United Tribes
Updated Feb 1, 2012
Mission Statement......
Institutional Values......
Commitment to Native American Cultures & Diversity
General Faculty Structure......
Faculty Hiring Procedure......
Adjunct Faculty Hiring & Compensation Procedure......
Adjunct Faculty Performance Expectations......
Faculty Orientation......
Terms of Employment......
Payment of Nine-Month Salary/Wage......
Academic, Career & Technical Education Certification......
Key Academic Commitees......
Work Time Adjustments for Administrative & Committee Responsibilities......
Course Overload......
Online Courses......
Interactive Video Network (IVN) Courses......
Summer Employment......
Advanced Graduate Degree Work......
Cell Phone Usage......
Substitute Instructor......
Disabilities Learning......
Faculty Responsibilities......
Faculty Code of Ethics & Professional Standards......
Use of Technology in the Classroom......
MyUTTC and LMS......
Academic Advising & Registration......
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)......
Syllabus Requirements for Each Course......
Curricula Changes & Timing of Curricular Changes......
Class Attendance......
Cancelation of Classes......
Schedule of Hours......
Assessment of Student Learning......
Grades & Course Records......
Posting Grades......
Course Evaluation Process......
Performance Evaluations......
Department Policies......
Book Orders & Supplies......
Student Field Trips......
Work Orders......
Campus Parking for Faculty......
Incident Reports......
Faculty Employee Identification Cards......
Responsible Use of Energy......
APPENDIX A: Department Chair Responsibilities......
APPENDIX B: Course Curriculum Development Guide......
APPENDIX C: Sample Faculty Schedule......
APPENDIX D: Class Cancelation Procedures …………………………………………………. 24
APPENDIX E: Academic Honesty Policy ……………………………………………………… 26
APPENDIX F: Useful Websites and Network Resources...... 33
Mission Statement
“United Tribes Technical College is dedicated to providing American Indians with postsecondary and technical education in a culturally-diverse environment that will provide self-determination and economic development for all Tribal Nations.”
“United Tribes Technical College will be a premiere college, a leader in Tribal education, arts, cultural preservation, technology, research, and the humanities.UTTC foresees a campus community with state-of-the-art facilities.UTTC aspires to be self-sustaining in line with its mission for tribal self-sufficiency and self-determination.Most importantly, UTTC envisions skilled, knowledgeable, culturally-grounded, and healthy graduates who will achieve their educational goals, empower their communities, and preserve the environment, tribal land, water and natural resources.”
Institutional Values
United Tribes Technical College board of directors, administration, staff, faculty and students are guided in their actions by the following institutional values.
U- UnityT - Traditions
N-Native AmericansR -Respect
Commitment to Native American Cultures & DIVERSITY
UTTC faculty is expected to integrate Native American cultural perspectives and knowledge, in ways great and small, into their courses and daily lessons whenever possible.As tribal college faculty, you are strongly encouraged to take part in cultural activities that may enhance your perspectives and understandings about Native American cultures, and to be proactive in gaining knowledge about historical and contemporary Native American issues and events. An approach toward increasing your understanding about historical and contemporary Native cultural issues and events is to invite student perspectives and facilitate discussions in your classroom. As the college develops its diversity programming, faculty will be encouraged to incorporate the same in their classes.
General Faculty Structure
United Tribes Technical College (UTTC) facultyis organized under three divisions for the instruction of certificate and AAS degree programs: Career-Technical Education, General Education, and Distance Education.These divisions are under the general direction and supervision of the Vice President of Academic, Career, & Technical Education (ACTE), hereafter, referred to as the academic vice president.
Each division is under the oversight of the academic vice president who is accountable for program development, budgetary planning and curricula development of certificate and AAS degree majors.The academic vice president is also responsible for the supervision, professional development and evaluation of full-time, part-time and adjunct faculty providing instruction of certificate and AAS degree majors.Activities of academic departments are coordinated by department chairpersons.The faculty of certificate and AAS degree majorswill meet monthly as a group on the last Thursday of each month during the regular nine-month academic year. Faculty members may also be involved with various institutional committees, work groups, task forces, and student organizations.
Members of the UTTC faculty are classified as follows:
Full-time faculty – those employees providing a minimum of 12 credit hours of postsecondary instruction during the 9-month academic year.Dependent upon need and the availability of funding, these faculty members may receive notification to provide instruction during the summer session subject to administrative approvals.
Part-time faculty – those employees who provide part-time postsecondary instruction as part of their regular employment contracts.
Adjunct faculty – those individuals contracted to provide instruction of selected campus-based and web-based coursework due to faculty vacancies, student demand or institutional outreach needs. These individuals may or may not be regular UTTC employees.
Faculty Associate -a faculty member who has an adjusted instructional course load (less than 12 credit hours) due to the delegation of interim or permanent administrative responsibilities including the management of a categorical grant program or a special project, or the development of a new program.This faculty member may or may not have a 12-month contract subject to administrative approvals.
