Parent and Youth FAQ About The ROAD Program

The ROAD Program is a youth-driven program that encourages youth to be self-motivated to take steps toward independence and success in life. We encourage the youth in our program to take responsibility for their behaviors and the extent that they participate in our program. We show respect for the youth as individuals and allow them to learn at their own pace. Here are some questions that are frequently asked about our program:

Behavioral Expectations

Q: How will my youth be expected to act while at The ROAD?

A: Youth who come to The ROAD sign a Rights & Responsibilities Agreement (see attached). If they do not comply with this agreement, they will be given warnings (as per staff discretion) and, should the behaviors continue, may be asked to leave.

Q: Can my youth leave The ROAD whenever he/she wishes?

A: Yes. Because of our drop-in format, youth may leave as early as they wish. We do ask that youth come at specific times for groups and field trips. The youth often leave to get a snack and return. If a specific youth needs more strict rules regarding leaving the center, please let us know so that we can look at the youth’s needs on a case-by-case basis; however, we will never restrain a youth or force them to remain in our building against their will.

Q: What is The ROAD’s policy on tobacco?

A: Due to our location on a JeffersonCountyPublic School campus, we follow the JeffersonCountyPublic School policies on tobacco as well as JeffersonCenter for Mental Health policies, meaning that tobacco products that staff members see on campus must be confiscated. We also ask that youth refrain from smoking on field trips.

Q: What is The ROAD’s policy on drugs and alcohol?

A: The ROAD has no tolerance for drugs or alcohol in our facility. Youth who come to The ROAD while under the influence will be asked to leave. Repeat offenses will lead to youth being asked not to return. If a youth brings drugs or alcohol to our facility, the police will be called.

Q: What happens if my youth is asked to leave?

A: We explain to the youth when they may return to The ROAD; generally, they may return the next day. We will let them know if we would like to them to take a longer break.

Q: What type of supervision is there at The ROAD?

A: Youth may not be in the building without a staff member. However, as outlined above, youth may leave The ROAD as they wish without being accompanied by staff.

Q: Is there a dress code at The ROAD?

A: We ask that youth not wear clothing with drug/alcohol references, gang symbols/references, violence, or explicit language/images. We also ask that youth not wear clothing that is revealing (as per staff discretion).

Q: What if a youth becomes violent?

A: Staff at The ROAD has been trained in verbal conflict de-escalation. If this does not calm the youth, he/she will be asked to leave. If the youth refuses, the police will be called.

Q: What if a youth arrives before The ROAD drop-in center is open?

A: Unless a youth has an appointment with a specific staff member, youth are asked not to arrive before the drop-in center has opened. We are not able to allow youth to wait in our offices.

Q: Does The ROAD provide mental health services? If so, how do I pay for them?

A: The ROAD provides individual counseling at our facility as well as psychoeducational groups. We accept Medicaid. Depending on our funding, we provide both individual counseling and groups at no cost to uninsured individuals. Also ask if your youth is eligible for the CrossRoads program, which may be able to provide individual and family counseling in-home.

Field Trips

Q: Does anything at The ROAD cost money?

A: The ROAD is grant-funded, so everything is currently provided at no cost. Currently, the only time a youth may require money is if they would like to purchase their own food/souvenirs/arcade games on a field trip or their own snacks from the vending machine on our campus. The ROAD does accept donations.

Q: How does transportation work for field trips?

A: The ROAD has its own 15-passenger van. Youth must have a permission slip signed by a legal guardian in order to ride in the van or staff vehicles (youth 18 and over can sign for themselves). The van will leave from and return to The ROAD location (5220 W Ohio Ave in Lakewood). Youth are required to wear their seatbelts in the van. (If a youth would like to meet us at a location, rather than riding with us in the van, he/she needs to let us know ahead of time.)

Q: What if my youth leaves the group on a field trip?

