Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) Project

The SAE project is a required assignment for each agriculture student by the Georgia Department of Education. The project allows the student to gain skills and experience in any area of agriculture that they choose. The student may complete a project not listed, but must receive approval from the agriculture teacher.

Agriculture Mechanics & Woodworking

Student owns their own, works for someone or does research that involves the planning, designing, and construction of agriculture equipment and/or structures including the following materials: concrete, wood, electricity, and/or plumbing in an agricultural setting.

Construct a flower box or raised garden / Build a picnic table or bench / Build an agriculture structure (shed, deck, barn, etc.)
Construct a compost bin / Build or repairing a fence / Install an irrigation system
Service a lawn mower, tractor, or other small engine equipment / Build a deer stand, duck nesting box, birdhouse (not using a birdhouse kit) / Pour a sidewalk, driveway, or patio out of concrete

Agriculture Sales / Marketing / Services

Student works for an agriculture related business or does research and experimentation, that includes sales of feed, seed, fertilizer or agricultural chemical. Students may also work for businesses that involve the sales of agricultural equipment, machinery or structures. Activities may also include the merchandising of crops, livestock, processed agricultural commodities at either the retail or wholesale level.

Sells an agricultural product / Operates a lawn maintenance or mowing service. / Sell fruits, vegetables, and/or nuts
Create a brochure, website, or social media page to advertise an agricultural product or service / Interview salespeople at the local garden center about customer buying habits. / Serve as a hunting guide
Create a dog walking business / House sit plants for a neighbor / Make jams and jellies for sale at a farmers market

Production Agriculture

Student works for a crop producer or does research and experimentation that applies to efficiently produce and market crops such as: grain production, fiber/oil production, forage production, specialty crop production, vegetable production, or fruit production.

Grow a vegetable garden / Fowl (bird) production / Make homemade pickles
Preserve fresh vegetables / Make homemade salsa from fresh ingredients / Raise a market animal
Grow a herb garden and dry the herbs and bottle them / Shadow a farmer / Honey production

Community and Home Improvement

Student performs work at their home or community to improve overall wellbeing of that environment.

Paint houses, fences, or sheds / Begin a recycling program / Pick up trash
Clean up a trash pile / Create and/or maintain a walking trail / Recreational park improvements
Make improvements to your yard/home / Volunteer around your home or community / Shadow plumbing/electrical worker

Forestry / Natural Resources

Student owns their own, works for someone, or does research involving practices available to conserve or increase the economic value of forest or forest products through such practices as thinning, pruning, weeding, reforestation, insect and disease control, planting, harvesting, Christmas tree farming, making and selling cedar shakes and firewood, and wood chips/mulch. Also could include improving the availability of fish and wildlife through practices such as land and water habitat improvement, development of new land and water habitat, trapping, Fish &Wildlife departments, or the stocking of fish and wild game.

Conduct surveys of wildlife populations. / Take water samples and have them tested. / Construct a deer stand
Create a food plot / Create a worm farm and sell for fish bait / Tan the hide of a wildlife animal
Cut fire wood / Create a dendrology collection / Create an insect collection

Animal Science / Livestock

Student owns their own, works for someone, or does research on efficiently producing and marketing livestock from areas such as beef, dairy, swine, equine, sheep, specialty animals, small animal production, or poultry.

Raise and exhibit a production animal / Raise and sell farm-fresh eggs. / Volunteer to assist with a livestock show
Volunteer at the local animal shelter / Shadow another FFA member who shows livestock / Shadow a veterinarian
Volunteer at the barn or stable / Conduct a survey of all livestock operations in Houston County or surrounding county / Animal processing

Plant Science / Horticulture

Student owns their own, works for someone, or does research on efficiently producing and marketing from areas such Floriculture, Greenhouse Management, Landscape Management, Nursery Operations, or Turf Grass Management.

Take soil samples and have them tested / Construct a backyard water garden / Create a butterfly garden
Create a compost bin and begin composting at home / Volunteer at a local florist shop / Landscaping projects
Create floral designs or wreaths / Work at a garden center / Maintaining the landscape

Agriscience Research

Student conducts an agricultural related experiment where he/she develops a theory, tests it, and records the results.

Select 10 foods and create a powerpoint that shows the production of the food from field to table / Discover the native plants for your ecological area and determine how prevalent they are
currently / Create a brochure about common houseplant diseases and how to take care of them
Research the best diet to help obese pets lose weight / Test for feed efficiency with fish: change feed, change water temperature, or change size of area they are kept in / Research how plants grow in different types of soil