Ministry of education, and science, youth and sports of Ukraine

NationalTarasShevchenkoUniversity of Kyiv

NationalAcademy of Sciences of Ukraine

S.I. Subbotin institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Kievinstituteofengineersurvey and research «Energoproekt»

Nadra Group

Ukrainian association of geologists

Expertcouncilof Ukrainian association of geologists

RPE «Krivbasacademinvest»

XInternational Scientific Conference

«Monitoring of dangerous geological processes and ecological condition of environment»

17–20 October2012 г., Kyiv, Ukraine

Scientists, specialists, doctoralstudentsofacademic, industrial, researchandprojectandengineerresearchinstitutionsareinvitedtoparticipate.


Seismoacoustic monitoring Electromagnetic monitoring

Modern technologies of geophysical monitoring Monitoring of subsurface usage

Retrospective monitoring of geological processes GIS in geology


03022, Kyiv,Vasylkovskastreet, 90, DepartmentofgeologyofNationalTarasShevchenkoUniversity of Kyiv. Phone +380(44) 259-70-30, Fax: +380(44) 521-33-38,


Forintimepreparationoftheprogramandpublicationofthepapersitisimportanttosendapplication and abstracts totheOrganizingCommitteeby email () by 5 September 2012.Or as an exception you can send it by traditional mail with compact disk.

Numberofthepaymentassignment might be sent later, after the payment transfer.

Abstracts, receivedafter 5 ofSeptember 2012 would not be accepted.

Organizingcommitteereservesarighttorejectanabstract, tochangetypeofpresentation (oralorposter, which are considered to be equal) or to propose other section. Allacceptedabstractswillbepublishedinthe Bulletin of the Conference.

OrganizingCommitteewillinform authors about results of abstract reviewing by September 15, 2012. Secondannouncement (“Invitation”) willbesentbasedonyour application and after payment of registration fee.


Inordertocoverexpenseslinkedwithconferenceorganization, aregistrationfeeof 400 UAH mustbetransferredforeveryparticipant (withorwithoutpresentation) totransactionaccountofthecompany “ExpertCouncilofUkrainianassociationofgeologists” accountnumber: 26007003546001 in “Credit Agricole Bank”, Kyiv(including VAT 66,67UAH).Registrationfeemaybepaidon-site.


  • For legal bodies paying VAT:
  • copy of the state registration certificate;
  • copy of VAT-payer certificate;
  • contact phone number.
  • For legal bodies not paying VAT:
1. copy of the state registration certificate;
2. letter confirming VAT nonpayment status.
  • For physical persons
1.copy of passport (1, 2 pages)
2. copyofidentificationcode.

Required documents might be sent by mail, fax or email (electronic copy).

Contactpersons: BezrodnaIryna – 0664887818, accountdepartment (Oxana Iuriievna) – 0503522711.

Registrationfeecoversexpensesofinformationalandprintedmaterialsoftheconference, leasingpremises, officeequipment, coffeebreaks and conference evening.


KozionovaOlesiaAleksandrivna, KoshliakovaIrynaIevgeniievna, AndreievaElenaAleksandrivna

Phone +380(44) 259-70-30, Fax: +380(44) 521-33-38, 521-33-42, E-mail:


1 April – 5 September – Call for papers

17 October – registration and accommodation of participants

18–20 October – Conference

Application Form for participation in the Conference
Sections of the conference (choose only one)
[ ]1.Seismoacoustic monitoring
[ ]2. Electromagnetic monitoring
[ ]3. Modern technologies of geophysical monitoring / [ ]4. Monitoring of subsurface usage
[ ]5. GIS in geology
[ ] 6.Retrospective monitoring of geological processes
Title of the Abstract (to. 90 symbols):
Presentation type / [ ] oral / [ ] poster
Last name / Name and middle name Name of organization
Type of participation (with or without presentation) / [ ] With [ ] Without
Presenter’s information
Scientific degree, position
City, country
Phone / Fax / E-mail
Booking a hotel is required for_____ persons from ______.10.2012 to ______.10.2012
Please indicate way of payment registration fee: [ ] non-cash [ ] cash

Accommodationof participants is planned in the university hotel, in the rooms for 1-2-3 persons. Approximate price of the room is 150 UAH ($19) per person per night.


15 minutes are allocated for presentation (oralorposter) and 5 minutes for discussion. Sectionroomswillbeequippedwithprojectors. Posterswillbeplacedon 1x1 mdisplay.


Callforpapers and applications startson April 1, applications and abstracts may be submitted by email (). Submission deadline is September 5, 2012.

Abstracts, up to two pages (a minimum of 500 words), should be typed in text editor MS Word in Ukrainian, Russian or the English language and should be sent as an attached file to the electronic address of organizing committee. Page format А4 (21,0 х29,7 cm), the top field of 2,54 cm, the bottom 2,54 cm, the left 3 cm and right 2 see is used. Binding (in cm) 0, headlines 1,25; 1,25. A font: Times New Roman, the size of a font 11 pt, an interval unary. All tables are necessary for creating means Microsoft Word. Tables and figures should not overstep the bounds of the text and should be leveled on the center. Figures should be built in the general text as object „Microsoft WordFigure” in a mode of shades of grey color and an inscription are typed by editor Word. The signature to figure is typed 10 pt by a size. It is desirableto placefigures and signatures in the invisible table. Formulas should be placed in the text with the help of Microsoft Equation editor except for simple which do not require special symbols and will not consist of fraction. The list of the literature should be listed in one paragraph;font size is 10 pt, Authors in italics. At the end of the text surnames of authors and the name of theabstract should be written in English. All paragraphs, including the name and surnames of authors should have style "Normal". Text paragraphs should have a space of 0,5 cm and be leveled on width. The paragraph with the name (without space) is leveled on the center and enteredin capital letters. The surname, scientific degree, position, Company/Institute, address, e-mail of the author is leveled by a right edge; name should be entered in italics. There should not be spaces before and after paragraphs. Template and example of the abstract can be downloaded from the web-site: http:/

Abstracts will be published by the beginning of the conference.

Bestmaterials, selectedbyOrganizingcommitteeduringtheConference, willbepublishedinthespecialeditionoftheBulletin of the Kyiv Таrаs ShevchenkoNationalUniversity, Series Geology (professional publication for geological (all specialties) and physics and mathematical sciences (geophysics, geoinformatics) and Geologist of Ukraine.