Week 6 Plan of Study Assignment

Plan of Study Overview

This week, you are invited to begin exploring a tool within your Student Portal called "DegreeWorks." This is a tool that empowers you to design the academic career that will best suit you so that you can achieve your goals.

As an assignment, it involves identifying the schedule of courses you will take for the next six sessions. You simply create the plan using the DegreeWorks tool.

Follow the steps below.

1.  Develop your personalized Plan of Study using the DegreeWorks tool. Your plan should include the courses you will take for the next six sessions (unless you will be graduating sooner).

a.  Follow the instructions within this User Guide to develop your Plan of Study with the DegreeWorks tool.

2.  Save your Plan and submit it to the Dropbox.

3.  Suggestion: Set an appointment to talk with your Academic Advisor or SSA. Both you and your advisor want you to complete your program as quickly and effectively as possible without problems related to degree requirements, transfer credits, specific courses, prerequisites, or finances. The advisors are the program experts who can help you make a successful plan.

Step-By-Step Instructions for Building your Plan of Study

To build your Plan of Study, you need to complete the following steps.

1.  Go to my.devry.edu and click Sign In

Login with your credentials

a.  DeVry Student ID (DSI) number

b.  Password.

2.  After you’ve logged in, hover your mouse over the left menu bar until you find Resources. Then, click on Plan of Study.

3.  In DegreeWorks, the Degree Audits tab is the default view and shows you your degree audit. The header at the top of the page shows your identifying information. If you are currently enrolled in more than one program, select the program you want to look at by choosing from the Program drop-down list. For more information about your degree audit, see the Understanding Your Degree Audit tutorial.

4.  Click the Plans tab.

5.  In the default view, the Plans tab you will be prompted to create a plan if you do not have a plan created. If you have one or more saved plans, there will be a list of all created plans.

6.  Name your Plan of Study COLL148 and click Save at the bottom.

7.  You must add terms by clicking on the “+” sign, and then selecting the term.

8.  On the right hand side of the plan, you can Expand the Sections to see the list of courses still required for your degree.

9.  Once expanded, you can see the courses and the credit hours. You can click on each course to see course descriptions for the courses.

10.  Now let’s add a course. You can Drag Courses from the right-side into the plan on the left for the desired term.

11.  When you finished working on a plan, you need to Save It. (Recommend you saving frequently)

12.  To see how the courses you’ve planned affect your degree audit on the Plans tab, Click Audit.

13.  Up to now, we have looked at the planner in Edit mode, but there is also an Audit, Calendar and Note Mode. Click each button to view the different views.

a.  Calendar Mode View

b.  Audit Mode View

c.  Notes Mode View

14.  Use the Print Button in the corner. Many computers have an option to print to a PDF document. You can download a program such as Cute PDF.

15. Save your Plan of Study as YOURNAME_PlanofStudy.

16. You can also take a Screenshot of the Plan of Study and save it as a PDF or a Word Document

17. Finally, submit it to the appropriate DropBox

Grading Rubric

Graded Item / Description / Good or Incomplete
Plan of Study / Completed assignment is a screen shot of the courses you will likely take for the next 6 sessions.
The schedule displayed is designed with approximately 2-3 courses per session.
Screen shot is clearly displayed on a Microsoft Word Document or PDF. / 50/0
Total Points Earned
Total Points Possible / 50