BOP Rugby Club Finals
Match Details:
Event Manager Details:
Name / e-mail / MobileEvent Key Personal Details:
Name / e-mail / MobileThis Risk Management Plan (RMP) relates specifically to BOP Rugby Club Finals,
The RMP is divided into five specific sections,
Please note, Clubs hosting Finals are responsible for all aspects of the Risk management Plan. BOP Rugby is providing advice and support to ensure the event is safe for all involved.
Given the type of event that Rugby is, there are several risks associated generically with this event. It is an outdoor event, which will attract 1500-2000 people, and the associated costs in putting on such a fixture being the most notable.
The following list is a breakdown of these risks with basic detail in what the risks could be.
1. Event Cancellation
a. Long term – 2 weeks plus
b. Short term – three days
c. Immediate prior to event – three hours
2. Utilities/Lifelines failure
a. Power
b. Sewage
c. Water
d. Other
3. Traffic Control
a. Failure to conform to Traffic Management Plan
b. Traffic control/staff incompetence
c. Motor vehicle accident adjacent to site.
d. Unplanned public demonstration
e. Inadequate vehicle parking facilities.
4. National Hazard
a. Adverse weather conditions.
b. Seismic occurrence.
c. Unforeseen event.
5. Crowd Disruption
a. Fighting
b. Drunkenness/drug taking
c. Missile throwing.
d. Pitch invasion.
6. Equipment Failure
a. Damage to infrastructures. Deliberate/accidental
b. Power cables/equipment.
7. Legal Issues
a. OSH Workplace Plan Organisers.
b. Union issues
c. Staff refusing to provide services.
8. Staffing Issues
a. Insufficient staff for event
b. Club staff
c. Other volunteers, commercial.
9. Pyrotechnics not applicable
10. Injury Accidents
a. Public
b. Staff , private
c. Players
11. Accidental/Deliberate Fire
a. Lack of fire fighting equipment.
b. Approved Fire Plan
c. Trained personnel
12. Criminal Security – Issues/Problems
a. Theft
b. Car parking security
c. Other criminal acts.
13. Financial Problems
a. Eftpos malfunctions.
b. Ticketing.
c. Unaccountable money deficiencies.
d. Cost overruns.
14. Event Site Controls.
a. No waste bin distribution, clearing.
b. No adequate site controls for pre-event layout, Stadium Site Plan during event maintenance, post event clearance.
c. Players and building safety.
d. Site evacuations.
15. Identification
a. Lack of adequate identification for all personnel, organizations.
b. No passes issued for admittance to specific areas.
16. Roles and Responsibilities
a. No clear role/responsibility given to staff and organization.
17. Communications
a. Lack of adequate communication/equipment, between operators, staff, other organizations.
b. Failure to refer to Communications Plan
18. Command/Co-ordination
a. No facilities for Operations Centre.
b. No clear lines of Command Control Co-ordination.
19. Threat Assessment
a. Venue vulnerable areas
b. Correspondence indicating a threat
Using the Risk Quantification Matrix - Probability vs. Impact - each identified Risk has been assigned a value ranging from 1 to 4.
medium / criticallow / high
By applying this matrix to each hazard will enable the organizers to ascertain the degree of risk attached by them to any specific activity. For example – power failure. The probability of power failure occurring is very Low. Therefore, probability would rank as ‘1’. However, if such an event did occur the impact would be ‘4’, therefore the Risk Quantification will be High and this event must be taken into consideration.
Other hazards will be apparent to other sectors of the organizing personnel during the planning stage and these should be applied using the same matrix to the Plan. Only those risks identified as Critical, High and Medium will be considered in this Risk Quantification Section.
1 / Event Cancellation
Long term – 2 weeks plus / Low
Short term – three days / Low / Cancellation of event due to compromising of venue preparations or team travel plans.
Immediate prior to event – three hours / High / Critical / Cancellation of event due to adverse weather or long term system failure.
2 / Utilities/Lifelines failure
Power / High / Power outage on-stage / venue
Sewage / High / Sewer outage / blocked toilets
Water / Low / Water failure / burst water mains
Other / Low / Other failure of venue infrastructure outside of service providers / contractors responsibility.
3 / Traffic Control
Failure to conform to Traffic Management Plan / Low / Failure to conform to TMP
Traffic control-staff incompetence / Low / Traffic Control/staff incompetencies
Motor vehicle accident adjacent to site. / Low / MVA
Unplanned public demonstration / High / Public demonstration
Inadequate vehicle parking facilities / Medium / Inadequate car parking
4 / National Hazard
Adverse weather conditions. / Critical / Adverse weather
Seismic occurrence. / High / Earthquake / Geyser eruption
Unforeseen event. / Low / Other potential event cancelling event
5 / Crowd Disruption
Verbal Abuse / Medium / Crowd verbally abusing each other and match official
Fighting / High / Crowd fighting
Drunkenness/drug taking / High / Attendees drunk / under the influence
Missile throwing. / High / Individuals throwing objects into crowd which can potentially cause injury to other spectators
Pitch Invasion / High / Person/s entering the playing area
6 / Equipment Failure
Damage to infrastructures. / High / Sound / Lighting rigs tampered with / vandalised
(Eliminate, Isolate, Minimise)
Power cables/equipment. / High / Power equipment failure
7 / Legal Issues
OSH Workplace Plan / High / OSH requirements not met
Issues relating to service providers / Low / Issues / regulations not followed.
