The Rowe Reporter

August 21, 2012


e have completed another wonderful week in kindergarten! The students are doing a good job of following school and classroom rules. Our rules are:

  1. Listen to the teacher.
  2. Raise your hand.
  3. Talk at the right time.
  4. Keep your hands, feet and all body parts to yourself.
  5. Keep all legs (yours and the chair’s) on the floor.

Please discuss these rules with your child.

Some students are doing such an outstanding job following the rules that they have been “caught being good.” These students have been rewarded with a trip to the prize box which is filled with toys and freshly laundered stuffed animals that used to belong to my children.

Kindergarten Readiness Screener

I have just finished screening the students for kindergarten readiness. I will use the data to plan instruction for your child. I will be sharing this information with you during our first Parent/Teacher conferences later in the fall. I will contact parents whose children need extra help even sooner to discuss what we can do at school and at home to help your child be successful in kindergarten.

Nursery Rhymes

You will find two or three completed nursery rhyme crafts in your child’s folder today. Nursery rhymes are very good beginning reading activities. I use them to teach letter recognition, beginning and ending sounds, rhyme, and print concepts. You can reinforce these skills at home by reading the rhymes with your child.

Book Orders Due Tomorrow

I am sending off the Scholastic book order tomorrow. If you are planning on ordering books for your child, please have the money and form in by tomorrow morning.

PTO News

The PTO is in the process of getting organized right now. The officers have met and have decided that they will have the first meeting within the next two weeks. A note will go home to let you know the exact date. This first meeting is a very important one because the annual Fall Festival will be discussed. The tentative date for Fall Festival is November 2nd.

Library Books

The students were very excited to check out books from the library on Monday. They are bringing them home to share with you today. All library books are due back next Monday. Students who bring back their books on time will be allowed to check out books each Monday.

Parent Comment Section

Please share your comments/questions/concerns with me!