Preview (Scanning the Chapter) Technique Procedures
Begin with the first page of the chapter.
Reading from left to right, read all the BOLD PRINT.
Read the chapter learning objectives, (point of interests etc).
Well-written history textbooks will have a timelines
Scan or skim the entire reading assignment pay attention to the following items:
Section titles
Sub titles
Key terms in bold print
All the pictures and the captions
Section review questions
While performing these procedures you should attempting to answer this question:
This chapter is about?
This activity covers all three of the reading time frame (before, during and after). The acronym SQ3R represents the following activities:
SScan the reading assignment (as described in pre-reading)
QWhile scanning the reading, create questions as to what the chapter is going to address.
RRead the assigned reading assignment.
RRecite to yourself what the paragraph was about
RReview what you have read
RAP is a mnemonic device to assist in reading comprehension.
RRead a paragraph
AAsk yourself what the two main points of the paragraph were
PPut it in you own words
Highlighting Text
This is a very affective tool to use to help identify information that is important to learn. A word of caution, do not highlight school owned books. This will result in you having to purchase this book at the end of the school term (if it is a school owned book, copy the pages on a coping machine. This will allow you to highlight and use other reading skills methods). While reading, highlight with a yellow highlight the following:
Items you do not know (but need to know)
Key terms
Main points of the paragraph
Do not highlight everything (what’s the point?)
Have your highlighted text with you in class. If your teacher mentions topics or concepts that you have highlighted in yellow, highlight the same information with a blue highlighter. In doing so, the test will turn green (yellow and blue mixed together makes the color green). This will serve as a reminder that green means go, as in it’s a good idea to know this information!
Note Taking Methods:
There are many methods available to the readers to use while reading. Four common methods are using KWL, margin notes, sticky pads or summarizing the reading in a reading journal.
Margin Notes
As the name suggests, margin notes are simply writing brief comments in pencil of what was the main points of the paragraph was. This is an excellent place to us RAP to aide in determining what to actually note. *** Remember, if you are reading a school textbook this might not be the best method to use.
Sticky Pads
Basically this is the same method as “Margin Notes,” but you are not writing in the book. You can place the Sticky Pad next to the paragraph you have just read. An added bonus to using Sticky Pads is you can use them to study similar to flash cards.
Is a reading device that a reader can use to note what they already know about the subject; what they want to learn about the subject and after they read, what they learned from the reading (see attached KWL sheet).
Reading Journal
This method is a varied as the subject being read and the person performing the reading. Reading Journals can be a summary of each reading assignment. The focus can be on the: who, what, where, why, when and how of the reading. Some readers may choose to outline the reading, draw cartoon characters to represent what they read, write out terms and their definitions.