Dutch ConFab, Integral Lowlands
May 29 – June 1, 2007, The Netherlands
Much is going on in the Netherlands. Events such as the murder of Theo van Gogh and globally the 9-11 attack and aftermath, have shocked our nation. As with any systems change we see both backlash, calls for more laws and aggression towards Islam, as well as the growth of a new collective awareness of a more integral approach to our society’s dilemmas. The way in which Herman Wijffelslead the information process showed a new way of relating that transcends traditional politics and individual or party interests.
In May the Center For Human Emergence organises the Dutch ConFab, titled Integral Lowlands. During this conference we will use the Spiral Dynamics Integral models to analyse and further develop a number of practical case studies related to current dilemmas in Dutch society. Christopher Cooke, one of the world’s leading Whole Systems Change consultants and one of the core members of the Global Spiral Dynamics Group, will lead this event. Chris uses the CultureSCAN process based on Spiral Dynamics Integralto enhance participant’s ability to facilitate natural change in groups and systems in real life situations.
Background on Spiral Dynamics Integral
The last decade’s life has evolved enormously and we have now reached a level of complexity that can no longer be dealt with through traditional methods of command and control and with conventional leadership wisdom. Our next step is to evolve into new ways of thinking that will come from a whole new level of consciousness.
Spiral Dynamics Integral (SDI) identifies underlying codes that are the basis of our behaviour, our worldview and our interaction with the world around us. When used in analysing human systems, it raises our consciousness and makes us aware of underlying surface symptoms, explains the nature of dissonance and identifies the next natural step in our development. It helps us to consciously create natural habitats for life to evolve.During the event participants will learn to work through an SDI perspective and will become aware of their own inner journey in this new way of being.
Structure of the conference and prerequisites
The overall theme will be an integral approach to dilemmas and issues in current Dutch society. During the event a number of different groups will work in parallel on particular case studies and interact to identify the deeper patterns in the overall field. Participants can choose to join one of these groups or can bring in their own practical application (please contact us in advance if you choose to do so). Areas of application can for instance be; social cohesion in neighbourhoods, education, justice and policing, organisational change or healthcare.
The Macroscope project is currently conducting a national survey to identify the Spiral Dynamics Value Systems and conditions for change in the Netherlands. The results of this survey will be presented during the Culture SCAN event and are available for application in the various fields and case studies.
Participants require a basic understanding of the Spiral Dynamics Integral models, such as provided in the SDI level 1 certification training. Understanding of the PeopleSCAN tools and methodology is an advantage. For participants who currently hold a SDI level 1 certification this event will lead to an SDI level 2 certification.
Practical information:
Dates: May 29 – June 1st
Facilitator: Christopher Cooke
Co facilitation: Peter MerryAuke van Nimwegen
Organisation: Frederike Vos
Language in plenary sessions is English, in workgroups Dutch.
Cost, includes course fees, lunches and beverages:
Private participants: € 575, € 475 for CHE donators, incl. 19% VAT.
Small & single person companies€ 800, € 700 for CHE donators, excl. 19% VAT.
Corporate participants: € 1050, € 950 for CHE donators, excl. 19% VAT.
If prices are a barrier and you feel that your participation is crucial, please contact us to discuss.
Information about location will follow.
Evening meals and accommodation will be available at additional cost.
Logistics and registration contact: Frederike Vos,
Contact regarding content and case studies: Auke van Nimwegen,
About Christopher Cooke:
Christopher Cooke is an international senior manager, consultant, coach, trainer, and qualified engineer with over twenty years experience in pioneering and supporting personal and organizational change. His curiosity about what is truly possible for individuals, teams, organizations, communities, and countries provides him with a passionate capacity to engage the real issues using elegantly simple approaches that are aligned with the natural systems that support the continued emergence of all life.
Cooke's specialization in Natural Systems Thinking is highly appreciated by clients across a wide range of public, private, profit, and voluntary sectors. He has become widely recognized for his interest and ability to support innovation in thought, effective decision making, and the development of practical approaches to complex, large-scale organizational and societal change.
Through his links with the Spiral Dynamics Group, Cooke has access to large-scale initiatives and maintains a significant advisory role for a global network of Whole Systems Thinking and Change expertise. He was awarded the Clare W. Graves Award for Ethical and Innovative Leadership in May 2003.
Cooke holds a master's degree in Managing Change awarded through SheffieldHallamBusinessSchool and The Centre for the Study of Change. He also holds an HND in Mechanical and Production Engineering and a BA in Environmental Monitoring and Control through the Open University. Cooke is a member of the Institute of Water Officers, an associate of the Chartered Institute of Water and Environmental Management, a member of Institute of Directors, and a member of the International NLP Trainers Association.
About the Center for Human Emergence
"De huidige tijd vraagt om nieuwe oriëntaties, nieuwe manieren van leven, werken en organiseren. We zoeken praktische wegen om een samenleving vorm te geven waarin samenhang en duurzaamheid voorop staan. Het CHE brengt mensen bij elkaar die zich daarvoor willen inzetten. Ik verwacht van het CHE baanbrekende bijdragen aan de maatschappelijke vernieuwing." - Herman Wijffels
Nederland is op een cruciaal punt in z'n ontwikkeling. Oude manieren van doen lijken niet langer te werken en nieuwe wegen moeten zich nog aandienen. In deze kritieke tijden is de spanning voelbaar: wordt het terugval of doorbraak? Het Center for Human Emergence Nederland - CHE (NL) - is opgericht om de doorbraak te faciliteren naar een hoger niveau van zijn en een graad van organisatie die past bij de complexiteit van de uitdagingen waar we nu voor staan. Wat wij in ons land doen, zou goed kunnen dienen als voorbeeld voor de rest van de wereld.
Het Nederlandse Center for Human Emergence is verbonden met zusterorganisaties in andere landen, zoals Denmarken, Engeland en de Verenigde Staten. Deze centra zijn gevormd door een samen werking met Dr. Don Beck en lokale initiatiefnemers.