The Message for June 25, 2017

Radical Discipleship – Watch Out For Idols

Exodus 20:4-6

Rob Miller, Pastor

This is week two of our ten-week worship series on the 10 Commandments. Last week we focused on puttingfirst things first -- that is puttingGod first. Today our topic is –Watch Out for Idols…

We begin with a video from the Skit Guys. Check it out…

Skit Guys – Idol Worship Video

The Golden Calf refers to the idol the Israelites made out of gold while they were waiting in the wilderness for Moses to return from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments from God… They got tired of waiting for God and decided to make their own god – an idol – a golden calf.

We can turn anything into an idol.The second commandment says – don’t do it! We read about that in Exodus 20:4-6

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The Second Commandment says basically two things:

  1. Don’t idolize anything
  2. Worship only God

This second commandment reinforces the first commandment… You shall have no other gods before me. (Luther skips this second commandment in his list – seeing it as part of the first commandment. So in the Small Catechism the numberingis a little different.)

What is an idol? An idol is anything that takes our devotion and our commitment away God and puts it on something else.

Question:What’s at the center of your life? What is your primary focus? What drives you? If it’s an idol,you will be disappointed every time.

Now… an idol doesn’t have to be a bad thing - it can be a good thing. Some people park their idol in their garage. I can relate to that one. Some people park their idol at the marina. Some people put their idol in a safe deposit box. Some people love to watch their idol on a TV show called, “American Idol.”

Archaeologists have discovered in every culture throughout history – idols - little statues of gods or goddesses. We humans tend to have a desire to turn objects or people or things into something we can worship.

I’ll let you in on a little secret - God does not like that. As a matter of fact - God hates that! Idol worship for God is a serious thing. God is a jealous God and desires our complete devotion and our exclusive worship.

Imagine… if I went home today from worship and said to my wife, Amber– “Honey, I love you. And I was thinking… I’d like to start dating other women.” Do you think she would be okay with that? NO WAY!

Neither is God! Our God is a jealous God. Not jealous of us but jealous for us. In Deuteronomy 4 we read…

“Since you saw no form when theLordspoke to you at Horeb out of the fire, take care and watch yourselves closely, so that you do not sin by making an idol for yourselves, in the form of any figure…” (Deuteronomy 4:15-16)

When we engage in idol worship -- the outcome is never good. Here are three reasons why we ought not idolize anything…

Frist - Idols will Disappoint Us

They always promise more than they can deliver. Jeremiah says,“Those who make idols are disillusioned because the gods they made are false and lifeless.”(Jeremiah 10:14)

Some people think that if they wear a certain kind of clothing- they’ll be popular.

OR Drink this beer - it doesn’t get any better than this.

OR Buy this toothpaste - you’ll have sex appeal.

Anytime we put our expectations in something other than God - we will be disappointed. Only God can fill the hunger in our hearts.

Second - Idols will Dominate Us

Paul said, “Before you knew Christ you were controlled by dead idols, who always led you astray.” (1 Cor.12:2) Emphasis on the words “controlled” and “always led astray.”

The word we use today for idols is the word – “Addiction.” You can become addicted to just about anything -- work, sports, sex, drugs, music – you name it. Do you have an addiction?

You will be led astray. It will control you. Some people seek the ultimate career andneglect their family. Some people feed a habit and it destroys their health. Some people are so concerned about you (name it…)

Third - Idols will Deform Us.

Idols change us… warp us… tie up our lives intoknots. We become just like what we value most.

The Psalmist says, “Those who make idols become like them and so will those who trust in them.”(Psalm 115:8)

We shape an idol and then it shapes us.

There is the wonderful story in the Bible about a rich young ruler who came to Jesus and said “What must I do to follow you and have eternal life?”

Jesus gave him a strange answer, “Sell everything you have, give the money to the poor and then come follow me.” Jesus didn’t say that to anybody else. Why did he say it to this guy? It seems Jesus knew this man had an idol in his life – his money and possessions. They were in the way of his relationship with God…

What are you holding on to today-- what gets in the way of your relationship with God through Christ Jesus? What idol is holding you back?

