CMA Board Meeting

August 16, 2014

Board members in attendance: Liz Dane, Jason Geno, Anne Beckley, Richard Kaufman

Members- Rusty McCrady, Joe Van Meter, Cindy Van Meter, Craig Deane, Cathy Levey, Arnold Weinberg, Jackson Bain, Lesley Frowick, Elmer Broxson, Helen Pearson, Glenn Pearson , Lois Copeland

10:04am- Meeting Called to Order. Motion was made to approve July Minutes and they were approved

Discussion Items

PSC Complaint- no new information at this time.

CMA Lawsuit- A motion was made to dismiss the case. There should be a court response to the motion in September.

Fire Pits- We have been having issues with fire pits on the decks of houses and the owners not willing to put out the fires when requested. The board discussed the issues:

·  The fire pits have been determined to be a threat to the common area of the community.

·  We reviewed the current CMA regulations regarding fire pits with our lawyer.

·  The recommendation was made at the board meeting that all fire pits continue to be banned in the community and the board will draft strong language to add to our rules.

More discussion about Community Trash Cans-Once again there has been discussion about a community dumpster. In 2012 a memo was sent out and the community was asked to vote. It was voted down and we are NOT revisiting the issue. It was determined that owners need to be more vigilant about their trash and communicating with their renters on how to dispose of the trash.

“We have trained the bear but, not the people”- A quote from Elmer Broxson

Preparations for Annual Meeting-Meeting will be held on 9/27 at the barn. Coffee/Tea/Doughnuts will be served. Dinner will also be served at the barn that evening at 6:30pm. Hallie and Jean are working on the menu. We wanted to have the ballots done electronically this year. However, we could not put it together in time. 2014 Annual meeting will be done manually. Bob Borches did a great job of researching the feasibility of doing it electronically and it will be put into place for 2015.

Treasurers Report- Board has received budget for 2015. No major changes. Added money to security.

Operations Report- Craig Dean: Craig submitted his monthly report and was reviewed by the board

Adjourned for Water and Sewer at 10:57 am

Water and Sewer-Had power surge at the well. Alarm system – back up is on – Automatic valve is not working as it should. Joe and Craig will work on it. Took it off line temporarily. Not sure what why it occurred. Was able to restore quickly.

·  Water-Public Service Commission is involved a case with a homeowner. We are filing documents in response. Response is due in August.

·  Have not completed the meters in the North system. John Hobday working on it. 30 meters will be replaced. 6-8 have to have copper setters installed.

·  Will be doing quick power point at the annual meeting showing why we had to spend the money on rewiring the boxes

·  Sewer- there is a lot of algae. We will be doing some spraying.

Adjourn water and Sewers

Reconvened CMA board meeting at 11:10am

DACC- no reports

Finance- nothing additional from Treasurers report

Communication-Directory updates request will be sent out. Will be reviewing language about contractors. New directories are done every two years.

Social-Potluck will be at the Bridges house. Pool will remain open after Labor Day weekend.

Community Relations- Tonight last night for summer concerts in the park. September 26 – Gallery opening at the Ice House

Roads Committee- Authorized funds for re-grading/gravel. Contractor is not available yet to begin the work. In order for us to keep our private road status in the community we need maintain and update the roads.

Recreational Facilities-Trails –Trail maps to be done by Vista Prints.

Gateways- nothing to report- We will be adding a “No Fireworks Allowed” on the entry way signs.

Pool- There is a leak in pool recirculation. Bob working on it

Security-Cathy will be resigning as chair of the security committee. We will work with Shane and Craig to do the rounds of security. They will spell each other when one is out of town. Shane will do rounds at night and keep a security log. A huge thank you to Cathy for her amazing dedication to the security of the community.

Technology- Extender wifi will be installed at the pool. Cma1- password

Firewise- We are required to have one meeting per year to be complaint. That is usually done at the annual meeting.

Website/Communications. We will now indicate on the website the months when meetings will not be held .

Nominations- Rusty has 3 people who have agreed to run. We have 3 positions open.

New business- Morgan Messenger announced that they are reducing the number of trees on the Freeman property. They will clear 3,000 trees over 900 acres. (Many of the trees are too close together and a potential hazard of falling onto the road). Timber stand improvement project. 12 trees per acre will be done at a time.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35am.