1. Molded Epoxy Resin Tops Black, White or Gray:
    Molded Epoxy Resin tops shall consist of modified epoxy resin that has been especially compounded and cured to provide the optimum physical and chemical resistance properties required of a heavy-duty laboratory table top. Tops and curbs shall be a uniform mixture throughout their full thickness, and shall not depend upon a surface coating that is readily removed by chemical and/or physical abuse. Tops and curbs shall be non-glaring. Table tops shall be 1" thick, with 1/8” drip grooves provided on the underside at all exposed edges. Further, all exposed edges except as indicated below, shall be a 1/8" bevel or a 3/16” radius at front top edge and at vertical corners. Backsplashes shall be of the same material, thickness and finish as the work surface. Backsplashes are to be supplied loose for field application to assure proper fit at walls.
    Where indicated, indented table tops shall be 1" thick at outer edge, indented 1/4" to provide a raised rim 5/8" wide around all exposed edges. The front top edge of the raised rim and exposed vertical corners of the top shall be rounded to a 1/8" radius. The juncture between the raised rim and the top surface shall be coved to a 1/4" radius.
  1. Plastic Laminate Tops:
    Plastic laminate tops and back-splash shall be built up to a .050 thick plastic surface (of the color and pattern selected), attached to the sub-top with a water resistant adhesive. Substrate shall be of 45 lbs. medium density particle board to make a finished top thickness of 1-1/4". All exposed edges shall be edge banded with a t-molding. Corners shall have a 1-3/4” radius. All particle board edges and underside of top shall be sealed.
  2. ChemArmor Chemical Resistant Laminate Top:
    ChemArmor Laminate tops shall consist of several sheets of phenolic resin saturated kraft paper and a decorative paper covered by a specially formulated chemical resistant resin. ChemArmor tops and back-splash shall be built up to a .050 thick plastic surface (of the color and pattern selected), attached to the sub-top with a water resistant adhesive. Substrate shall be of 45 lbs. medium density particle board to make a finished top thickness of 1-1/4". All exposed edges shall be edge banded with a 3mm PVC molding that is glued in place. Corners shall have a 1-3/4” radius. All particle board edges and underside of top shall be sealed.
  3. Stainless Steel Tops:
    Stainless steel work surface shall be Type 304, 16 gauge, with a #3 polish. Sides
    shall be turned down 1-1/2". Corners shall be welded, ground and polished. A 1-1/2"
    thick premium MDF underlayment shall provide a solid base and allow easy
    mounting to base units. Melamine backing with all edges caulked shall assure a
    sanitary, easily cleaned product. A 6" integral, coved backsplash shall be
    available. Ends of splash shall be boxed for strength, appearance, and sanitary
    reasons. If ordered with a sink, sink bowl shall be welded into the top and welds
    shall be ground and polished to form a single unified piece with the top. Faucet
    holes can be supplied for deck or splash mounting of faucets.
  4. Black Impregnated Natural Stone Tops (Versirock):
    Impregnated Natural Stone tops shall be processed from a natural quarried stone free of veins or seams, laminations and stratifications, and impregnated throughout with a highly chemical and heat resistant polymerizing resin. An extremely durable, high solids, chemical and heat resistant resinous coating shall then be applied to all exposed surfaces. The impregnating resin and the surface coating shall be polymerized by heat in one operation to cure the resin, toughen the stone and provide a uniform finish (black, green, gray or tan as specified). Table tops shall be provided with a 1/8" deep drip groove along all exposed edges. Further, all exposed sides shall have a 1/4" radius along exposed top edge and a 1/4" radius at exposed corners. Table tops shall be 1" thick (unless otherwise specified), and thickness tolerance shall be held to + 1/32".
  5. Lab-Resin Phenolic Resin:
    Lab-Resin work surfaces shall be a homogeneous blend of modified Phenolic resins fused together under high pressure and heat in specially designed thermoset press molds to form a solid black chemical resistant composite throughout entire thickness. Work surface shall be good two sides, with a removable plastic peel coat to protect work surface from other trades during construction.
  1. Black, Grey & White Molded Epoxy Resin:
  1. Black Molded Epoxy Resin:

