Sentence Structure and Types of Clauses Practice Test(Answer key follows)

What is the sentence structure in the following sentences?

A. SimpleB. Compound C. Complex D. Compound/Complex

1. Everyone played well, but Jenny scored the winning basket.

2. The motorcycles roared around the curve and raced down the track.

3. When the temperature rose above freezing, the snow finally began to melt.

4. Lawyers argue cases, but judges decide them.

5. Will you stay home, or will you come with us?

6. Although James can play the guitar, he doesn’t sing well, so he may not be in the band.

7. Margaret didn’t complain until her leg began to ache.

8. Tony washed and dried the dishes and the cups.

9. Jessica, who is my best friend, walked into the room, and she looked radiant!

10. Keith made the winning goal after he ran sixty yards in the final moments of the game.

Identify the clauses as:

A: adjective clause B: adverb clause C: Noun clause D. adjective phrase E. adverb phrase

11. French fries, which are so unhealthy, are my favorite fast food.

12. Because my brother is older, he is able to stay up later than I can.

13. After screaming for desert, Beth calmly ate her dinner.

14. The singer, who was terrific, played well into the night.

15. The unemployed woman donated whatever money she saved.

16. The singer was terrific although she didn’t like to perform.


Incorrect. Why?

  • Before I go to work I enjoy a cup of coffee.
  • Bobby prefers cartoons but Jenkins likes more serious shows.
  • I plan to try out for the play, then hopefully I will get the lead.
  • I like chocolate, however I don’t like Hershey’s.

Sentence Structure and Types of Clauses Practice Test (Answer key)

What is the sentence structure in the following sentences?

A. SimpleB. Compound C. Complex D. Compound/Complex

1. Everyone played well, but Jenny scored the winning basket.B

2. The motorcycles roared around the curve and raced down the track.A

3. When the temperature rose above freezing, the snow finally began to melt.C

4. Lawyers argue cases, but judges decide them.B

5. Will you stay home, or will you come with us?B

6. Although James can play the guitar, he doesn’t sing well, so he may not be in the band.D

7. Margaret didn’t complain until her leg began to ache.C

8. Tony washed and dried the dishes and the cups.A

9. Jessica, who is my best friend, walked into the room, and she looked radiant!D

10. Keith made the winning goal after he ran sixty yards in the final moments of the game.C

Identify the clauses as:

A: adjective clause B: adverb clause C: Noun clause D. adjective phrase E. adverb phrase

11. French fries, which are so unhealthy, are my favorite fast food.A

12. Because my brother is older, he is able to stay up later than I can.B

13. After screaming for desert, Beth calmly ate her dinner.E

14. The singer, who was terrific, played well into the night.A

15. The unemployed woman donated whatever money she saved.C

16. The singer was terrific although she didn’t like to perform. B

NOTE:* Incorrect. Why?

  • Before I go to work, I enjoy a cup of coffee.(needs a comma)
  • Bobby prefers cartoons, but Jenkins likes more serious shows.(needs a comma)
  • I plan to try out for the play;then hopefully I will get the lead.(then begins a new clause)
  • I like chocolate;however I don’t like Hershey’s. (howevermoreoverbegin a new clause)

Then and conjunctive adverbs such as however and moreoverare NOT coordinating conjunctions (FAN BOYS) and cannot connect two independent clauses!