Staff refusing to provide services. / High / Service providers not providing agreed levels of service.
8 / Staffing Issues
Insufficient staff and catering for event / High / Staffing and stock levels to suit event
10 / Injury Accidents
Public / Critical / Accident to public
Staff volunteer, RDC, private / Critical / Accident to Staff
Players / Critical / Injury to Players
11 / Fire alarm
Lack of firefighting equipment. / High / Accidental/deliberate fire
Alarm activation / High / Accidental/deliberate fire
12 / Criminal Security – Issues/Problems
Theft / Medium / Criminal activities
Car parking security / Medium / Criminal activities
Other criminal acts. / Medium / Criminal activities
13 / Financial Problems
Eftpos Malfunction / Low / Where transactions cannot be completed
Ticketing / Low / Sufficient tickets not available
Unaccountable money deficiencies. / Low / External money unaccounted for and audit identifies discrepancies.
Cost overruns. / Critical / Cost overruns due to additional requirements from BOPR and teams upon arrival.
14 / Event Site Controls.
No waste bin distribution, clearing. / High / Waste bins
No adequate site controls for pre-event layout, Stadium Site Plan during event maintenance, post event clearance. / Critical / Site controls – pre, during and post event
Players and building safety. / High / Building and players safety
Site evacuations. / Medium / Site evacuation not preformed properly
15 / Identification
Lack of adequate identification for all personnel, organizations. / High / Personnel ID not present, staff and crowd mixing in restricted areas
16 / Roles and Responsibilities
No clear role/responsibility given to staff, volunteers, organization. / High / Roles/responsibilities
17 / Communications
Lack of adequate communication/equipment, between operators, staff, volunteers other organizations. / Critical / No radios, communications, equipment
Inability to communicate risks or important announcements with spectators / High / No sound system
18 / Command/Co-ordination
No facilities for Operations Centre. / High / Operational HQ
No clear lines of Command Control Co-ordination. / Low / Event staff making decisions without informing event management
19 / Threat Assessment
Correspondence indicating a threat / High / Information disregarded
The disposition of police personnel will be at the discretion of the officer on duty on the event day, subject to other policing duties. All contact for Police assistance with regards to the Fixture to go through the Event Manager in charge who will have contact details of the officer on duty.
The disposition of Fire Service personnel and equipment will be at the discretion of the Fire Officer on duty on the event day, subject to other Fire Service requirements.The Event Manager becomes the main officer to manage activity in the absence of the Fire Service. The Event Manager, will be taking the lead monitoring role of any required Fire Plan and Evacuation Scheme. All contact for Fire Service assistance with regards to the Fixture to go through the Event Manager, to Fire Service contact.
St John Ambulance staff will be required to be on site throughout the event to deal with any necessary emergencies.
A TMP may be required for this event depending on council by laws. The host Club is responsible for the control of the crowd during the event. In the event of a full evacuation, the Event Manager on site will assume command and Police will be informed immediately.
The host Club is responsible for the provision of suitably trained and equipped staff to provide for the safety of players and spectators in the vicinity of the venue.
The management site control team of the Event Manager and a BOPR Representative have the responsibility to ensure a safe and enjoyable event for patrons. Collectively, any decision to evacuate, re-schedule or delay the event falls with this group of representatives that are present.
The implementation of the Liquor Ban requirements, if applicable, will be the responsibility of the Police in conjunction with the Event Manager.
Service Providers will be responsible for the setting up of their requirements at the eventsite,maintaining equipment/utilities during the event, and clearing of the site post event.As per Event Site Plan, the Stadium Manager will be responsible for the overall coordination of the services in conjunction with service providers.
The host Club will have on call throughout the event an Electrician capable and qualified for dealing with any electrical emergency, pre, during and post event.
Request weather report from Met Service – obtained by Event Manager
Assess environmental (actual and forecasted wind – speed and direction, rain – levels and estimated volume and temperature) and structural factors (sound set-up, flood lighting)
Any decision relating to weather is to be consulted with Operational HQ Control Team.
Confirm decision made
If cancellation is required;
1. Event Manager to contact immediately all Radio Stations in area regarding situation – confirming the event is not running on time and disclose any other information as per Site Control teams requirements.
2. All event staff managers and service providers to gather to discuss postponing event by one day/cancelling event all-together – specifically budget implications.
3. Upon a decision, the Event Manager to confirm with radio stations of any re-scheduling or cancellation of event.