UNIV 1301: Seminar in Critical Inquiry (3 credits)
Chicano/a Popular Culture: The Educational Experiences of Mexican-Americans in Film
Spring 2005
Section 26109
12:00-1:20 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays
Old Main #201
Instructional Team
Instructor: Sylvia Peregrino, PhDPeer Leader: Carla Contreras
Email: mail:
Phone: 747-8433 Phone: UGLC # 214
Office: Education Bldg. #506Office: 920-0105
Office hours: Tue. 11:00-12:00 or by appointment Office hours: Tue & Thurs 7:45-8:45 AM and by appointment
Librarian: Juan Sandoval
Phone: 747-6713
This section of Univ 1301 will examine the portrayals of Mexican Americans in popular culture. Featured films will focus on the educational experiences of Mexican-Americans and include: And the Earth did not Swallow Him, Real Women Have Curves, Stand and Deliver and The Forgotten Americans. Students will write an auto-ethnography of their educational experiences in addition to reaction papers about the films and background readings.
This course will also place a significant emphasis on acquiring and practicing the skills needed to help you successfully make the transition into college. We will specifically focus on strengthening academic skills such as time management, reading for content, writing, note taking, test taking, memory and overall organization. The most important skill that will be emphasized in this course is “critical inquiry” as you reflect on the films. The activities and assignments in this course will promote student interaction and involvement with various members of the UTEP community including other students, staff and faculty members.
Required Books (Available at the Bookstore):
D. Ellis (2003). Becoming a Master Student. (10th Edition) Boston: Houghton Mifflin
T. Rivera (1992) And the Earth Did Not Devour Him. Houston: Arte Publico Press.
UNIV 1301 Course Reading Packet available at the library copy center 1st floor
Other Recommended Materials:
UTEP (2003) Undergraduate Catalogue 2002-2004. El Paso: UTEP
Academic Planner (UTEP provides these free at the student activities office)
Class Participation & Attendance
Attendance, punctuality, and class participation are vital to your success in this course and are important components to your final grade. Each absence and lateness will be counted against your final grade. If you must be absent, you are responsible for gathering and completing missed assignments. I encourage you to visit office hours or to contact the instructor or peer leader if you are concerned about your attendance.
Students with Disabilities
If you need accommodations because of a disability or medical condition please meet with me and contact the Disabled Student Services Office in Union East Room #106 (747-5148).
Students are required to complete all the assignments below. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. Late assignments are not accepted. Extra credit assignments will be provided at the instructor’s discretion.
- Class Participation and Attendance 100
- Auto-ethnography 100
- Quizzes (3) 150
- Campus Resource Group Presentation 100
- Video Response (4)200
- Campus Events (3)150
VII. Educational Issues Research Assignment200
1000 points
1000-900= A899-800=B799-700=C699-600=Dbelow 599=F
Brief Description of Assignments:
- Class Participation and Attendance-Students will be awarded points based on completion of in-class assignments, punctuality, participation and attendance.
- Auto-ethnography-Students will write a personal essay reflecting on their own schooling experiences at the K-12 level. Students will discuss their motivations for attending college and how they chose to come to UTEP. There will be a pre-writing exercise in class. A rubric will be provided ahead of time so that you can structure your essay.
- Quizzes- Quizzes will be conducted on assigned readings, films and course materials. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
- Campus Resource Group Presentation-A group assignment and presentation will be conducted on selected campus resources such as: UTEP career services, tutoring and learning center, student health center, counseling center, recreation and computer services.
- Video Response-A two-page typed reflection paper incorporating your reaction to the film and class readings is required for each of the films showed in class. The papers will be due the following class period.
- Campus Events-Students are required to attend three campus events (one per month) and write a two page reaction paper to the event. You may choose to go to a sporting event, play, film, art exhibit, lecture or other campus event. Try to attend different types of activities. Your instructor and peer leader will provide information on upcoming events or check the UTEP web page for upcoming events.
- Educational Issues Research Assignment- Students will work in pairs and research a topic illustrated in one of the films or in the readings such as: affirmative action, segregation, tracking, first generation college students, testing, education of migrant students, or any other educational topic with the prior approval of your instructor.
Students will turn in an annotated bibliography which should include at least 5 references from different sources (magazines, journals, books). Students should use the APA or MLA citation formats. Students presentations should use Powerpoint. Students will have a draft presentation when they meet with their instructor.
Schedule of Classes
(Subject to change at the instructor’s discretion)
Date / Assignment / Homework/Instructions for next sessionWeek 1
1/11 / First Day of ClassWelcome and Introductions
Overview of Educational Attainment in the United States / Get a UTEP e-mail account-send your instructor and peer leader an e-mail by the end of the week*
Next class: bring your course syllabi from all your other classes and an academic planner
Read: Ellis-Chapter 2: TimeHW: Complete VARK assessment
1/13 /
Discuss Time Management Strategies and Learning Styles
Creating a Master Plan for the semester
/ Schedule an appointment to meet w/your instructor or peer leader by 1/27Read: Ellis-Chapter 4: ReadingPacket: Acuña R. (2003) Race Classification. In U.S. Latino Issues (pp. 29-33) Westport: Greenwood Press.
