Referral Form

Please check which school:

□ Lariat School □ Therapeutic Educational Center

Instructions for completing form:

o  Three sections to complete: Referring School, Parent/Guardian, and Compass Behavioral Health

o  Please be sure to complete the return address portion at the top of each section.

o  The Referring School/Agency will distribute collect the completed sections and submit the entire referral to C. Brian Hastings, LMFT at 11200 Lariat Way, Dodge City, KS 67801. Please feel free to call (620)338-4955 if any questions or concerns.

o  It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to call (620)227-8566 and schedule an intake at Compass Behavioral Health and advise clerical that they are pursuing TEC placement. If assistance is needed, please contact Vicki Broz or Richard Falcon at that same number.

Lariat School referrals must be accompanied by a 504 Plan

Please complete and returned to: (address of school/agency that sent form)

Agency/School Name______

Street Address______City/State/Zip______


Contact Person______


Student Name ______Social Security Number

Gender______Date of Birth __ Age __ Grade______IEP _____YES _____NO

If yes, percent/time in SpED ______Area of Exceptionality ______

Parent/Guardian ______Relationship to child

Address ______City/State/Zip

Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone

Referred by: School ___ Mental Health ___ SpEd ___ Other ______

Person Referring Title ______

Date of Referral ______

Has the student ever had an appointment at Compass Behavioral Health? _____YES _____NO

Date of most recent appointment ______


Referring School Section

Principal ______

SpEd Instructor ______School Psychologist ______

Person responsible for referring student materials:

Academic issues (attach supporting evidence including IEP):



Intervention strategies (attach supporting evidence):


School behavioral issues:


Intervention strategies to manage school behavioral issues:


Social skills issues:


Submit a copy of the student’s behavioral plan with evidence of success and failure.

Previous or current risk of injury to self or others:


Other information to be considered (general education interventions, student improvement reports, etc.):


Lariat School / Therapeutic Educational Center (TEC) begins the transition process back to the referring school the day the student is admitted to the program. Our goal for the student is to assist him/her in getting his/her behavior to a manageable level. The referring school will specify the specific concerns leading to the referral as well as the behavior expectations for the student to return. Utilizing this information, our staff will prioritize the behaviors to be targeted for treatment and set transition goals. It is understood that our staff will outline the transition timeline when the process begins. It is the referring school’s responsibility to provide transportation after the first week of the transition timeline.

Please list in order of importance the specific concerns and behaviors that lead to the referral.





Please list the behavioral expectations for the student to achieve.





Parent/Guardian Section

It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to call (620)227-8566 and schedule an intake at Compass Behavioral Health and advise clerical that they are pursuing placement. You may ask for Vicki Broz or Richard Falcon if you need assistance in scheduling.

(Address of school/agency that sent form) School/Agency Name ______

Street Address



Contact Person ______

Student Name ______

Parent/Guardian ______Parent___ _ Foster Parents__ Other

Address ______City/State/Zip______

Home Phone ______Cell Phone ______

Foster Care Contact Person Title ______

Address ______City/State/Zip

Phone Fax Cell Phone

Behavioral issues at home: ______

Behavioral issues at school: ______

Medical history: ______

Family mental health history: ______


Developmental history, including pregnancy: ______

Previous or current risk of injury to self or others: ______



Previous or current home environment issues (parental: substance abuse; employment; etc.: ______



Previous or current court legal issues:______


Previous or current substance abuse:______



Other pertinent information: ______


Mental Health Provider Section

Student Name Agency ______

Phone Therapist ______

Case Manager ______

DSM 5 Diagnosis:

Previous or current mental health treatment (attach copy of treatment plan if available):

Previous or current hospitalization(s) for mental health issues (attach copy of discharge if available):

Medications for mental health issues:

History of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional):______


History of neglect or inadequate supervision:______


Previous or current risk for injury to self or others:

Social skills issues:

Family mental health history:

Previous or current home environment issues (parental: substance abuse; employment; etc.):

Previous or current court or legal issues:

Previous or current substance abuse issues:

Other pertinent information:

Revised 11/22/16