.1If caption of the figüre consists of single line it should be centered
Figure 1.2If caption of the figure consists of multiple lines, it should be justified and single spaced. Figures should be placed using table without border. Figures cannot run over margin. The space between figure and caption should be 12 pt and the space between caption and following text should be 12 pt..

(a) /
Figure1.3If there are more than one figures a) Explanation of the left figure, b) Explanation of the right figure. Captions of figures will be centered below figures. The listing should be with format (a) and (b) in Turkish lowercase letters alphabetically.

a)Caption of left figure. /
b)Caption of right figure.
Figure1.4Figure captions will be written as shown above. In this case, captions should not be written in general explanation of the figure. Caption of each figure should be centered. If a group of figures cannot be shown in the same page, the figure caption can be shown in the following page with (continued) statement keeping the same figure number (for example Figure 1.3 (continued)).

Equations will be written using equation editor. Equations will be numbered with section number and inserted in a table without border as shown below. The equation will be aligned with left margin and the numbering of equation should be aligned with right margin. If the equation is longer than a line it will be continued at the following line.

/ (1.1)

If there is a group of equations, it can be numbered as shown below

/ (1.2a)
/ (1.2b)

References can be prepared with “surname year” or “numbered according to citation order” formats. One of these formats must be chosen.

Rules should be followed in the case of “surname year” format is to be used

  • If the reference is single author it should be cited as Surname (year) in or at the beginning of sentence. If it is at the end of sentence it should be cited as (Surname year).
  • If there are two authors it should be cited as Surname-1 and Surname-2 (year) in or at the beginning of sentence. If it is at the end of sentence it should be cited as (Surname-1 and Surname-2 year)
  • If there are more than two authors it should be cited as Surname (year) in or at the beginning of sentence. If it is at the end of sentence it should be cited as (Surname year)
  • If an author has multiple references in a year lowercase Turkish letters will be placed at the end of year in the order it is cited in the text. For example “Surname et. al. (2007b)”
  • Examples for reference style can be found at Bibliography section.

Rules should be followed in the case of “numbered according to citation order” format is to be used.

  • References can be presented in the sentence with numbers in brackets at the order of citation in text. (For example [1]).
  • If consecutive numbered references to be used in the same sentence, references can be presented as [first reference-last reference]. For example [1-5]
  • If nonsuccessive references to be used they should be ordered starting from the smalletst number. For example [2, 5, 7-12].

The most controversial situation about the references part emerges in the case of “reference of a reference”. Author may reach the information by means of another study which cited this specific information. In such a case authors may feel on the horns of a dilemma. This problem can be solved by citing the original work first and next citing the other study. However, in the REFERNCES section only the reference which has directly been read by the author should be included. On the other hand, the original work haset o be included in the “BIBLIOGRAPHY” section. So that, the distinction between references lreached via another reference and direct references will be made. Below examples are given fort his situation for in-text citation.

…. Bieniawski (1978) offers the usage of poorness class instead of rock mass class defined for a structural region when the crossroads are exist (from Gerçek, 1982)……

………It is offered the usage of poorness class instead of rock mass class defined for a structural region when the crossroads are exist (Bieniawski 1978, from Gerçek 1982)………

Examples for citation numbering situatiın

  • [B1] offers the usage of poorness class instead of rock mass class defined for a structural region when the crossroads are exist [from 2].
  • It is offered the usage of poorness class instead of rock mass class defined for a structural region when the crossroads are exist [B1, from 2].



References will be listed alphabetically when “surname year” format is used. If “numbered according to citation order” format will be used references should be listed according to order of citation in text and at the beginning of reference related number should be written in brackets.Examples:

[1] Mikhail E M and (if the reference is in Turkish, use “ve” instead of “and”) Ackermann F (1976) Observations and Least Squares. 1st edition, ISBN: 0-7002-2481-5, IEP-A Dun-Donnelley Publisher, New York, 497 pp/s.

Book, lecture note or technical report:

Surname N(Ed.) (If author or authors are editor, (Ed) should be added)(year) Book Name. Edition Number, Volume(if available), ISBN: number, Printing House, Publishing Place(if the book is e-book it should be written here), Number of pages.

Mikhail E M and (if the reference is in Turkish, use “ve” instead of “and”)Ackermann F (1976) Observations and Least Squares.1st edition,ISBN: 0-7002-2481-5, IEP-A Dun-Donnelley Publisher, New York, 497 pp/s.