1)Physical Properties:
Flexural Strength (A.S.T.M. Method D790-90) =17,000 PSI
Compressive Strength (A.S.T.M. MethodD695-90) =38,500 PSI
Hardness, Rockwell E (A.S.T.M. Method D785-89) = 110
Water Absorption (A.S.T.M. Method D570-81)% by weight, 24 Hours = 0.08
Heat Distortion (A.S.T.M. Method D648)334°F
Tensile Strength = 10,500 PSI

2)Performance Test Results (Heat Resistance):
A high form porcelain crucible, size 0, 15 ml capacity, shall be heated over a Bunsen burner until the crucible bottom attains a dull red heat. Immediately, the hot crucible shall be transferred to the top surface and allowed to cool to room temperature. Upon removal of the cooled crucible, there shall be no blisters, cracks or any breakdown of the top surface whatsoever.

3)Performance Test Results (Chemical Resistance):
Tops shall resist chemical attacks from normally used laboratory reagents. (Tests shall be performed in accordance with A.S.T.M. Method D543-67 at 77o F.).
*Where concentrations are indicated, percentages are by weight.

Acetic Acid, GlacialIso-Octane

Acetic Acid, 5%Kerosene

AcetoneMethyl Alcohol

Ammonium Hydroxide, 28%Mineral Oil

Aniline OilNitric Acid, 70%**

BenzeneNitric Acid, 10%

Carbon TetrachlorideOleic Acid

Chromic Acid, 40%**Olive Oil

Citric Acid, 10%Phenol, 5%

Cottonseed OilSoap Solution, 1%

Dichromate Cleaning Solution**Sodium Carbonate, 20%

Diethyl EtherSodium Carbonate, 2%

Dimethyl FormamideSodium Chloride, 10%

Distilled WaterSodium Hydroxide, 50%

Detergent Solution, 1/4%Sodium Hydroxide, 10%

Ethyl AcetateSodium Hypochlorite,5%

Ethyl Alcohol, 95%Sulfuric Acid, 96%

Ethyl Alcohol, 50%Sulfuric Acid, 60%

Ethylene DichlorideSulfuric Acid, 33%


Hydrochloric Acid, 37%Transformer Oil

Hydrochloric Acid, 10%Turpentine

Hydrogen Peroxide, 20%100 Hour Soaked Cellulose Sponge Test

Hydrogen Peroxide, 3%Boiling Water, Trickling, 5 Minutes

NOTE: Dichromate cleaning solution is a formula from Lange's Handbook of Chemistry.

4)Performance Test Results (Chemical Spot Tests - 24 Hours):
Chemical spot tests shall be made by applying 10 drops (approximately 1/2 cc) of each reagent to the surface to be tested. Each reagent (except those marked **) shall be covered with a watch glass, convex side down to confine the reagent. Spot tests of volatile solvents marked ** shall be tested as follows: A 1" or larger ball of cotton shall be saturated with the solvent and placed on the surfaces to be tested. An inverted wide mouth bottle to retard evaporation shall then cover the cotton ball. All spot tests shall be conducted in such a manner that the test surface is kept wet throughout the entire 16-hour test period and at a temperature of 77 degrees F. + 3 degrees F. At the end of the test period, the reagents shall be flushed from the surfaces with water and the surface scrubbed with a soft bristle brush under running water, rinsed, and dried. Volatile solvent test areas shall be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in the solvent used on the test area. Spots where dyes have dried shall be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to remove the surface dye. The test panel shall then be evaluated immediately after drying.


A = No effect or slight change in gloss.

B = Slight Spot

C = Spot.


