BIOL 3360 Animal Behaviour: Sample Midterm Questions

Your midterm (15 October in 305 BSB) will consist of up to three sections: definitions (3 to 5, at 2 marks each), short answer questions (which may ask you to list, describe or integrate aspects of what we've discussed in lecture; 4 or 5 questions at roughly 6 marks each), and possibly, a brief "matching" exercise where terms or names given will be matched to letters corresponding to statements in another column (4 to 8 marks depending upon the number of items). Any material we have covered in class, up to and including the lecture on 12 October, could be on the midterm. I have provided examples of each type of question below.

Part I: Definitions

For each of the following provide a concise definition. (2 marks each)



Part II: Short Answer Questions

(you will be given a fixed amount of space on the test paper itself in which to answer each question)

1.In a tabular format, contrast ethology and comparative psychology with respect to type of training, emphasis, methods, common subjects, and geographical location of principle proponents. (5 marks)

2.List 2 of the many types of experimental evidence that prove genes influence the expression of behaviour. For any one of those, state what such studies involve, and provide an example. (5 marks)

3.Vicunas perform an interesting behaviour pattern when they detect a predator. Individuals repeatedly lift one of their forelegs off the ground, apparently tapping the ground with their hoof. Explain how you, as an animal behaviour researcher will gain insight into the function and evolution of the “hoof-stomping” behaviour. Be sure to name the approach you will follow and describe that approach in general terms, along with what you would require (in general) to conduct your research. Also give one plausible hypothesis as to why such “hoof-stomping” might occur. (6 marks)

Part III: Matching Exercise (7 marks)

Match the letters in the second column with the names or terms in the first column so that each set of names or term has only one associated letter.

___ Lorenz, Tinbergen, von FrischA. FAP appearing in response to simple, highly effective stimuli

___ Beach, Schneirla, AronsonB. removal of noxious stimulus increasing response frequency

___ Morgan's CanonC. Ethologists

___ TriggeredD. removal of rewarding stimulus decreasing response frequency

___ Negative reinforcementE. simplest explanation is correct

___ ReleasedF. FAP always continues to completion (is all or none)

___ PunishmentG. Behavioral Epigeneticists

Bonus Question: anything’s possible, but will be something mentioned in class orlab!