
Manuscripts Published or In Press
Weinstein, N., & Hodgins, H. S. (2009). The moderating role of motivation for written emotion expression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35, 3, 351-364.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). Vitality. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Encyclopedia of positive psychology (pp. 1023-1025). NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ryan, R. M., & Weinstein, R. M. (in press). Undermining quality teaching and learning: A self-determination theory perspective on high stakes testing. Theory and Research in Education.
Weinstein, N., Przybylski, A. K., & Ryan, R. M. (in press). Can nature make us more caring? Effects of immersion in nature on intrinsic aspirations and generosity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Weinstein, N., Brown, K. W., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). A multi-method examination of the effects of mindfulness on stress attribution, coping, and emotional well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 374-385.
Weinstein, N., Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (in press). A self-determination theory perspective on the process and content of life meaning. In P. T. P Wong & P. S. Fry (Eds.), The Human Quest for Meaning Vol 2. New York: Guilford.

Manuscripts Under Review
Hodgins, H. S., Weibust, K. S., Weinstein, N., Shiffman, S., Miller, A., & Coombs, G. (2008). The domino effect: The relation of autonomy and control motivation to defensiveness and subsequent performance. Manuscript under review.
Przybylski, A. K., Weinstein, N., Ryan, R. M., & Rigby, S. C. (2009). A motivational analysis of passion for video game play. Unpublished manuscript.
Ryan, R. M., Weinstein, N., Bernstein, J., Brown, K. W., Mastella, L., & Gagné, M. (2008). Vitalizingeffects of being outdoors and in nature. Manuscript under review.
Weinstein, N., Hodgins, H. S., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). Autonomy and nondefense in dyads: The effect of primed motivation on interaction quality and joint creative performance.Manuscript under review.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan, R. M. (2008). When helping helps: An examination of motivational constructs underlying prosocial behavior and their influence on well-being for the helper and recipient. Manuscript under review.

Manuscripts in Preparation
Grano, C., & Weinstein, N. (2009). Motivation for prosocial behaviors in America and Italy. Unpublished manuscript.
Weinstein, N. (2009). Motivational effects on collaborative decision-making and changing one’s mind.Unpublished manuscript.
Weinstein, N. (2009). Motivational effects on collaborative decision-making and changing one’s mind. Unpublished manuscript.
Weinstein, N., Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). Motivational determinants of integrating positive and negative past identities. Unpublished manuscript.
Weinstein, N., DeHaan, C., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). Attributed motivation and the recipient experience: Perceptions of other, self, and the helping relationship. Unpublished manuscript.
Weinstein, N., Przybylski, A. K., & Ryan, R. M. (2009). Development of a dispositional scale of autonomous functioning. Unpublished manuscript.

Selected Conference Presentations
Weinstein, N., Hodgins, H. S., & Ryan, R. M. (May, 2009). Effects of motivational priming on collaborative relationships. In N. Weinstein & L. Legault (Chairs), Implicit and explicit processes in motivation: Validation and applications in interpersonal contexts. Talk to be presented at the Society for the Study of Motivation meeting, San FranciscoCA.
Weinstein, N., Arikan, Y., Hodgins, H. S., & Ryan R. M. (February, 2009). How to succeed at a game of charades: The role of motivation in responsive dyad interactions and creative task engagement. Presented at the meeting of Society and Personality and Social Psychology, TampaFL.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan R. M. (February, 2008). Prosocial judgments. Presented at the Judgment and Decision-Making pre-conference of SPSP, AlbuquerqueNM.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan R. M. (February, 2008). Nature effects on interpersonal closeness. Presented at the meeting of Society and Personality and Social Psychology, AlbuquerqueNM.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan, R. M. (September, 2007). Prosocial behaviors and the outcomes for the community. Presented at the Gallup Positive Psychology summit, WashingtonDC.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan, R. M. (May, 2007). Motivation for helping: Implications for both helper and recipient. Presented at the Self-Determination Theory conference, Toronto.
Weinstein, N., & Hodgins, H. S. (January, 2007). Self-determination and the experience of stress. Presentedat the meeting of Society and Personality and Social Psychology, MemphisTN.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan, R. M. (September, 2005). Meaning and well-being: Mediation by need satisfaction. Presented at the Gallup Positive Psychology summit, WashingtonDC.
Weinstein, N., & Ryan, R. M. (August, 2005). The effect of mindfulness on stress and coping. Presented at the American Psychological Association conference, WashingtonDC.
Weinstein, N., Przybylski, A. K., & Ryan, R. M. (August, 2005). The mediating effect of psychological needs on the relation between life-meaning and mental Health. Presented at the American Psychological Association conference, WashingtonDC.
Weinstein, N., Paciorek, M., Means-Christensen, A., Sherbourne, C. D., Craske, M. G., Roy-Byrne, P., & Stein, M. B. (March, 2003). Neuroticism as a predictor of functioning in primary care patients. Presented at the Anxiety Disorders of America conference, Toronto.