Acetic Acid, 5%A
Acetic Acid, GlacialA


Ammonium Hydroxide, 28%A

Aniline OilA
Carbon TetrachlorideA

Chromic Acid, 40%B
Citric Acid, 10%A

Cottonseed OilA
Dichromate Cleaning SolutionC

Diethyl EtherA

Dimethyl FormamideA
Distilled WaterA
Detergent Solution, ¼%A
Ethyl AcetateA

Ethyl Alcohol, 95%A

Ethylene DichlorideA

Hydrochloric Acid, 37%A

Hydrochloric Acid, 20%A

Hydrogen Peroxide, 20%A

Hydrogen Peroxide, 3%A
Methyl AlcoholA

Mineral OilA

Nitric Acid, 70%A
Nitric Acid, 10%A
Oleic AcidA
Olive OilA


Soap Solution, 1%A

Sodium Carbonate, 20%A
Sodium Carbonate, 2%A
Sodium Chloride, 10%A

Sodium Hydroxide, 50%B

Sodium Hydroxide, 10%A

Sodium Hypochlorite, 5%A

Sulfuric Acid, 96%C

Sulfuric Acid, 60%A
Sulfuric Acid, 33%A

Transformer OilA

100 Hour Soaked Celluose SpongeA
Boiling Water, Trickling, 5 MinutesA

  1. Nevamar® ChemArmor™ Laminate:
  1. ChemArmor™ Chemical Resistant Laminate:

4)Physical Properties:NEMA StandardChemArmor
Wear Resistance: Wear Value Min. Cycles =4001750 Cycles
Boiling Water Resistance: =No EffectNo Effect
High Temperature Resistance: =Slight EffectNo Effect
Radiant Heat Resistance (in seconds) =100150
Stain Resistance:No Effect
Reagents 1-10ModerateNo Effect
Reagents 11-15EffectNo Effect
Light Resistance:Slight EffectNo Effect
Dimensional Change:
With Grain
(machine direction)0.600.37
-% Maximum1.00.85
Cross Grain
(cross direction)-%
Impact Resistance (in inches) =3535

5)Performance Test Results (Fire Resistance):
ASTM-E-84 (25 foot TunnelFR Board ¾” or
Furnace Test Method)Greater
Flame Smoke
Spread Index
20 35
The test values (surface burning characteristics) shown shall meet the requirements of major building codes for CLASS 1 or CLASS A fire rating when bonded to ¾” fire rated particleboard using CASCOPHEN G 1149-A and G 1131-B hardener as supplied by Borden Chemical, Inc.

5)Performance Test Results (Chemical Spot Tests - 16 Hours):
Test Method 3.13 per ANSI/NEMA LD3-2000 shall be applied. Chemicals shall be placed on surface under a watch glass for 16 hours.


A = No effect.

B = Slight change in gloss or color.

C = Causes slight damage. The degree of damage increases with longer exposure
and greater concentration.