Packet: Bureau of the Census. (2004) The Hispanic Population in the United States.
1/18 / Discuss Reading Strategies and the Hispanic Condition / Read: Ellis Chapter 5: Notes
Packet: Omi M. and Winant O. (1994) Racial Formation (pp 53-76). In Racial Formation in the United States: From the 1960s to the 1990s. New York: Routledge.
Packet: Salazar R. Who is a Chicano? And What is it the Chicanos want? (pp 235-237) in Border Correspondent. Berkeley: University of California Press.
1/20 / Discuss Note Taking Strategies and Racial Formation in the United States / Packet: Tatum C. (2001) Cinema. In Chicano Popular Culture: Que Hable el Pueblo. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Ellis Chapter 6-Tests
1/25 / Discuss media stereotypes about Latinos and view the Bronze Cinema / Study for Quiz
1/27 / Quiz # 1Discuss Campus Resource Assignment / January Campus Event Due 2/3
Ellis-Chapter 10: Resources
2/1 / No Class: Work in Groups on Campus Resource Assignment / Meet with instructor during scheduled time slot. Bring a draft of your powepoint presentation on your campus resource
2/3 / Group Appointments / Ellis: Chapter 8- Communicating
2/8 / Group Presentations / Packet: San Miguel G. and Valencia R. The Educational Plight of Mexican-Americans from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to Hopwood. Harvard Educational Review 68 (3) 1998
2/10 / Discuss Education of Mexican Americans / Ellis Chapter 12: What’s Next
2/15 / Meet at TLC (library 3rd floor) to conduct PINPOINT career exploration activities / Bring PINPOINT Results to next class
HW: Career Exploration worksheet
Read: T. Rivera And the Earth Did Not Devour Him pp 83-101
2/17 / Debrief about PINPOINT / Bring Pinpoint Results to class
Bring a draft undergraduate degree plan and your course catalogue on 2/22
Read: T. Rivera And the Earth Did Not Devour Him pp 103-152
2/22 / Quiz #2
Planning your UTEP Future / February Campus Event Due 3/1
2/24 / Film: And The Earth Did not Devour Him / Garza E. Reyes P and Trueba E. (2004) Migrant Farm Workers and their children (pp. 16-27). In Resiliency and Success: Migrant Children in the United States. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers.
3/1 / Film: The Forgotten Americans / Film Reaction Paper Due 3/3
Packet: Rendon L. From the Barrio to the Academy: Revelations of a Mexican-American Scholarship Girl
3/3 / Educational Attainment of Latinas
Film: Real Women Have Curves / Packet: American Association of University Women (2001) Characteristics of Communities Affecting Participation and Success (pp. 15-36). In Si Se Puede, Yes We Can. AAUW: Washington, DC.
FYI: Course Drop Deadline 3/8
3/8 / Finish and Debrief about Film / Film Reaction Paper Due 3/10
Ellis-Chapter 7 Thinking
3/10 / Work on in Pre-Writing Exercise for Autoethnography / Work on Auto-ethnography bring a draft to your meeting with your instructor or peer leader
3/15 / No class: Individual Appointments / Ellis: Chapter 11 Health
3/17 / Meet at TLC LAB: Alcohol 101 / Have a safe Spring Break!
3/22 / No Class-Spring Break / Have a safe Spring Break!
3/24 / No Class-Spring Break
3/29 / Quiz #3
Peer Review of Draft Auto-ethnography / Auto-ethnography Due 4/5
3/31 / No class
Cesar Chavez Day / Packet: Romo H and Falbo T. (1996) The Tracking of Hispanic Students (pp 20-42) in Latino High School Graduation: Defying the Odds. Austin: University of Texas Press.
4/5 / Film: Stand and Deliver
4/7 / Finish and Debrief about Film
Discuss Educational Issues Research Assignment and annotated bibliography assignment and APA style / Film Reaction Paper Due 4/7
4/12 / Library Orientation
Meet in Library Lobby / HW: Library Worksheet and work on annotated Bibliography
4/14 / No class: Work on educational issues Research Assignment with your partner / Turn in Annotated Bibliography
4/19 / Review Bibliography in class and offer suggestions / Schedule Group appointments
4/21 / No class: Work on Student Presentations
4/26 / Group Appointments / Bring Draft Powerpoint Presentation to class
4/28 / Course Evaluation and Student Presentation / Final Campus Event Due 4/28
Final / Finish Group Presentations