Before completing this form please ensure you have downloaded the most up-to-date version from our website – please complete all sections of the report.
Project Number / Chief Investigator
Project Title
Name & Address of the Contractor (normally the host institution)
Project Information:
Start Date: / Original End Date:
Current End Date:
Draft Final Report Due Date:
Details of all extensions granted:
Date / Additional time granted (months) / Additional funds granted (£)
Extension Totals
Project Progress Report (PPR) details:
PPR Number: / PPR Submission Date:
Please provide a summary of project progress to date.
If you have not supplied a copy of your final ethics approval please include details of the status of your application.
If this study has a Management Fellowship attached to it, please provide a separate summary in the next section.
Some studies have a Management Fellowship attached to them: to help us monitor progress of the fellowship we ask projects involved in this initiative to provide a separate summary of progress regarding the activities outlined in the Management Fellowship application.
Does your project have a Management Fellowship attached to it?
If you answered ‘NO’, please go to the next section ‘RECRUITMENT’.
If you answered ‘YES’, please provide a progress update about the activities related to the Management Fellowship (specifically since the last report or since the start of the project if this is your first report).
Please provide a summary of recruitment to date, outlining your original planned recruitment and the current situation.
- Recruitment will mean different things to different projects and includes, but is not limited to: NHS Staff, patients, carers, members of the public, other stakeholders as well as the case study or research sites.
- Please include a graphical or tabular representation of recruitment showing actual recruitment against planned recruitment, if appropriate to your study (either pasted into the form or attached as a separate document).
- If recruitment is not part of the project protocol please enter N/A.
With respect to the groups of participants you have identified above please provide the total(s)of participants consented on to the study so far.
- If recruitment of participants is not part of the project protocol please enter N/A.
NHS Staff:
Members of the public:
Other stakeholders:
Please provide a summary of follow-up to date, outlining your original planned follow-up and the current situation.
- Examples of follow-up include: patients being re-interviewed at 6 months and 12 months, or staff interviewed at the start and end of a one-yeardata collection period.
- If follow-up is not part of the project protocol please enter N/A.
Problems encountered by the project(specifically since the last report or since the start of the project if this is your first report).
Adverse events encountered by the project(specifically since the last report or since the start of the project if this is your first report).
- This is a compulsory reporting category – please enter “None”if you have no adverse events to report.
With reference to the milestones you outlined in your original proposal/protocol,please listbelow the milestones that have been completed(showing the completion date) and the milestones that have yet to be completed (showing projected completion dates).
- This section should also reflect any additional milestones agreed since the start of the project.
- Milestones are key activities the project needs to undertake to complete the project, for example: site identification, ethical approval, data analysis, design of survey.
- Please attach a Gantt chant, or similar, if necessary to convey this information.
The NETSCC, SDO recommend that project teams establish a Study Management Committee to support the project throughout its lifetime.
The term Study Management Committee is our choice of terminology, you may refer to this group as: Expert Advisory Group, Project Management Team, Steering Group/Committee, etc.
Does the project have a Study Management Committee?
If you answered ‘NO’, please let us know why you and your team have decided not to establish such a group.
If you answered ‘YES’, please tell us about the group, for example: its membership, the role it will play in supporting the project team, planned meetings, activities to date, etc.(specifically since the last report or since the start of the project if this is your first report).
Please forward any minutes of your Study Management Committee (or similar) meetings to your Programme Manager when they are available.
Please provide a summary of any approved changes to the study protocol (specifically since the last report or since the start of the project if this is your first report).
- The proposal as commissioned by the SDO programme is accepted as the original study protocol and all amended protocols should be forwarded to the NETSCC, SDO when an ethics committee has approved them.
- NETSCC, SDO must approve any changes to protocol prior to their implementation (please refer to your contract).
Has a copy of the most recent version of the protocol been forwarded to the NETSCC, SDO?
Please state the version numbers of the documents, if applicable:
Changes to Project Staff(specifically since the last report or since the start of the project if this is your first report).
The NIHR encourages all its funded research projects to involve service providers, service users, patients, interest groups and the public at large (PPI). Whilst the nature and extent of involvement varies between individual studies, reporting requirements remain; therefore, explanatory notes should be included below, where appropriate.
- Entries in this section should not include participation by people and/or organisations that are part of the approved and funded research protocol.
Have anyPPI individuals been involved (specifically since the last report)?
Yes No
Have any PPI organisations been involved (specifically since the last report)?
Yes No
Organisation names:
If ‘No’ has been entered in answer to both the above questions, briefly explain why.
If ‘Yes’ has been entered in answer to either of the above questions, please indicate the ways in which PPI has contributed (specifically since the last report), ticking as many boxes as appropriate.
Member of the research team
Informing study design
Participant information resources, e.g. patient information leaflets, etc.
Aiding/supporting recruitment
Study management, e.g. steering group, advisory group etc.
Contributing to a study report or dissemination of results
Other (please explain below)
Please provide a textual summary of service user involvement(specifically since the last report or since the start of the project if this is your first report).
We actively encourage the dissemination of your work through publications, presentations and other means; however, we require that you inform the monitoring team of these at least 28 days in advance. This is an obligation of your contract with theDepartment of Health. We do not wish or seek to suppress or alter yourplans to disseminate your research. Reasons for this requirement are as follows:
- The Department of Health require to be advised of any imminent publication, so that, if approached, theycan formulate an appropriate response.
- SDO funding must be acknowledged and the Department of Health disclaimer included as part of each output.
- Presentations of results before peer review need to be approved by the Department of Health.
- If we are aware of your project outputs, we can help to raise general awareness of your published results.
- The term ‘Output’ encompasses, but is not limited to: journal articles, press releases, books, book chapters, media interviews, abstracts, posters, presentations, symposia.
- Please include all the key information for each output, for example:
- Journal articles or similar - title, journal name, date of publication, list of authors, volume, issue, page numbers (if known).
- Conference presentations/abstracts/posters – conference name, date, location.
Output 1:
Output 2:
Output 3:
Have all outputs included the Department of Health/NHS Disclaimer?YesNo
Have all outputs acknowledged SDO Programmefunding?YesNo
Have copies of all outputs been forwarded to the NETSCC, SDO?Yes No
Has an ‘Output Notification Form’ been completed for each output?YesNo
If you answered ‘No’ to any of the questions above,briefly explain why:
Additional comments related to this report.
We regularly review our forms and your comments are highly valued – please pass on any observations you may have regarding this form.
Please return the completed form via email to
Contact information:
NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre
Service Delivery and Organisation programme
University of Southampton
Alpha House, Enterprise Road
Southampton, SO16 7NS
Tel: +44(0)23 8059 5586
Fax: +44(0)23 8059 5639
March 2010Page 1 of 11