Nitric Acid (all concentrations)C

Glacial Acetic Acid, 99%A

Sulfuric Acid (all concentrations)C

Hydrochloric Acid (all concentrations)C

Phosphoric Acid (all concentrations)B

Formic Acid (all concentrations)B

Acetic Acid (all concentrations)A

Hydrofluoric Acid, 48%C

Aqua RegiaB

Chromic Trioxide (Chromic Acid)A

Perchloric Acid, concentratedA

Picric Acid, 0.05MA

Tannic Acid, saturatedA

Uric Acid, saturatedA


Carbon DilsulfideA




Ethyl AcetateA



Ethyl AlcoholA





Butyl AlcoholA

Amyl AlcoholA

Amyl AcetateA





Dimethyl ForamideA

Methylene ChlorideA

Methyl Ethyl KetoneA



Sodium HydroxideA

Sodium sulfide, 15%A

Ammonium Hydroxide (all concentrations)A

Sodium Hypochlorite, 5%A

Calcium Hypochlorite (concentrated)B

Hydrogen Peroxide, 3%A

Trisodium Phospahte, 30%A

Sodium ThiocyanateA

Zinc Chloride (all concentrations)A

Lactated Ringers (salted mixture)A

Sucrose, 50%A



Mineral OilA

Vegetable OilA


Sodium Chromate (Phosphorus Pentoxide)A

Potassium PermanganateB

Silver NitrateB


Benedict’s SolutionA

Phosphate Buffered SalineA

Copper SulfateA

Petroleum JellyA

Aluminon (Tannic Acid)A
Ethylene GlycolA

Pine OilA

Methyl MethacrylateA

Alconox (lab detergent)A

Karl Fisher ReagentA




Ammonia PhospahteA


Povidone IodineA

Tincture of MercurochromeB

Tincture of IodineA
Tincture of MerthiolateA



Zephiran ChlorideA

Zinc Oxide OintmentA



Thymol and AlcoholA

CMC (camphorated para-chlorophenol)A

Quaternary Ammonia Compounds (Eugenol)A

Monsel’s Solution (Ferric Subsulfate)*B

Sodium Carbonate, 12.5%A

Bromothymol BlueA


Methyl RedA

Methyl OrangeA

Ag Eosin Bluish, 5% in AlcoholA

Ag Gentian Violet, 1%A

Wright’s Blood StainA

Methylene BlueA

Sudan 111A

Nigrosine (India Ink)A

Crystal VioletA

Malachite GreenA

Cresol RedA

Gram StainsA

Safranin OA

Thymol BlueA

  1. Natural Stone (Black):
  1. Physical Properties:
    Density =140 lbs./cu.ft.
    Modulus of Rupture =3,500 lbs./
    Modulus of Elasticity =4.46 x 106 lbs./
    Compressive Strength =15,900 lbs./
    Shear Strength =5,430 lbs./
    Specific Gravity = 2.24
  2. Performance Test Ratings:
    Terms referred to in PERFORMANCE TEST RESULTS are as follows:

1)“A" (Excellent) - Indicates excellent to superior integrity of finish film. Includes no effect to slight allowable change in gloss (dulling or increase in gloss) and slight discoloration.

2)"B" (Good) - Indicates good to very good integrity of finish film. Allows change of gloss or discoloration. Any effect can be removed from the tested area by abrading with 325-mesh silica powder and water, indicating that the discoloration is only superficial and that the finish film is good below the surface.

  1. Performance Test Results (Chemical Spot Tests):
    Chemical spot tests shall be made by applying 10 drops (approximately 1/2cc) of each reagent to the surface and covering with a watch glass, convex side down in the center of the puddles, to hold the reagent in place. Reagents remain on the surface for the time specified and at the end of test are removed, the surface washed with soap and water, rinsed and dried before examination and evaluation.

REAGENT*(24 hrs.)

Hydrochloric Acid (all concentrations)A
Sulfuric Acid, 88%A
Sulfuric Acid, 96%B
Formic Acid, 88%A
Nitric Acid, 40%A
Nitric Acid, 70%B
Acetic Acid, 99%A
Hydrofluoric Acid, 48%A
Phosphoric Acid, 85%A
Phenol, 85%A
Ammonium Hydroxide (all Concentrations)A
Sodium Hydroxide, PelletsA
Sodium Hydroxide, 0-40%B
Silver Nitrate, 8%A
Tincture of IodineA
Zinc Chloride, 10%A
Sodium Hypochlorite, 5%B
Sodium SulfideB
Amyl AcetoneA
Butyl AlcoholA
Carbon TetrachlorideB
Ethyl AlcoholA
Ethyl AcetateB
Ethyl EtherB
Methyl AlcoholA
Methyene ChlorideA
Gentian VioletA
Methylene BlueA
Wrights Blood StainA
Heat ResistanceB
Moisture ResistanceA

  1. Performance Test Results (Moisture Resistance):
    A cellulose sponge (2" x 3" x 1") shall be soaked with water and placed on the surface of the finish for a period of 200 hours. (The sponge must be maintained in a wet condition throughout the test period). At the end of the test, the surface shall be dried, and upon examination shall show no visible effect on the finish.
  2. Performance Test Results (Heat Resistance):
    A high form porcelain crucible, size 0, 15 ml capacity, shall be heated over a Bunsen burner until the crucible bottom attains an incipient red heat. Immediately, the hot crucible shall be transferred to the testing surface and allowed to cool to room temperature. Upon removal of the cooled crucible, there shall be no blisters, cracks or any breakdown of the finish whatsoever.

12345-Work Surfaces-103/02