1.  Read the following quotes and think about how Michael Bauer positions the reader to see Tom Leyton as a cold and aloof like a rock?

“Tom Leyton placed his hands on the edge of the cement and stared into the black heart of the incinerator. The stillness and darkness fused man and object together like some primitive sculpture carved from a single block of stone. “(p 41)

“Tom Leyton towered over him like a stone monolith.” (p 88)

“Tom Leyton’s face was closed and silent like an ancient rock carving.” (p 97)

“Tom Leyton’s face darkened and hardened like cooling lava.” (p 120)

Write a description of your own using a metaphor or simile to describe Tom Leyton as a cold, aloof character.

2.  Read the following quotes and think about how Michael Bauer positions the reader to see the darker side of Tom Leyton?

“At the far end of Tom Leyton’s room, his dark bat like shape swung around sharply.”(p 69)

“Tom Leyton’s body remained stationary, but his head turned immediately towards the sound of the voice. The image of a large, dark lizard suddenly sensing the movement of its prey leapt into Joseph’s mind... “ (p 133)

“...Tom Leyton’s body began to fall away as well. Underneath his skin was black and sleek and underneath his face was no longer that of a man but the cold menacing snout of a reptile.”

(p 206)

Write a description of your own using a metaphor or simile to suggest there is a darker side to Tom Leyton’s character.

3.  Read the following quotes and think about how Michael Bauer positions the reader to see the Mrs Mossop as a bird of prey? Why does Bauer do this?

“He saw Mrs Mossop now, not like a harmless crane but more like a bird of prey, with its eyes widening as if sensing movement in the grass. He knew that she would never let such a tasty morsel past. “ (p 45)

Write a description of your own using a metaphor or simile to describe Mrs Mossop as we see her at the beginning of the text.

Imagine you are Mr Mossop, write a description of Mrs Mossop from his perspective.