COM Leadership and Innovation Showcase

The NC State College of Management’s Second Annual Leadership and Innovation Showcase on April 27 is a double celebration of achievement – recognizing both student and professional accomplishments.

The Innovation Showcase puts the spotlight on our students. Undergraduate and graduate students in the college are encouraged to participate in this event with a poster presentation summarizing their innovative work in a project-based course, completed in fall 2009 or spring 2010. The students compete for scholarships that will be awarded for the top presentations in the undergraduate and graduate categories.

In the Leadership Showcase, the college recognizes a distinguished individual who has made outstanding contributions to the college, to his or her profession, and to the NC State community. This individual receives the College of Management’s Annual Person of the Year Award and presents the scholarship awards for the top Innovation Showcase student or team project presentations.

Student Project Submission and Awards Process

Students interested in participating with a poster presentation must submit an application [link to form] to reserve a spot in the Showcase.

* Application form deadline: March 20, 2010.
* Presentation poster deadline: April 8.
* Finalists announced: April 26
* Student presentations & judging: April 27, x:xx p.m. – x:xx p.m. (team members must be present to participate in the judging)
* Winners and Prizes: will be announced and presented during an awards ceremony that concludes the Leadership and Innovation Showcase event, x:xx p.m. – x:xx p.m.


Scholarships will be awarded to each group participant, as follows.

H3. Undergraduate Projects

*1st Place $750 per project
* 2nd Place $500 per project

H3. Graduate Projects

* 1st Place $1,250 per project
* 2nd Place $1,000 per project
* 3rd Place $750 per project