Alexandria City School Board
Regular Meeting
Thursday, June 09, 2011
(7:30 PM)
Draft meeting summary
1. Call to Order
Vice Chairman Sheryl Gorsuch called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All Board members were present except Ms. Folkerts, Ms. Maness, and Mr. Wilson.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Douglas MacArthur Elementary students Naha DeWalker, Allison Escobar-Colomo, Sam Stevens, and Sam Barnett led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence
The Board observed a moment of silence.
4. Adoption of Meeting Agenda
Mr. Peabody moved to adopt the June 9, 2011 meeting agenda. Ms. Morris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Communications & Addresses to the Board
The Board and Superintendent honored the student artists who will have their artwork displayed in the school board room for the next year.
The Board and Superintendent honored Eagle Scouts Grant Stewart, Noah Stewart, Lee Anderson, and Jordan Dieter.
Three members of the community addressed the Board on the FY 2013 Budget.
6. Chairman's Report
Vice Chairman Gorsuch;
Congratulated TC Williams Crew Teams for their very successful season.
Congratulated Intel Science Fair winners Yosyp Shvab and Christopher Gerlach.
Noted the Board will add a special called meeting to the June 16 work session agenda to approve any end of the year items. The Board will cancel the June 23 scheduled meeting.
Ms. Campbell presented Dr. Sherman with an award from United Way.
7. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Sherman;
Noted that the staff is supportive of the dual language program at John Adams in response to the speakers concern.
Congratulated John Adams 4th grade teacher Stacy Hoeflich who was named 2011 Virginia History Teacher of the year. He noted Ms. Hoeflich is also a nominee for National History Teacher of the Year.
Reported on the 170 TC Williams seniors who participated in the Senior Experience intern program for graduating seniors.
Commended the Department of Accountability and the Instructional Technology Department for developing the user friendly “dashboard” of data.
Introduced the ACPS re-registration program Verified with Pride for rising third, sixth, and ninth graders.
Reported on the modified open enrollment numbers and noted there will not be a lottery at Tucker. The cutoff date for all schools is June 15.
Commended the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria who awarded $375,000 in scholarships to 175 students.
Discussed the June 1, 2011 Jefferson-Houston community meeting.
Reported on the meeting with the dean of George Mason University and announced an on-site ELL certification program for teachers through George Mason University.
Noted that Dr. Jointer was on a national news program today as part of the discussion on the ACPS approach to discipline.
Reported on preliminary unadjusted test scores for TC Williams.
8. Approval of Minutes
No minutes for approval.
9. Consent Calendar
Mr. Peabody moved approval of the consent calendar. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The consent calendar consisted of the following items.
· Human Resources Report
· April 2011 Financial report
· Fund Balance Resolution
· Recommendation to extend the current 2006-2011 Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted
· Accept Final Work Group Report and Recommend to City Council approval of the City ordinance to create a commission known as The Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission
· Re-appoint Adele Morris to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee
· Revised policy BCF - Advisory Committees to the School Board
· Revised policy JHCC - Communicable Diseases
· Revised policy GCN - Evaluation of Licensed Staff
· Revised policy IGBG - Homebound, correspondence, and Alternative Means of Instruction
· Revised policy BBBC - Board Member Oath of Office
· Revised policy IGBA - Programs for Students With Disabilities
· Revised policy - CHD - Administration in Policy Absence
· Revised policy - BFE - Administration in Policy Absence
· Revised policy BDDE - Rules of Order
· Revised policy BCC - School Board Clerk
· Revised policy KKA - Service Animals in Public Schools
· Revised policy JHH - Suicide Prevention
· Revised Policy IKEB - Acceleration
· Revised policy GBEA - Unlawful Manufacture, Distribution, Dispensing, Possession or Use of a Controlled Substance
Items Pulled from Consent
Old Business and Action Items
10. Opening of School Report
No updates to report.
11. Proposed Middle School Mathematics Courses
Dr. Holmes and Dr. Brown reviewed the recommendation for middle school math courses for 2011-12, the communication plan, and curriculum writing. The courses are;
Grade 6 - Math 6, math honors 6, math 7, advanced math concept/math honors;
Grade 7 – Math 7, advanced math concepts/math honors 7; and
Grade 8 - Math 8, algebra 1, geometry.
Board members discussed a timetable for further revisions to the math courses, mastery of the courses, multiage grouping, and professional development.
12. School Board Electoral Districts Redistricting Recommendation
Mr. Peabody reviewed the recommendation from the legislative committee for no redistricting of school board districts, background on the law, and the population for each of the three districts that show very small variances.
Mr. Peabody moved approval of the recommendation to City Council for no changes to the school board voting districts. Ms. Morris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
New Business
13. School Board announcements
Mr. Williams complimented ACPS on all of the music programs.
14. Future meeting dates
Ms. Gorsuch noted the Board wouldl add a called meeting to the June 16 work session and cancel the June 23 meeting.
Mr. Peabody moved to cancel the June 23 meeting and to add a called meeting to the June 16 work session. Ms. Campbell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
June 16, 2011, 7:00 p.m., VASS Work Session
June 23, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board meeting
July 1, 2011, 8:00 a.m., School Board Organizational meeting Funding:
15. Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting
No closed meeting.
16. Adjourn meeting
Mr. Williams moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Morris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.