Cornwall /
Ref No / AP/V/252/1Title / VARCOE William, St Dennis, yeoman
Date of probate* / 23 Feb 1687
Description / Religious preamble:‘I know that my redeemer liveth and that when this Earthly Tabernacle of myne is dissolved I have a bwilding [building] not made with hands (eternall with my blessed Saviour) in heaven and because of the incerteynty of my Dayes and the certeynty of my death and the Rule of god that requires all men as well as the bonds of nature to Sett their howses in order, I William Varcoe …being through the mercyes of god in p[er]fect mind and memory (if the p[ro]vidence of god be Soe) Doe make this my last will and testament…’
-‘…And first I willingly give upp my Sowle into the fruistion of my blessed Saviour and redeemer and my body when it is Seperated from my Sowle to Christian buriall’
-to ‘my deare & loving wife Mary Varcoe’ the mortgage and tenement of Trelaver [Trelavour] ‘wherein I now dwell’ with all the houses and gardens belonging to it for her natural life, except for the two houses with their appurtenances currently leased to Ann Treninnis and Edward and Thomas Slader and two little plots of land, one in Slader’s garden and the other in Slader’s house. Mary Varcoe to pay the small rent to her brother Pascoe Edwards, gentleman, to be held in trust for her.
-Also to Mary Varcoe the bed, bedstead and ‘all other furniture now used or belonging to it over the kichen in the chamber in & one wich wee use to Lay and one brass crocke and one brass pan two pewter dishes & Spoons and twenty Shillings in money’
-to daughter Jane two shillings and ‘to every one’ of her children [not named] two shillings and sixpence
-to brother in law Edward Coade five shillings and a ‘Suite of A[ppar?]ell of linnen and woolle [? holes in document].
-to eldest son Richard Varcoe ‘upon whom…[? holes in document] I have settled my ? of inheritance Lands already’ five shillings
-to youngest son John Varcoe and his heirs and assigns two houses, gardens or plots of land leased by testator to Ann Treninnis and to Edward Slader and Thomas Slader with one plot of land in Slader’s garden and one plot in Slader’s house, with all tin found ‘or hereafter to be found in any of the premises’. Also to John Varcoe £20 reserved to be paid to Richard Varcoe and his heirs.
-All the residue of goods and chattels to son John Varcoe
-Testator revokes all former wills and testaments ‘and every pte [part] & paragraph thereof’
Executors: John Varcoe, son
Signature of testator: Will [William] Varcoe
Witnesses: Signatures of Pas: [? Pascoe] Edwards
Signs of Ann Michell, Humfry Keame [?], Mary Rodgers, Elizabeth Griggs
Date of will: 1 Mar 1685/1686
Date proved: 23 Feb 1686/1687
Endorsed: The last will of my bro: [?] Wm Varcoe
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.
Ref No / AP/V/252/2
Title / VARCOE William, St Dennis, yeoman
Date of probate or grant* / 23 Feb 1687
Description / Appraisers: Peter Michell, gentleman
Thomas Champion, yeoman
Date of inventory: 11 Sep 1686
Imps [Imprimis] his purse & money & wearing apparell 6 -- 0 -- 0
Fouer Silver Spoones 01 -- 0 -- 0
eight brasse pans & fower brass crockes 06 -- 0 -- 0
in brasse candlesticks & six peutor dishes on Flaggon
on tyn pinte & cupp 01 -- 03 --08
three Bedds with the Furniture 08 -- 00 --00
For table linnen two table boards on box on chaire on chest
on barrell & other goods to the kichinge & butterey 02 -- 13 --00
on musket stoninge troffs & cheese wringe 00 -- 14 --00
on plow & harrow & their implements 00 -- 10 --00
in good & desperate debts 41 -- 10 --00
for five & twenty old & young cattle 33 -- 10 --08
for two little naggs three mares and two colts 13 -- 00 --00
for seaven sheepe three Lam & three younge piggs 02 --01 --00
For Corne in the mowhay & in the grownde 04 -- 10 --00
For all his other Smale goods 00 -- 10 --00
Sum total is 124--02 -- 4
Signatures of Peeter Mychell, Thomas Champion ‘praysers’
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.
Cordelia O’Donnell Page 1 of 3 Parish Template St Dennis