Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Dear LMS Students and Families,

We are very excited to announce the 5th Annual LMS Science and Engineering Fair, which will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 from 6:30-8:00 PM. All students in grades 6th, 7th, and 8th will be working on their projects at home, with time, support, and several check-ups during science classes throughout the project.

▪6th grade students will follow the Science pathway.

▪Students in 7th and 8th grade will choose either the Science or Engineering pathway for their projects.

▪Project proposal forms are included in this introductory packet. Students will indicate which pathway, Science or Engineering, they will be following by turning in the appropriate proposal form.

▪Another, more detailed project information packet will be handed out to students after they have submitted a project proposal form indicating which pathway, science or engineering, they will be taking.

▪Students in 7th and 8th grade will complete a Research Paper in addition to the Journal, Display Board, and Oral Presentation. Detailed requirements will be included in project information packets.

This packet contains an introduction to science & engineering practices that will help you understand and choose a pathway and topic. The attached timeline has important dates to put on your calendar to help plan and successfully complete projects. Please refer to it and ask your teacher if you have any questions. Also, check your science teacher’s website for updates and more information along the way.

After you have reviewed this packet, please return the acknowledgement page (last page of packet) by November 10, 2015.

We encourage ALL students to meet the criteria needed for applying to the WSSEF (Washington State State and Engineering Fair), which will be held in Bremerton on April 1st & 2nd, 2016 (the beginning of our Spring Break). Families who are interested in learning more about this opportunity can learn more at: . We are happy to assist students in registering for this event.

We’re looking forward to a fantastic science and engineering fair. Thank you!

Sincerely, Your LMS Science Department: Ms. Gilbert, Ms. Milan, and Mr. Zisette

Suggested Timeline for LMS Science & Engineering Fair

Check with your teacher for updates and modifications to the timeline.

Date / Tasks to be completed in each time frame
11/3/15 / Introductory packet handed out in science classes:
overview, timeline, acknowledgement form, proposal form
11/10/15 / DUE: Acknowledgement form, signed by student and parent/guardian
11/10/154-12/1/15 / ▪Begin your Science Journal to record all work on your project
▪Brainstorm and develop your topic: See How to Select a Topic for Science or Engineering page in this packet.
▪Choose a testable scientific question, or engineering design plan
12/1/15 / DUE: Science Investigation Project Proposal Form or Engineering Design Proposal Form
1/12/16 / Journal Check-up
▪Background research
▪Make a list of sub-questions you have about your topic
▪Spend as much time as possible reading & taking notes on your topic
▪Develop/revise your scientific research question or engineering design criteria
▪Finalize your scientific question OR engineering problem/need
▪Research Plan (hypothesis, variables: manipulated/independent, responding/dependent, controlled) OR Engineering Plan
▪Makearough draft ofyour materials and procedures OR engineering design plans
▪Write the introduction and background sections of your research paper
▪Format the references page for your research project. Be sure to have at least 5 sources!
▪Finalize your experimental procedure, OR engineering prototype designs
▪Conduct your scientific investigation, OR build and test your engineering prototype(s)
▪Continue to collect data for your scientific investigation, OR modifyyour engineering prototype and retest
▪Organizeyourraw dataintographsand charts
▪Analyze your data
2/2/16 / Journal Check –up
▪Collect the final data for your scientific investigation OR Redesignyour engineeringproduct andconductfinal testing if needed
▪Finalizeallgraphs andchartsforyour displayboard
▪Analyze your data and write your conclusion
2/9/16 / ▪Writethe remaining sectionsofyour researchpaper (see information packet)
▪Writeyourofficial 250wordabstract
2/16/16 / ▪Proofreadyour researchpaper
▪Createyourdisplay board
▪Practicetalkingabout yourprojectwith friendsandfamily!
2/22/16 / DUE: Display boards, Research Papers and Journals to class: See information packet for requirements!
2/22/16 / Begin Oral Presentations in Science Classes (or by arrangement as needed)
3/1/16 / LMS 3rd Annual Science and Engineering Fair! 6:30- 8 pm, Multipurpose room (7th & 8th) and Cooler (6th)
3/19/16 / Registration Deadline for WSSEF,
4/1-2/16 / Washington State Science and Engineering Fair, Bremerton!!!!!!!