Department Chair – a designated faculty member who has responsibilities for instruction and for departmental planning, curricula development, course scheduling, budget planning and monitoring, student advising, accreditation and program certifications, student experiential learning, advisory committees, department chair presentations, and external networking.
The procedure for hiring new full-time faculty at United Tribes Technical College is as follows:
- Demonstration of Need and Submission of Notice to Advertise.The academic vice presidentwill prepare a Notice to Advertise form and submit the form to the UTTCHuman Resources Office, which in turn will prepare the job description, salary range, and a statement of minimum qualifications. The final advertisement will be approved by the Vice President of Finance & Business Services and the UTTC President. During this procedure, changes may be made as per administrative review.
- Faculty Position Advertising.All vacant faculty positions will be advertised unless the position is filled internally.The need to fill a position may be necessary without advertising based on extenuating circumstances to provide for the instructional needs of students.Positions may be advertised in national journals,regional and local advertising via job services, university or college placement offices, tribal offices, radio, newspapers, and website, as appropriate and funding permits. All advertisements must include the approved affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and Indian preference statements.
- Consideration of the Faculty Applicants.The evaluation of an applicant may include assessment of his/her application forms, resume, credentials and reference checks. Evaluation of an applicant’s background and credentials shall be a shared departmental activity.A recommendation will be made by the department chair and the academic vice president about the candidates for an interview.
- Offering of a Faculty Employee Contract.Prior to extending an offer to a faculty candidate, a reference check will be conducted.Once the selection of a candidate has been made and after the appropriate approvals have been obtained, an appointment letter written by the designated representative of the Human Resources Office is sent to the candidate, giving the terms of the appointment, position, salary, and benefits.An employee contract is issued to the prospective employee if he/she accepts the terms of the appointment letter.The employee contract will include the position title, terms of employment, salary, duties and responsibilities, length of orientation period, and benefits.
- Indian Preference.Preference will be given to bona fide American Indian applicants in accordance with UTTC policies and federal Indian regulations for such preference.
United Tribes Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or marital and parental status in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to coordinate inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:
Barbara Little Owl, UTTC Human Resources office, 3315 University Drive, Bismarck, N.D. 58504 701.255.3285 Ext. 1221.
Adjunct Faculty Hiring & Compensation Procedure
United Tribes Technical College retains a pool of adjunct faculty members qualified to teach a variety of disciplines and topics. All applicants should apply through the Human Resources (HR) office as established by the Employee Handbook. An annual Request to Advertise for adjunct instructors is produced by the Center for Educational Outreach annually or as needed. The Center for Educational Outreach coordinates the Adjunct Faculty job descriptions with department chairs as appropriate. The list of adjunct faculty members approved through HR is available to department chairs through the Center for Educational Outreach, which can be used to fill any open adjunct teaching positions. Approved adjunct faculty will remain eligible for employment for up to five years unless otherwise inactivated.
The HR office will provide part-time employment orientation as well as the W4, I9 and part-time contract to new adjunct instructors. HR will also assist the new staff with obtaining a UTTC identification and email address. The Center for Educational Outreach will provide orientation about JICS, teaching responsibilities, and the utilization of the UTTC web-based email system along with explaining UTTC’s expectations for adjunct faculty prior to the semester start.
UTTC staff members interested in serving as adjunct faculty must follow the same process as non-employees. However, prior to selection for hire, the staff member must provide a letter of approval from their supervisor. Staff members who teach during their regular work hours are required to take leave for class time and attach the course schedule to the timesheet.
All adjunct and part time faculty will be evaluated each semester by a designee of the academic vice president. This is accomplished through observation as well as monitoring of JICS utilization for reporting attendance and grades. Students will complete a course evaluation each semester. Results of observations and course evaluations will be summarized in a performance evaluation to be conducted with adjunct faculty by the department chairs.
Adjunct faculty will be paid according to the Adjunct Faculty Pay Schedule. Timesheets are processed biweekly in accordance with the college’s pay schedule through the Center for Educational Outreach. Biweekly pay is contingent upon the adjunct faculty’s execution of expected tasks.
Adjunct Faculty Performance Expectations
Attendance: Adjunct faculty members are expected to be present for every scheduled class meeting. In the event of an emergency or other necessary scheduled absence, the adjunct faculty member will notify the Center for Educational Outreach and arrange for a substitute instructor or pre-approved activity.
Grading and Student Attendance: Adjunct faculty members are expected to document student attendance and current grades in the web-based MyUTTC system on a weekly basis.
Communication with Students: Adjunct faculty members will be available and approachable to students. Online adjunct faculty is expected to respond to student questions within 24 hours during the work week and 48 hours on weekends.