A: Youth over 18 are expected to find their own way home if they do not accompany us back to The ROAD. For youth under 18 who would like to leave directly from a field trip, rather than returning with us, we must have oral or written consent from their guardian ahead of time. If a youth under 18 leaves without permission, we will call his/her emergency contact upon returning to The ROAD facility.

Q: What if my youth shows up late for a field trip?

A: If the group has left already, the youth will be expected to find his/her own way home. Youth are not allowed to stay at the facility without supervision.


Q: How can my youth get a bus pass through The ROAD?

A: Youth who participate in specific groups at The ROAD may be eligible for a bus pass for the month after the group begins. Examples may include healthy relationships, youth advisory board, independent living skills, and GED preparation. Youth are responsible for coming up with an agreement with staff about how they will earn their bus pass, and for completing their part of the agreement.

Q: Does The ROAD ever give bus tokens to youth?

A: Youth who participate in ROAD activities on a regular basis and who have not been given a bus pass may get bus tokens for transportation to specific events (such as a meeting at the WorkforceCenter or coming to a specific presentation at The ROAD).

Q: What if my youth loses his/her bus pass?

A: The ROAD cannot issue another bus pass or bus tokens to a youth who has destroyed or lost his/her bus pass.

Food, Supplies, and Computers

Q: Will my youth receive meals at The ROAD?

A: On occasion, The ROAD will provide a meal, such as during a pizza party, cooking practice, or a barbecue. These occasions will be marked on our monthly calendar. Otherwise, youth are expected to eat before attending our program. Youth are expected to know and inform us about potential food allergies.

Q: Will my youth receive snacks at The ROAD?

A: Youth can earn snacks by participating in activities at The ROAD and earning “Road Bucks” to “buy” snacks. There may not be opportunities to earn snacks every day. Youth are expected to know and inform us about potential food allergies.

Q: I have heard that The ROAD has food boxes, hygiene supplies, and other personal supplies. Is this true?

A: The ROAD does have these supplies in limited quantities. We do our best to ensure that supplies are given out fairly to as many youth who request items as possible.

Q: What is The ROAD’s policy on computer usage?

A: Because The ROAD is located on a JeffersonPublic School campus, we must follow the JPS computer usage policy. Our computers also have a JPS filter for internet access. All youth are asked to sign the JPS computer usage agreement.

The Road Youth Rights and Responsibilities

Youth Rights

Youth at The Road have the right to expect a safe space. Youth have a right to express any concerns they may have regarding safety at The Road to staff and to expect that staff will listen to and hear their concerns. Youth have a right to be treated with respect and dignity at all times, by staff and by other participants. Youth are encouraged to voice their opinions on programming and expectations at The Road.

Youth Responsibilities

While at The Road or in attendance of off grounds, Road sponsored events, we ask that participants uphold the following responsibilities:

1.To contribute to an atmosphere of tolerance, respect and safety. At no time should a youth in attendance at The Road engage in behavior and/or language that is threatening, abusive, or intimidating

2.To refrain from all conduct which discriminates against other youth, staff, or community member on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age or physical ability.

3.To refrain from all behavior that could be construed as bullying or harassment.

4.To personally refrain from bringing any sort of contraband to The Road. Contraband will be defined as a weapon of any kind, including pocket knives, illegal drugs, fireworks/explosives, or any other dangerous and/or illegal item

5.To respect the property of The Road by caring for it and refraining from theft and vandalism. Also, to demonstrate respect for The Road’s property by cleaning up after yourself and contributing to the overall cleanliness and livability of the space.

6.To refrain from any and all sexual conduct while on The Road premises or at Road-sponsored events. Sexual contact will be defined as any physical display of romantic affection – i.e. cuddling, kissing, stroking, petting, necking, etc.

7.To refrain from attending The Road while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

8.To refrain from activities that promote or display gang involvement, such as displaying colors, flashing signs, or other gang related behaviors.

9.To respect all reasonable staff directives and to leave promptly, without argument, if asked to do so.

10.At no time are children under the age of 15 (unless you are a BradyHigh School student), or pets allowed at The Road.