Chapter of book or lecture note or technical report:

Surname N(year) Name of chapter. Name of book,Surname N (Ed.), Edition Number, Volume(if available), ISBN: number, Printing House, Printing Place (if the book is e-book it should be written here), page number interval of chapter.

Tunay M, Ateşoğlu A, Marangoz A M, Karakış K andAkçın H (2012) Sustainability in Urban Ecosystems and Detecting Urban Vegetation from Different Images Using an Object-Based Approach.Sustainable Development – Education, Business and Management – Architecture and Building Construction – Agriculture and Food Security, Ghenai C (Ed.), 1st edition, ISBN: 978-953-51-0116-1, InTech, e-book, 197-220.

Thesis or Dissertation

Surname N(year) Title of thesis or dissertation. Thesis Type(Master Thesis, PhD Thesis,), Name of University, Name of University, Name of Department, City, number of pages.

Topan H (2009) Geometric Analysis of High Resolution Space Images Using Parametric Approaches Considering Satellite Orbital Parameters.PhD Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Geomatics, Istanbul, 113 pp.

If only the volume number of journal is available :

Surname N, Surname N, Surname N, Surname N and Surname N(year) Title of Article.Name of Journal, Volume: Page Interval.

Abrahart R J and See L (2000) Comparing Neural Network and Autoregressive Moving Average Techniques for The Provision of Continuous River Flow Forecasts in Two Contrasting Catchments.Hydrological Processes, 14: 2157–2172.

If the journal has both volume and issue number:

Surname N and Surname N (year) Title of Article.Name of Journal, Volume (Issue number): Page interval.

Margold M and Jansson K N (2012) Evaluation of Data Sources for Mapping Glacial Meltwater Features. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (8): 2355-2377.

If the journal article is in printing stage:

Zuckerman M and KiefferS C (In press) Race Differences in Face-ism: Does Facialprominence Imply Dominance? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Proceedings book:

Surname N(year) Title of proceeding. The event where it is presented,Date of event(for example 25 February 2015), Place where event took place(City and Country, St. Petersburg, Russia), Name of Proceedings Book, Surname N (Ed.) (if available), Volume (if available), ISBN: number, (if available), Printing House, (if availabe), Printing Place(if the book is e-book it should be written here), page interval.

Jacobsen K and Topan H (2015) DEM Generation with Short Base Length Pleiades Triplet, PIA15+HRIGI15 – Joint ISPRS Conference, 25–27 March 2015, Munich, Germany, International Archieves of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciencies, Stilla U and Heipke C (Ed.), Vol. XL-3/W2, 81-86.

Proceeding not published as book:

Surname N(year) Title of proceeding. The event where it is presented,Date of event (for example 25 February 2015), Place where event took place(City and Country, St. Petersburg, Russia), page interval.

Jacobsen K and Topan H (2015) DEM Generation with Short Base Length Pleiades Triplet, PIA15+HRIGI15 – Joint ISPRS Conference, 25–27 March 2015, Munich, Germany, 81-86.

Web Page:

Star trek planet classifications.(07.06.2010)(if there is no information for last visit n.d. should be written)Wikipedia.Address: planet_classifications

URL-1 <, Last Visit: 29.06.2006.


In case of creating BIBLIOGRAPHY section, references can be written by following rules for “REFERENCES” section. However, in the case of using numbering “B” letter should be added at the beginning such as B1. Below examples are provided.

Bieniawski Z T (1978). Determining Rock Mass Deformability.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 15: 335–343.

[B1]Bieniawski Z T (1978). Determining Rock Mass Deformability.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 15: 335–343.



Appendix A: Maps

Figure A.1 Figure caption for appendices.

Table A.1 Table caption for appendices.

Colume A / Colume B / Colume C / Colume D
Row A / Row A / Row A / Row A
Row B / Row B / Row B / Row B
Row C / Row C / Row C / Row C

Appendix B: Title


Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntutlabore et dolore magna aliquyamerat, seddiamvoluptua. At veroeos et accusam et justo duo dolores et earebum. Stet clitakasdgubrgren, no sea takimatasanctusest Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscingelitr, seddiamnonumyeirmodtemporinviduntut lab ore sit et dolore magna.


Address: Address information will be written with 1.5 line spacing.

Phone: (+90) 372 291 11 00
