David R. Boe, Chair

Helen J. Kahn, Vice Chair

Deanna L. Pozega, Secretary

Minutes:NMU Academic Senate Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Presiding:David Boe, Chair

Members Present:George Gross, At-Large; Helen Kahn, Vice-Chair; Susan Koch, VPAA & Provost;Larry Pagel, At-Large; Andrew Poe, Past-Chair; Deanna Pozega, Secretary; Ron Sundell, AAUP Liaison

Members Absent:Michael Andary, At-Large


  1. Call to Order (3:05 p.m.)
  1. Additions to/Adoption of Agenda

Agenda approved (with addition of two items under “Informal Consideration”)

  1. Approval of Draft Minutes of Tuesday9 November2010

Minutes approved

  1. Reports
  1. Chair: David spoke briefly about attending the most recent President’s Council meeting. He discussed the Japanese restaurant, Temaki & Tea, which is currently located on the second floor of Hedgecock. The restaurant may be moving soon, relocating to the former Hardees building on Presque Isle Avenue.

Thenext meeting of the Academic Affairs division of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Thursday, 12/9. David plans to briefly summarize the three presentations given to Senate, along with GPC matters that were Senate-approved during the Fall 2010 semester.

David looks forward to his role in the upcoming commencement. As part of the “platform party”, he has been invited to attend the honors breakfast and commencement rehearsal on Thursday.

  1. Vice Chair (No report)
  1. Secretary(No report)
  1. Provost(No report)
  1. ASNMU(N/A)
  1. GPC Report of Tuesday 30November 2010

1. MBA Program Revision

2. English MFA Program Revision

3. NAS 486 Course Proposal

4. MA in Education New Program Proposal

This report will receive first reading at the 11/30 Senate meeting.

A brief discussion brought up some formatting inconsistencies, specifically regarding the attached supporting documentation. Andy noted that LSC had previously submitted excessive detail in their reports, oftentimes including detailed meeting minutes. The committee decided against placing too much restriction upon a report’s supporting documentation submitted by standing committees.

  1. LSC Report of Tuesday 30 November 2010

This report will receive first reading at the 11/30 Senate meeting.

The LSC report was fairly brief, consisting of the committee’s recommendation to approve two NAS courses for both Liberal Studies Division IV (Social Sciences) and World Cultures credit. There was a short discussion which indicated that some members of Executive Senate Committee did not wholeheartedly agree with the LSC’s evaluation. However, the report is on the agenda for first reading at the next Senate meeting.

  1. Unfinished Business
  2. CUP Report of Tuesday 02 November 2010 (Item 1)

1. MGT 216 Syllabus

2. MGT 416 Syllabus (revised)

This report’s first reading occurred on 11/2. At that time, Senate members pointed out that the two different courses(MGT 216 and 416) had almost identical descriptions.

Syllabi for both courses were made availableon 11/16 for the second reading. Additionally, upon request fromExecutive Senate, Ray Antmen attended the meeting to address questions or concerns. He was able to point out the distinction between the two courses, but was asked to clarify those differences on the syllabi (in the interest ofmaking things clear for students).

Ray modified the MGT 416 Syllabus, and it is available for Senate review. Second reading is scheduled to resume on 11/30.

Larry mentioned thatat this busy time in the semester, the request’s originating department may not have had adequate time to resolve all of the details. We will be prepared to postpone the report if the department makes the request.

  1. CUP Report of Tuesday 16 November 2010

Friction might be expected between the Biology and Geography departments (supposedly due to the order/speed in which their respective reports have ‘made their way’ through CUP).

Second reading is scheduled for 11/30.

  1. FGC Report of Tuesday 16 November 2010

Second reading is scheduled for 11/30.

  1. New Business
  1. Informal Consideration
  2. AISAC Presentation Response

Brief discussion took place about the emaildistributed by Rebecca Ulland. The email expressed displeasure regarding the library’s current digitization plans.

  1. ASNMU Representation

Questions were raised about a student’s meeting attendance. Larry assured us that Kim Martino was welcome. She is still an ASNMU member, but she is no longer an official representative.

Additionally, a request was made to modify Senate bylaws to allow a representative from the graduate association of ASNMU to sit on the Academic Senate. Larry is helping the student to formulate a proposal.

  1. Good of the Order

The next meeting of the Senate Executive Committee will take place on the first Tuesday of Winter 2011 semester (1/11/11).

  1. Adjournment(4:05p.m.)

Respectfully submitted,

Deanna Pozega, Senate Secretary

Northern Michigan University