Attributes of Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 dataset

Attribute / Field Type / Description
VALUE / Numeric / Identifier of every unique combination of the following attributes: FOR_TYPE, FOR_CODE, FOR_SOURCE, STATE, HEIGHT and COVER. The values of this attribute allow each jurisdiction (State or Territory) to be separately identified.
COUNT / Numeric / Number of cells that belong to a particular VALUE. For this particular dataset, in which cell resolution is 100m, COUNT is equivalent to area in hectares.
AUS_FOR13 / Numeric / Unique identifier that links this dataset to the Forests of Australia (2013)
FOR_TYPE / Text / NFI forest type name.
FOR_CODE / Numeric / Code linking NFI forest type name to forest formation description. The relationships are shown in the look-up table (LUT) FOR_CODE.LUT below.
FOR_SOURCE / Text / Information about the source of the data for forest formation and NFI forest type attribution -see FOR_SOURCE.LUT below for a list of forest formations and how they relate to the various NFI forest types.
STATE / Text / Jurisdiction identifier - State or Territory name.
HEIGHT / Numeric / Code linking an NFI forest type to a height category – see HEIGHT.LUT.
COVER / Numeric / Code linking an NFI forest type to a crown cover category – see COVER.LUT.
FOR_CAT / Text / Forest category description


0 / Non Forest/No Data/Water / Non Forest
1 / Acacia Low Woodland / Acacia
2 / Acacia Medium Woodland / Acacia
3 / Acacia Tall Woodland / Acacia
4 / Acacia Low Open / Acacia
5 / Acacia Medium Open / Acacia
6 / Acacia Tall Open / Acacia
7 / Acacia Low Closed / Acacia
8 / Acacia Medium Closed / Acacia
9 / Acacia Tall Closed / Acacia
10 / Banksia Low Woodland / Other
11 / Banksia Medium Woodland / Other
12 / Banksia Low Open / Other
13 / Banksia Medium Open / Other
14 / Banksia Low Closed / Other
15 / Banksia Medium Closed / Other
16 / Callitris Low Woodland / Callitris
17 / Callitris Medium Woodland / Callitris
18 / Callitris Tall Woodland / Callitris
19 / Callitris Low Open / Callitris
20 / Callitris Medium Open / Callitris
21 / Callitris Tall Open / Callitris
22 / Callitris Low Closed / Callitris
23 / Callitris Medium Closed / Callitris
24 / Callitris Tall Closed / Callitris
25 / Casuarina Low Woodland / Casuarina
26 / Casuarina Low Open / Casuarina
27 / Casuarina Low Closed / Casuarina
28 / Casuarina Medium Woodland / Casuarina
29 / Casuarina Medium Open / Casuarina
30 / Casuarina Medium Closed / Casuarina
31 / Casuarina Tall Woodland / Casuarina
32 / Casuarina Tall Open / Casuarina
33 / Casuarina Tall Closed / Casuarina
34 / Eucalypt Mallee Low Woodland / Eucalypt Mallee Woodland
35 / Eucalypt Mallee Medium Woodland / Eucalypt Mallee Woodland
36 / Eucalypt Mallee Tall Woodland / Eucalypt Mallee Woodland
37 / Eucalypt Mallee Low Open / Eucalypt Mallee Open
38 / Eucalypt Mallee Medium Open / Eucalypt Mallee Open
39 / Eucalypt Mallee Tall Open / Eucalypt Mallee Open
40 / Eucalypt Low Woodland / Eucalypt Low Woodland
41 / Eucalypt Medium Woodland / Eucalypt Medium Woodland
42 / Eucalypt Tall Woodland / Eucalypt Tall Woodland
43 / Eucalypt Low Open / Eucalypt Low Open
44 / Eucalypt Medium Open / Eucalypt Medium Open
45 / Eucalypt Tall Open / Eucalypt Tall Open
46 / Eucalypt Low Closed / Eucalypt Low Closed
47 / Eucalypt Medium Closed / Eucalypt Medium Closed
48 / Eucalypt Tall Closed / Eucalypt Tall Closed
49 / Leptospermum Low Woodland / Other native forest
50 / Leptospermum Medium Woodland / Other native forest
51 / Leptospermum Tall Woodland / Other native forest
52 / Leptospermum Low Open / Other native forest
53 / Leptospermum Medium Open / Other native forest
54 / Leptospermum Tall Open / Other native forest
55 / Leptospermum Low Closed / Other native forest
56 / Leptospermum Medium Closed / Other native forest
57 / Leptospermum Tall Closed / Other native forest
58 / Mangrove Low Woodland / Mangrove
59 / Mangrove Low Open / Mangrove
60 / Mangrove Low Closed / Mangrove
61 / Mangrove Medium Woodland / Mangrove
62 / Mangrove Medium Open / Mangrove
63 / Mangrove Medium Closed / Mangrove
64 / Melaleuca Low Woodland / Melaleuca
65 / Melaleuca Low Open / Melaleuca
66 / Melaleuca Low Closed / Melaleuca
67 / Melaleuca Medium Woodland / Melaleuca
68 / Melaleuca Medium Open / Melaleuca
69 / Melaleuca Medium Closed / Melaleuca
70 / Melaleuca Tall Woodland / Melaleuca
71 / Melaleuca Tall Open / Melaleuca
72 / Melaleuca Tall Closed / Melaleuca
73 / Mixed Low Woodland / Other native forest
74 / Mixed Low Open / Other native forest
75 / Mixed Low Closed / Other native forest
76 / Mixed Medium Woodland / Other native forest
77 / Mixed Medium Open / Other native forest
78 / Mixed Medium Closed / Other native forest
79 / Mixed Tall Woodland / Other native forest
80 / Mixed Tall Open / Other native forest
81 / Mixed Tall Closed / Other native forest
82 / Other Low Woodland / Other native forest
83 / Other Low Open / Other native forest
84 / Other Low Closed / Other native forest
85 / Other Medium Woodland / Other native forest
86 / Other Medium Open / Other native forest
87 / Other Medium Closed / Other native forest
88 / Other Tall Woodland / Other native forest
89 / Other Tall Open / Other native forest
90 / Other Tall Closed / Other native forest
91 / Plantation Hardwood / Plantation Hardwood*
92 / Plantation Softwood / Plantation Softwood*
93 / Plantation Mixed / Plantation Mixed*
94 / Plantation Unknown / Plantation Unknown#
95 / Rainforest Low Open / Rainforest
96 / Rainforest Low Closed / Rainforest
97 / Rainforest Medium Open / Rainforest
98 / Rainforest Medium Closed / Rainforest
99 / Rainforest Tall Open / Rainforest
100 / Rainforest Tall Closed / Rainforest
101 / Unknown Native Forest / Other native forest
102 / Plantation - other / Other forest – unallocated type