New faculty will be provided basic employee orientations by the UTTC Human Resources Office, the academic vice president, and the appropriate academic department chair.Additional orientation may be provided for the purposes of instructional certification, student advising, campus safety, professional development, and the proficient use of institutional data management systems and technology applications.
A faculty employee will understand that funding for the continuation of the programs at UTTC, including an employee’s salary, is contingent upon annual federal appropriations made to the college.The funding cycles of various funding sources for the college may not allow UTTC to notify the employee abouta renewal or non-renewal of a faculty employee contract within the time limits established below.
On or before April 15 of each year, United Tribes will endeavor to provide written notice of its intention to renew a faculty employee contract, to offer a modified contract, or to not offer an employee contract to the faculty employee for the succeeding academic year or part thereof.
In the event UTTC does not send such notice on or before April 15, a faculty employee may proceed to request that UTTC make its intentions known concerning renewal or non-renewal of faculty employee’s contract.In no event shall failure to send such notice constitute either an offer to renew a contract or to breach of a contract.
Such notice shall be made either personally by the Employee’s supervisor or by certified mail, return receipt requested, and directed to the Employee’s last known address as supplied by the employee to UTTC Human Resources Office.
Following such notice, the Employee shall have twenty-one (21) days within which to give his/her written acceptance of United Tribes’ offer to renew, to accept any new or modified agreement proposed by United Tribes, to reject any offer, or to propose in writing any modification of the existing agreement or any new written agreement.
Except upon good cause shown, if within said twenty-one (21) day period, the Employee fails to provide a written response to the notice provided by United Tribes, such failure will constitute notice of Employee’s voluntary termination of his/her agreement with United Tribes, effective as of the end of the academic year as specified in this agreement.
Within the twenty-one (21) day period specified above, should the Employee express in writing his/her desire to negotiate with United Tribes the terms of any new or modified contract offered by United Tribes, or the terms of this contract offered for renewal, and such negotiations are not included by the end of the academic year, the Employee will be considered to have been rehired under the terms of said contract as offered by United Tribes.Contract negotiations may continue past the end of the academic year upon such terms and conditions as are agreed upon between the parties.
Unless otherwise stated in any notice of intention not to rehire provided to Employee under this paragraph, or in any other notice of intention not to rehire sent prior to the beginning of the academic year succeeding the academic year in which a contract is effective, such notice, or lack thereof, shall not be considered a voluntary termination, or involuntary termination for cause, and United Tribes shall oppose the Employee’s right to receive any unemployment compensation or other benefits for which Employee may be qualified following the effective date of termination of a contract as stated herein.
In the event that United Tribes fails to give notice by April 15 of its intention to renew or not to renew Employee’s contract upon the same or modified terms, the Employee, within the twenty-one (21) day period specified above, may request in writing that United Tribes makes its intentions known to said Employee.Failure of United Tribes to respond to Employee’s request within fifteen (15) days following the end of the twenty-one (21) day period mentioned above shall constitute effective notice of United Tribes’ intention not to offer Employee continued employment.Should United Tribes respond to Employee’s request with an offer of re-employment within the period mentioned above, Employee shall have an additional seven (7) days following such offer to accept or reject the offer.Failure of the Employee to respond to an offer of employment made by United Tribes within said period shall constitute a rejection of such offer and will be considered a voluntary termination.
Any statement made in writing by United Tribes, either before or after April 15 of the contract year, expressing substantial uncertainty about whether funding for UTTC will be received for the succeeding academic year shall be construed as a failure to renew Employee’s agreement, United Tribes will endeavor to inform the Employee in as timely a manner as possible of the likelihood that he/she will be offered continued employment for the succeeding academic year.
Upon disengagement of employment by resignation, termination, or non-renewal of contract obligations, faculty members will be expected to follow established procedures pertaining to the security and/or return of UTTC instructional resources, student files, departmental documents, and physical property (e.g., keys, supplies, equipment, etc.). Faculty members will also be responsible for settling outstanding debts, reimbursements and any other obligations as per institutional policies.
Payment of Nine-Month Salary/Wage
A 9-month employee has the option to have his or her 9-month salary/wage paid over a 12-month period. It will be paid at the rate of 1/26th of the salary or wages due the employee under the employee’s Academic Year contract. Any 9-month employees wishing to convert to a 12-month pay period will need to enroll in this program by contacting the Human Resources Office before the end of the first pay period of each academic year. Participating employees will need to re-enroll in this program each academic year. If there are any deductions for lost time - they will be calculated at the employee’s regular rate rather than the conversion rate.
In the event an individual must take “Family and Medical Leave Without Pay,” the amount due on the employees’ contract up to the first day of leave without pay will be paid in the next payroll period. If this situation should occur late in the academic year, a recalculation may be done to continue the conversion. The employees’ pay method will be automatically converted to the standard method of payment if there are less than 80 hours per pay period.