How to Select a Topic for Science or Engineering

Sometimes one of the hardest things about a project is selecting a topic! Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a topic:

▪Choose something you are interested in! What is important to you? What do you care about?

▪What role does science and engineering play in your activities and hobbies?

▪Think about questions you have about the world around you. What are you

wondering about?

▪Check out Science News for Students, National Geographic and other news sources. How is science in the news? What sparks your interest?

▪Ask your family for ideas. Talk to scientists and engineers in your family and community who might be willing to coach you.

▪Think of something you already know a little about, and would like to dig into and find out a lot more.

▪Think about types of materials you already have at your home.

Try to think of at least 3 topics that could work for you, and be sure you can explain why you care about these topics. Then, browse the websites below to help you develop your science or engineering project that is connected to your topic... Students are allowed to choose any topic they would like as long as it follows these rules:

▪All projects must follow the steps of either the *Scientific Method OR the *Engineering Design Process. See Science Buddies for detailed information,

▪A student’s project should reflect his/her age and ability level.

▪All projects must be supervised by an adult.

▪Glass, flames, live animals, and hazardous chemicals will not be allowed as part of a student’s display.

Useful Websites

WSSEF Student Handbook & Videos:

Science Buddies: *Detailed information on the Scientific Method & Engineering Design Process as well as many project ideas.

School Discovery

Science Fair Project Ides, Education.com

All Science Fair Projects

Science Pathway

Choosing Your Project Question or Hypothesis

(from Edmonds School District, STEM Expo resources, )

Once you’ve selected a topic and narrowed your search to a single question to investigation, the final steps are making sure that the question is in a testable form.

Is My Question Testable?

Once you have a list of broad questions, think about how you can rephrase the question to make it testable. For example, instead of asking, “What makes a person an adult?” You may want to ask, “How do eighth graders compare to adults?” Little changes like these can make a big difference. Remember to be as specific as you can.

Examples of Science Questions:

How long does it take the heart to return to normal after exercise?

How rapidly does a plant make starch?

What is the best insulator to keep ice from melting?

Which method of cooking destroys the most bacteria?

Does listening to music while you study affect your ability to memorize facts?

These examples below show how to turn your interests into testable questions:

How can plants be protected against pests? / becomes / Can companion planting protect beans from beetles?
How does weather change? / becomes / Can observing cloud formations predict the weather that follows?
How does sickness affect people? / becomes / Can taking cold medicine influence the rate of recovery from the common cold?
How can cars travel faster and farther? / becomes / Can changing the design and materials of a vehicle influence the speed and distance it can travel?

In real life, the boundaries between science and engineering projects are not always clear. Scientists often engineer tools to do their work, while engineers often use science practices to help them design their products. Your project may fall in the gray area between science and engineering, and that’s OK. However, if the objective of your project is to invent a new device, procedure, computer program, or algorithm, then it makes sense to follow the engineering process.

Engineering Pathway

Choosing Your Engineering Design Solution to Develop

Once you’ve selected a topic and narrowed your search to a single problem to work on, identify possible solutions, and then plan to develop the best one based on your criteria and constraints.

Examples of Engineering Questions:

How can you redesign a sandbag to better protect homes during a flood?

What can you do with a swim cap to optimize its ability to decrease drag in water?

What is the best propeller design for a wind generator?

In real life, the boundaries between science and engineering projects are not always clear. Scientists often engineer tools to do their work, while engineers often use scientific practices to help them design their products. Much of what we often call “computer science” is actually engineering—programmers creating new products. Your project may fall in the gray area between science and engineering, and that’s OK. Many projects can and should use science and engineering practices. However, if the objective of your project is to invent a new device, procedure, computer program, or algorithm, then it makes sense to follow the engineering process.

If you are still unsure whether your project is a science or an engineering project, please ask a teacher or parent for help.

5th Annual LMS Science & Engineering Fair!

Timeline, Overview and Requirements Packet

Acknowledgement Page 2015-16

Please complete this page and return it to your science teacher no later than Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Thank you!

Student Name______



Our signatures indicate that we have received, read, and understand the 2015-16 Langley Middle School Science & Engineering Fair packet.

Student Signature______


Parent/Guardian Signature______
