APRIL 16, 2009
The St. James Town Council met in special session, Thursday, April 16, 2009, at 9:00 AM in the Town Hall conference room.
Council Members Present: Councilors Bob Morrow, Jim Donnelly, Bruce Maxwell, Gary Tagtmeyer and Mayor Shelley Lesher.
Staff Present: Josann Campanello, Town Clerk/Administrator
Others: Walt Madsen, Town Hall Project Manager, Architects John Sawyer and Philip Humphrey as well as four citizens.
Town Hall/Community Center Project – Walt Madsen, John Sawyer and Philip Humphrey:
· Walt Madsen reported that the Mulford Cost Study was revised as of April 6th with the overall number of $5,544,019. This amount includes a contingency of $107,000 for design work that may come in the future. The figures for the Community Center, from the latest study are very close to those estimated in the 2007 community survey.
· John sawyer reported that some square foot costs have gone up whereas others have gone down. Also, the building size for the Town Hall has increased 1,257 square feet and the Community Center has increased 665 square feet.
· Philip Humphrey presented an illustration of the Council Chamber dais. The Town Clerk noted that one additional seat will be required for a future Town Manager.
· The Council discussed the cost and need for generators for either or both buildings. Gary Tagtmeyer made a motion to have two small generators as opposed to one large generator.
Motion: Gary Tagtmeyer
Vote: 5/0, motion carried
· Philip Humphrey explained how the stormwater runoff will be treated to eliminate impact on water quality. Runoff will be directed to grass swales where there will be drop inlets that run to the two front ponds, which in turn flow to the third pond.
· The Mulford Cost Study included two alternatives for the Community Center. A decision on these alternatives does not have to be made until such time as the contract is awarded. The alternatives are a covered terrace with a bar, priced at $92,674 and folding partition for room 205, priced at $55,153.
· The interior finishes will be decided on after the construction contract has been awarded.
· John Sawyer and Walt Madsen reviewed the bid process. The bidding process will begin with prequalifying general contractors. John Sawyer and Philip Humphrey will be present at the bid opening, which will take place in Town Hall. The bids will then be taken back to Mr. Sawyer’s office to be checked against specifications Mr. Sawyer had recorded at bid opening. Mr. Sawyer will then prepare a certified statement pointing out the obvious
low bidder, who has submitted a complete bid package.
· John Sawyer, Philip Humphrey and Walt Madsen left the meeting at 10:20 am.
Review of Proposed Budget for FY 2009-2010 – Jim Donnelly, Finance Officer
· Councilor Donnelly distributed a chart which reflects calendar years and fiscal years thru 2013/2014 and how the property revaluation and 2010 census fall in future years.
· Councilor Donnelly briefed the Council on the highlights of the proposed budget for 2009/2010 as well as carrying it out thru 2013/2014.
· Councilor Maxwell requested detail on the $25,000 requested by John Lewis for Emergency Management.
Founder’s Day Update – Mayor Lesher
· Mayor Lesher updated the Council on the 501C4 status of the St. James Event Committee.
Consideration of Request for Cat-Tales Articles from the Town – All
· Council, staff and committee chairs will be assigned months to contribute articles.
Adjournment – At 12 noon, Councilor Bruce Maxwell made a motion to adjourn.
Motion: Bruce Maxwell
Vote: 5/0, motion carried
Respectfully Submitted, Approved,
Josann A. Campanello, Town Clerk Shelley Lesher, Mayor