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Please ensure that you complete all sections, and read the information at the end fully before returning your entry.

If you have questions please contact Annie Lucas on


CATEGORY: Best Customer Experience


SECTION ONE - About Your Business

Business name
Name of main contact for questions about the business
Name of business owner
Business telephone number
Business email
Contact telephone (if different from above)
Contact email (if different from above)
Business website
Facebook page
Twitter page
Other social media usernames / pages
Address of Business Premises
How long has this business been in operation?
How many staff does this business have (including yourself)? / FULL TIME:
Give a brief description of your business (200 words max)


SECTION TWO: Best Customer Experience

What experience do you want your customers to have when they buy from / work with you?
300 words
We are looking at your aspirations here.
Describe the customer experience from initial point of contact through each stage of their interaction with your business?
1000 words
Remember to include:
•pre-contact interaction such as online through your website or twitter, or radio advertisements
•post sale follow ups or after sales care
•tell us if your clients are rolling e.g. you are a cleaner, gardener, accountant etc
If you have rolling / repeat clients, what do you do to ensure that their experience is consistent?
200 words
What do you do to ensure that your aspirations for your customers are met?
300 words
What evidence do you have to show that you are successful in your aims for customer experience?
300 words
You may include client testimonials / feedback here.
No limit
This could include
•customer feedback / reviews
•peer feedback / reviews
•other testimonials
•repeat business
•more website traffic
•improved PR

Please note that the judges will be undertaking an independent ‘mystery shop’ as part of the judging process

Thank you for completing you application form and entering the St Agnes Business Awards 2016.

What do I do now?

Please save your completed form in a doc or Docx format.

You may submit up to 5 images to support your entry. These must be saved into a pdf document and submitted with the entry form.

Then return both documents to the St Agnes Chamber of Commerce Projects Officer, Annie Lucas at

Please use the following title in the subject of your return email

SAPBA: Category which you are entering

Please also send us a high res version of your company logo.

Return all paperwork to us by 11 pm on the 20 August 2016.

Please ensure that the email address is saved in your address book. Future communications will come from Annie Lucas at this address and we don’t want them to go into your junk folder!

Initial judging will be based on what is submitted. Where you have gone over the word count only the words up to the specified word limit will be considered.

3-5 business will be shortlisted per category, and shortlisted business will be notified by mid September 2016.

Shortlisted business may then be required to part take in interviews / premises visit / mystery shop where appropriate for the final judging to take place.


Application Checklist

Entry Form
Supporting Images
High Res Logo

Awards Application Form 2016 Best Customer Experience