New Nationwide Training Helps Youth Serving Organizations Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

First of its kind program teaches organizations to create an environment where child molesters can’t succeed.

Orange County, CA- November 25, 2011- Former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky, indicted with 40 counts of sexual crime charges, spent more than a decade preying on innocent children. The scandal has many wondering: What could have been done to prevent such atrocious events? Why did no one speak up? and What would I have done?

What happened at Penn State is not an isolated event; Research shows that fully 20% of our children are sexually abused before the age of 18. Many of those cases happen at youth serving organizations that are meant to keep children out of harm’s way. Since molesters seek access to our children, organizations that serve kids are magnets for predators. Now, there is a way for organizations to transform themselves into a place where molesters can’t – and don’t want to - work.

TAALK, (Talk About Abuse to Liberate Kids), a worldwide organization fighting against child sexual abuse and helping support sexual abuse survivors through their healing processes, is launching a first-ever, proprietary program. CSA Best PracticesTM Training is specifically designed to combat the “grooming behaviors” that child molesters commonly use to gain access to our children.

Child abuse is preventable. 39 million cases and years of research have proven that there are distinct patterns that child molesters exhibit before any abuse takes place. With the right training, individuals and organizations can learn to set and enforce boundaries that make it virtually impossible for those grooming behaviors to be used. Predators will choose to go elsewhere.

CSA Best PracticesTM Training targets youth serving organizations. But because we all play a part in the solution, future trainings will be released to target various segments of the community. When adopted as a formal policy, Best Practices enable objective enforcement of boundaries. The policy applies equally to all, without the opportunity to be swayed by any individual based on trust, respect, power, status or money.

“By establishing and documenting best practices policy, it takes all the subjectivity out of it,” says Diane Cranley, Founder of TAALK. “The policy is made before emotion comes into play and the consequences are already outlined. So much of what we’ve seen at Penn State is based on emotional reaction. Think about how much different the outcome would have been if guidelines had already been in place.”

CSA Best PracticesTM Training will empower organizations to create an environment where molesters can’t and don’t want to work, model safe and appropriate behavior for the children in their care, set up an accountability team between staff and parents, and teach kids to expect boundaries to be set and honored.

For more information, contact:

Diane Cranley

TAALK Founder and Creator of CSA Best PracticesTM Training


TAALK (Talk About Abuse to Liberate Kids) is a worldwide organization that aims to eradicate child sexual abuse and to help support sexual abuse survivors through their healing process. TAALK is a US-based, federally approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a core belief that child sexual abuse is predictable and preventable, and that we all play a part in the solution.