Uploading Audio Files
Note: These instructions are for most trainings. If you have a trainer other than David or Barbara, check with your trainer before submitting audio as they may have another procedure to follow.If you are submitting audio for fidelity review (i.e., for certification purposes), please make sure to pay for fidelity review before you submit your file.
Please submit audio in one of the following formats: wav, wmv, mp3, or voc. We currently have no way to review recordings made on iphones or LG smartphones. In addition, the use of iPads to record audio sessions is not recommended, as it is not possible to upload the files without purchasing third-party software.
- Before uploading a file, please follow these instructions:
- Name your file in a way that conveys the practitioner featured in the audio file, the date of the session, the topic of the session, and the language of the session; e.g., “LastName-11NOV2015-Topic5-Eng.mp4”.
- E-mail your trainer to let them know the name of the file you are uploading, the practitioner featured in the audio file, the topic of the recorded session, and the language of the session.
- Go to Enter your full email address (i.e., ) and use test123 as the password. Click “Next”.
- From the choices, select “Upload New File” and click “Next”.
- From the Folder drop-down list, select the folder where you want the file to be uploaded. The folder chosen should match the name of your trainer.
- Click on the “Browse” button and browse to the location on your computer where the audio file is located.Once you have chosen a file,click on “Upload”. The upload should start; the screen will display a message that the file is uploading. This can take awhile, so don’t be concerned if it seems to be taking a long time.
- Ocassionally, files end up with the same name, expecially if the default names assigned by the recorder are used. If you receive a message that the file has already been uploaded, click “No, do not overwrite”. On your PC, browse to the file you are uploading, right-click and select Rename. You should only have to slightly change the name; add or change a character (or you can completely rename it if you want). Be sure to leave the extension (the part after the period) the same. Then browse to the renamed file and click upload again.
- A message will be displayed when the file has been uploaded. You can then click Back, select Log Out from the options and click Next. This will return you to the login screen, which you can close.
- You should receive an email shortly after uploading telling you that the file has been uploaded.
- After uploading the file, please send an email to your trainer with your name, the date, the name of the audio file, and the topic covered. Also indicate the language that the file is in. If during the last half of the consultation process you intend to pursue AF-CBT certification and would like to have one of your audio sessions rated for fidelity toward certification requirements, please make that request in the email as well.
- David:
- Barbara:
- If the upload times out before finishing, wait a bit and try again. If possible, try uploading from another PC in the office. If the upload contines to fail, have someone from your IT department check the network connection speed; a slow connection may make the upload process timeout before it finishes.
- If you get an error message during the upload, please send us a screen shot of the error message so that we can try and determine what is causing the error.
If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to email or call.
Jeffrey Rounds
551 Bellefield Towers
(412) 246-5892