ARF would like to thank you for participating in this survey. The survey will act as a key management tool in identifying, understanding, recognising and prioritising particular areas of demand and concern within our company’s divisions of products and services.
ARF believes that a parallel evolution must occur in regards to development in both the farmed rabbit industry of Australia and our own company’s direction, specialisation and emphasis. The more that we know about the consumer, market and industry as a whole, the more effectively we can specifically target these areas in regards to research and development to address these issues.
Although specific figures may be requested, often these may not be known with a high degree of accuracy. In such a case all ARF would request is your best estimate. All information will remain confidential and at no time are personal or trading names published nor required. Any specific requests, applications or suggestions should be made via direct correspondence or entered in the suggestions or expressions of interest feature on this web site respectively.
Please complete the survey electronically (Microsoft Word version) and email to , post to Australian Rabbit Farms Pty Ltd: PO BOX 7769, BAULKHAM HILLS BC NSW 2153 or fax to (02) 8814 5899.
1. About your Operation
What is your status in the farmed rabbit industry? / Currently / Considering- Commercial rabbit farm
- A secondary farming project
- Hobby Farm
- Research
- Processor (rabbit specific)
- Processor (non rabbit specific)
- Marketer/wholesaler
- Other (please specify) *
Currently / Considering
How many does do you currently and/or plan to have?
How many rabbits do you currently and/or plan to
process per week?
How many rabbits do you currently and/or plan to
market/wholesale per week?
What percentage of your current total income (if any) is generated from rabbits? / %
2. Performance
Please give your best estimate of average current performance.
- Litter size per doe (#)
- Litter size at weaning (#)
- Number of litters (per doe/per year)
- Time to weaning (weeks)
- Weight at weaning (kg)
- Age at slaughter (weeks)
- Slaughter weight (kg)
- Price you are being payed per rabbit ($/kg)
3. Consumer Requirements
In what specific areas of rabbit farming would you possibly seek information, services and products from Australian Rabbit Farms?
- Farming Shed Technology and Infrastructure
- Animal Husbandry
- Disease Control and Bio-Security
- Breeding Stock/Genetics
- Artificial Insemination (A.I)
- Stock Feeds
- Marketing/Processing
- Business Consultancy
- Research and Development
- Start-up advice and costs
- Industry Information
- Other (please specify) *
4. Consumer Priorities
In your opinion, what are the factors/areas of rabbit farming that most influence your current productivity/profitability? Please numerically rank them from the most important (1) to the least important (12)
- Farming Shed Technology and Infrastructure
- Animal Husbandry Techniques and Technology
- Disease Control and Bio-Security
- Breeding Stock/Genetics
- Artificial Insemination (A.I)
- Stock Feeds
- Marketing and Branding
- Processing
- Business Development
- Research and Development
- Industry Organisation and Structure
- Other (please specify) *
5. Communications and Distribution
How did you find out about Australian Rabbit Farms (indicate all relevant answers)?
- Field Days
- News Letters
- Internet
- Sought out Information
- Rabbit Farmers
- Other Industry Members (please specify) *
- Other (please specify) *