* Includes mostly Industrial plantations plus a small area of planted forests reported as “Other forest” in Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2013.

#Includes mostly planted forests reported as “Other forest” in Australia’s State of the Forests Report 2013 plus a small area of Industrial plantations.


FOR_SOURCE / Description
CLUM / Areas masked out (excluded from being considered as forest) owing to their land use types as determined from the Catchment Scale Land Use Management (CLUM) dataset.
Fill / Areas where there was no data.
MLE / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be non-forest.
MLE-CRAFTI exHW / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest and forest type determined from the CRAFTI dataset. These areas were previously considered as hardwood plantations but are now tagged as “Other” forest type.
MLE-Crafti exMix / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest and the forest type determined from the CRAFTI dataset. These areas were previously considered as mixed plantations but are now tagged as “Other” forest type.
MLE-Crafti exSW / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest and forest type determined from the CRAFTI dataset. These areas were previously considered as softwood plantations but are now tagged as “Other” forest type.
MLE-Crafti type / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest and NFI forest type determined from the CRAFTI dataset.
MLE-Fill type / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest but where there was no suitable data to allow allocation to NFI forest type. These areas were allocated to the “Other” forest type category.
MLE-MVG type / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest. NVIS Major Vegetation Groups data used to allocate NFI forest types.
MLE-NFI update / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest. NFI forest types (hardwood and softwood plantations) allocated by the NFI.
MLE-NFI08 type / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest. NFI forest types allocated as per data used in the production of State of the Forests Report 2008.
MLE-NVIS type / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest. NFI forest type allocated on the basis of classification of the NVIS 4.1 (Levels 5 and 6) dataset into NFI forest classes.
MLE-TASVEG type / Areas determined by the Multiple Lines of Evidence method to be forest. NFI forest type allocated on the basis of classification of TASVEG dataset by Tasmania.
NPI2011 / Industrial plantations plus “Other forest” areas sourced from the National Plantation Inventory (NPI) 2011 spatial dataset.


Code / Tree height category (metres) / Description
1 / 2-10 / Low
2 / >10-30 / Medium
3 / >30 / Tall
4 / Plantation
5 / 2 or more / Unknown
6 / Non Forest


Cover Code / % Crown Cover / Description
1 / 20-50% / Woodland
2 / >50-80 % / Open
3 / >80% / Closed
4 / Plantation
5 / 20% or more / Unknown
6 / 20% / Non Forest

Further Reading


Catchment and Land Use Management -

Multiple Lines of Evidence -


NSW CRAFTI - Resource and Conservation Division 1998, UNE–LNE CRAFTI accuracy assessment report, a report undertaken for the NSW CRA/RFA Steering Committee, Forests Taskforce, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra.

Tasmania TASVEG -