Consider this: A $50 bill doesn’t look so big when you go through the checkout at the grocery store, does it? And yet, why does it look so big when the offering plate is passed around in worship?

Funny story – A family was on their way home Sunday morning from worship and the dad was complaining: “The sermon was too long, the music was too loud, the room was too hot.”

His little boy in the back seat said, “Dad, I didn’t think it was such a bad show for a dollar. That’s what you put in the offing plate, right?”

Idols love to distract us, dominate us, disappoint us, and eventually destroy us. The first thing we learn in this second Commandment is this “Don’t Idolize Anything!” The second thing is this:

Worship only God

What is worship? It is to give our highest love and devotion. Have you ever heard someone say, “I worship the ground he/she walks on…” God says, “Worship only me.”

Saint Paul writes in Romans 1…

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie,and worshiped and served created thingsrather than the Creator—who is forever praised. (Romans 1:25)

It’s amazing what people will worship today. Some people worship the things of creation and not the Creator. They worship trees, or stars, or crystals, or good luck charms, or animals…

Some people would love to turn God into a statue or a form that they can bow down to. Three problems with that…

First problem…

  1. It is an attempt to corner God (limit God location)

If we can turn God into a statue, then we can know exactly where God is. If we don’t want God around, we can put God in a drawer, or leave God at home. That way we can feel better about ourselves when we do something wrong. If we can keep God on a shelf or at church, then we got God under control – cornered.

Second problem…

  1. It is an attempt to constrain God (reduce God power and size)

If we could whittle God down to size in the form of a statue or put God in a box or in an idea (God’s only in the Bible), then God is less imposing, less threatening.

In Genesis 1:26 it reads,“Let usmake humankindin our image,in our likeness…”It does not read, “Let us make God in our image, in human likeness.”

Funny Story – A little girl was drawing a picture at school and she told her teacher, “I’m drawing a picture of God.” The teacher said, “But nobody knows what God looks like.” The little girl said, “They will when I get done.”

That’s what all of us do, we draw our own picture of God by the way we live our lives?

Third problem…

3. It is an attempt to control God

When you have an idol, the worshipper has more control. Lots of people want a god that they can control/or manipulate.

Funny Story – A little boy wanted a new bicycle and told his mom as such. She said, “Why don’t you pray about it?” He decided to write a letter to Jesus. “Dear Jesus, I want a new bicycle and I’ve been perfect for the last year.” He knew that wasn’t right so he threw that piece of paper away and started again.

He wrote, “Dear Jesus, I’ve been a good boy most of the time.” He knew that was right either so he started again, “Dear Jesus, I want to be a good boy.” He knew that wasn’t true, so he threw that away too. He goes into the living room, grabs the statue of Mary, wraps it in a towel and throws it under his bed. Then he writes, “If you ever want to see your mother again…”

There are at least three problems with idol worship. And there are at least three benefits of worshipping only God:

  1. Delight – it brings us delightment

In Psalm 37 we read…Seek your happiness in the Lord and he will give you your heart’s desire. (Psalm 37:4)There is nothing in the world more life-giving or more challenging than our relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior.

In Romans 10 we read…Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed. (Romans 10:11) Don’t settle for an image of God – when you can have the realthing.

2. Deliver – it brings us deliverance

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

In John’s gospel we read, “If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed!”

We are set free from needing the approval of others. We live for an audience of one – God.

We are set free from the past – forgiven by God’s grace.

We are set free from thepresent- empowered to break bad habits.

We are set free from the future – assurance that there is life after death.

3. Develop – it brings us development

Listen to how St. Paul puts it in his letter to the Corinthians. But we Christians have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him. (Corinthians 3:18)

We are being changed into the image of God as reflected in Jesus. You are God’s masterpiece and you are a work in progress. Why would we worship anything else?

Don’t idolize anything… Worship only God… Amen

Next week our topic will be – Honoring God’s Name