Step 1

Create a new document. Fill the background layer with a dark brown.

Step 2
Set the background color to black and the foreground color to white. Select the background layer and go to Filter>Texture>Textures.

Step 3
Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and type PSD. Then Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and create some shapes like the image below. After that, group the PSD text and the rectangles. Rename the group to "white lines."

Step 4
Rotate the group like the image below.

Step 5
Using the Pen Tool (P), create some shapes to fill the gaps before the P, the S, and the D. Make sure that these shapes are beneath the "white lines" group. Use yellow for the first shape, red, for the second, and blue for the third. After that, group these layers and name the group "colors."

Step 6

If you use Photoshop CS3 convert the yellow, red, and blue shapes to Smart Filters and go to Texture>Texturizer again. Apply the filter to all three shapes. If you don't use the CS3 version, just apply the filter.

Step 7
Now select the white lines and using the Layer Styles, select Drop Shadow. After that put the PSD text layer in front of the lines.
Step 8
Double-click on the PSD text layer and in the Layer Style box, select Drop Shadow This time let's make a bigger and stronger shadow. After that, click with the right button of the mouse over the text layer and select Create Layer. That command will create a layer only with the shadow. Then go to Layer>Layer Mask>Reveal All and delete some parts of the shadow that go above the white lines. Make the text and the lines be the same.

Step 9
Create a new layer and name it "dirty." Change the Blend Mode to Color Burn. Select black for the background color and a white for the foreground color. Go to Filter>Render>Render Clouds.